Amare v. Platinum

Even though I helped and agree with this I can't take it anymore. I do want to say something good on my way out. Hybrid I have mad respect for your growing ability and I think if I handed you some incandescents you would still out grow me.
I don't recall the exact quote, It had something to do with them (CREE) introducing their own horticulture lights

Maybe someone reading this will have it

Think owning a 400 hp vehicle but never driving it above the speed limit- what's the point
Realstyles, in a video said Cree laughed about us using COB's for growing? That I recall
Seeing how we should be comparing CXB to CXB until the new model comes out in all fairness.

How is it fair to compare the newest model of your favorite brand to an older model of one everyone else prefers? It's like comparing the iPhone 7+ to Samsung Note 5...

Timber is ahead of the curve and they deserve to be rewarded for that. It's Amare's fault that they only offer chips that are over two years old.

They have the option of CLU048 gen5/gen6, Vero 29, and CXM 22 to include in their builds that are all cheaper and outperform CXB3590 but they didn't so others did.

I personally don't like Amare because of the constant shilling that goes around on here because you and PetFlora don't do anything but F5 the lighting section until a question comes up, and you're both right there ready to suggest ONLY Amare; nothing else when the experts here all agree that there are just better options out there.

I am not the only one here who feels this way, as evidenced by multiple others in this thread calling you a shill. Stop behaving like a shill and others will stop calling you one.

Try going to the /r/PCMasterRace on Reddit and suggesting people only go with Alienware. You're basically doing the same thing here.
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Could someone please tell me how to directly quote others sentences like that? So they're in the Quote box.
It must be one of these symbols in the bar above when replying but which one?
Even though I helped and agree with this I can't take it anymore. I do want to say something good on my way out. Hybrid I have mad respect for your growing ability and I think if I handed you some incandescents you would still out grow me.
Thank you! I'm still good for a big mistake here no there though if I vear from what works for me. Appreciated!
Gotta take a few rips before dealing with this nonsense. Tried to stay out of it, but the lies and claims with no proof, along with selective memory and credit still continues. Remenber when many of you clowns who were around back then used to deify jeff@51(Apache copy who tried to look and sound different with a different revised spectrum every year from the first to the last spectrum, because he didn't get it, just to end up with Apache's white/red, but was conveniently referred to as red/white to sound different) Yet, none of his fan boys bother or conveniently overlooked since he's among the riu LED "experts" spewing the same useless technical BS blah, blah, blah.. Same crap, different day now. Hmm, wonder what happened to him now, along with the poor growers who listened to you clowns' recommendation? Who are the shills and trolls really...?:) First off, anyone who claims to be expert is well, a self-claimed "so-called" expert. (Seems to be a trend around here) The only ones on riu that has unbiased real knowledge about LED are Goud, Growmau, SDS and Supra period, not even enough for one hand. Sad really. The rest are self-proclaimed "experts", dreamers and bullshitters with no real contribution, except hate and misinterpreted googled info/specs.

Even going as far as claiming amare and platinum are maybe the same company, along with timber running cooler's pure speculation bs. Platinum pulled a mars chickenshit negative advertising stunt on amare to clarify the ignorance or selective memory.

Watt for watt, the same amount of wattage emits approximately the same amount of heat. Fans usually keeps the unit itself cooler since it ventilates heat from the fixture. Bigsmo, the only who has actual experience with amare and timber stated his timber ran hotter than his amare at 140F. But then again, he's a shill since he speaks the truth about his amare experience, despite building cxb and citizen DIY's. Also stated his plain cob DIY's couldn't keep up with his amares. Unless any of the claims are backed by actual experience or side by side and results, it's worthless claims/bs. Running a 6 liter V12 at 300hp and 60mph might be more efficient, but not practical when you're trying to get from point A to B in the least amount of time and get the most out of you have.

It's funny how timber should get credited and rewarded for being ahead of the curve with offering slightly more efficient, but much cheaper chips. With all due respect, timber's seem like a quality light, but there's nothing special that makes them better, except for the price and new chips, but if you compare apples and apples with cxb, amare beats them with a 95cri spectrum vs. 90cri and higher ppfd, which is what really matters. Running at lower current is not rocket science and amare will be adding dimmers soon so the efficiency song and dance will be a mute point. PPF's nice to brag, but that's like bragging bout hp@crank/flywheel vs. at the wheel, which is what matters. The lenses also change the dynamic and ppfd, especially at distance. Sounds impressive for tech geeks and keyboard dreamers, but laughable to those who understands and are more concern with net gains. The extra cob is offset by the number of xpg3, which are just as efficient at the same cost, if not higher than the the CXB, especially vero's and citizens, which are much mess. Again, unless timber's par is available, it's all claims. Amare also use a meanwell for each cob on the Pro4 for a total of four vs. one for timber in case if it does fail, it's isolated to that one bad driver avoiding total shutdown. Of course, they're not credited or rewarded for this, along with being the first to adopt premium cree cobs, attachable cases, reflector and removable lenses and a 95cri since 2014 before any of the current cob company was even around. Forgot, they still use mysterious chips and are full of secrets with phantom sale prices not on just riu, but on other forums as well. Interesting how amare can sell a comparable light with the same cobs and highest production cost for lower. I'm sure if they offer vero or citizen, they will be lower than timber when compared apples to apples. Again, either by ignorance, prejudice, selective memory or credibility, the facts are there, just not accepted. 100+ grows on riu here with timber and non-amare cob fixtures. There's probably not even half of that in total combined LED grows here, yet alone cob grows with timber and the other recommended companies by the so-called riu LED "experts" with twisted facts and baseless claims.
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Gotta take a few rips before dealing with this nonsense. Tried to stay out of it, but the lies and claims with no proof, along with selective memory and credit still continues. Remenber when many of you clowns who were around back then used to deify jeff@51(Apache copy who tried to look and sound different with a different revised spectrum every year from the first to the last spectrum, because he didn't get it, just to end up with Apache's white/red, but was conveniently referred to as red/white to sound different) Yet, none of his fan boys bother or conveniently overlooked since he's among the riu LED "experts" spewing the same useless technical BS blah, blah, blah.. Same crap, different day now. Hmm, wonder what happened to him now, along with the poor growers who listened to you clowns' recommendation? Who are the shills and trolls really...?:) First off, anyone who claims to be expert is well, a self-claimed "so-called" expert. (Seems to be a trend around here) The only ones on riu that has unbiased real knowledge about LED are Goud, Growmau, SDS and Supra period, not even enough for one hand. Sad really. The rest are self-proclaimed "experts", dreamers and bullshitters with no real contribution, except hate and misinterpreted googled info/specs.

Even going as far as claiming amare and platinum are maybe the same company, along with timber running cooler's pure speculation bs. Platinum pulled a mars chickenshit negative advertising stunt on amare to clarify the ignorance or selective memory.

Watt for watt, the same amount of wattage emits approximately the same amount of heat. Fans usually keeps the unit itself cooler since it ventilates heat from the fixture. Bigsmo, the only who has actual experience with amare and timber stated his timber ran hotter than his amare at 140F. But then again, he's a shill since he speaks the truth about his amare experience, despite building cxb and citizen DIY's. Also stated his plain cob DIY's couldn't keep up with his amares. Unless any of the claims are backed by actual experience or side by side and results, it's worthless claims/bs. Running a 6 liter V12 at 300hp and 60mph might be more efficient, but not practical when you're trying to get from point A to B in the least amount of time and get the most out of you have.

It's funny how timber should get credited and rewarded for being ahead of the curve with offering slightly more efficient, but much cheaper chips. With all due respect, timber's seem like a quality light, but there's nothing special that makes them better, except for the price and new chips, but if you compare apples and apples with cxb, amare beats them with a 95cri spectrum vs. 90cri and higher ppfd, which is what really matters. Running at lower current is not rocket science and amare will be adding dimmers soon so the efficiency song and dance will be a mute point. PPF's nice to brag, but that's like bragging bout hp@crank/flywheel vs. at the wheel, which is what matters. The lenses also change the dynamic and ppfd, especially at distance. Sounds impressive for tech geeks and keyboard dreamers, but laughable to those who understands and are more concern with net gains. The extra cob is offset by the number of xpg3, which are just as efficient at the same cost, if not higher than the the CXB, especially vero's and citizens, which are much mess. Again, unless timber's par is available, it's all claims. Amare also use a meanwell for each cob on the Pro4 for a total of four vs. one for timber in case if it does fail, it's isolated to that one bad driver avoiding total shutdown. Of course, they're not credited or rewarded for this, along with being the first to adopt premium cree cobs, attachable cases, reflector and removable lenses and a 95cri since 2014 before any of the current cob company was even around. Forgot, they still use mysterious chips and are full of secrets with phantom sale prices not on just riu, but on other forums as well. Interesting how amare can sell a comparable light with the same cobs and highest production cost for lower. I'm sure if they offer vero or citizen, they will be lower than timber when compared apples to apples. Again, either by ignorance, prejudice, selective memory or credibility, the facts are there, just not accepted. 100+ grows on riu here with timber and non-amare cob fixtures. There's probably not even half of that in total combined LED grows here, yet alone cob grows with timber and the other recommended companies by the so-called riu LED "experts" with twisted facts and baseless claims.

Well said n exactly what I've been trying to get through to the thick skulls.
But why listen to me right?, I just show n prove & state the facts. While 75% of these other guys knocking Amare don't even have a grow it seems nor a fixture they so strongly recommend.
They just can't fathom it I guess.
How is it fair to compare the newest model of your favorite brand to an older model of one everyone else prefers? It's like comparing the iPhone 7+ to Samsung Note 5...

Timber is ahead of the curve and they deserve to be rewarded for that. It's Amare's fault that they only offer chips that are over two years old.

They have the option of CLU048 gen5/gen6, Vero 29, and CXM 22 to include in their builds that are all cheaper and outperform CXB3590 but they didn't so others did.

I personally don't like Amare because of the constant shilling that goes around on here because you and PetFlora don't do anything but F5 the lighting section until a question comes up, and you're both right there ready to suggest ONLY Amare; nothing else when the experts here all agree that there are just better options out there.

I am not the only one here who feels this way, as evidenced by multiple others in this thread calling you a shill. Stop behaving like a shill and others will stop calling you one.

Try going to the /r/PCMasterRace on Reddit and suggesting people only go with Alienware. You're basically doing the same thing here.

"QUOTE="TogiX, post: 13364405, member: 915395"]How is it fair to compare the newest model of your favorite brand to an older model of one everyone else prefers? It's like comparing the iPhone 7+ to Samsung Note 5..."

Really. The Pro-4's been out for a year now, before Timber even offered frames. Yes, compare a CXB build to a CXB build seeing how they're the most expensive chip apparently. Even comparison! If Timber wanted to lower their price on that model, they've had plenty of time, no?

Pet n I recommend only Amare? That's funny cuz I recommend SunCloak too. Why you ask? Because I use both, get great results from both & like the companies. Why in gods name would we recommend something we've never used or even touched? Cuz it sounds good on paper? Get real. There's more to LEDs then DIY ya know.
Options & technological advances beyond plain cobs are available & should be credited when they consistently show good results everywhere.
Again n again I'll say, no ones knocking Timber. Just not sitting silent while Know Nothing's knock Amare.
You think I care if thick skulls call me a shill? Lol! I have journals showing in not. I've gladly paid for every light in my room too BTW'!
but if you compare apples and apples with cxb, amare beats them with a 95cri spectrum vs. 90cri and higher ppfd, which is what really matters.

Got a source for this claim that 95 cri is better than 90 or 80? With 90 CRI you are already peaking at 620-630nm so going higher only results in losses to the extra phosphor, and a slightly deeper red peak; not any more photosynthetic benefit. Due to the way chlorophyll becomes saturated and the interaction green light has on green leaf, it should actually be more electrically and photosynthetically efficient to use blue light and make green/yellow photons than a heavier filter with less PAR overall but more red.

The extra cob is offset by the number of xpg3, which are just as efficient at the same cost, if not higher than the the CXB, especially vero's and citizens, which are much mess.

XPG3's are not as cost effective as a good COB. 11$ for CLU048-1212-F1, matches CXB3590.

Running at lower current is not rocket science and amare will be adding dimmers soon so the efficiency song and dance will be a mute point.

Why do you think so? How do dimmers magically solve the efficiency race? Timber kits already come with dimming so this is a moot point.

Again, unless timber's par is available, it's all claims.

They use PARw. Many agree that this is an acceptable metric.

Bigsmo, the only who has actual experience with amare and timber stated his timber ran hotter than his amare at 140F.

Timber kits use passive cooling which will always run hotter than active cooling. Case temperatures are not the metric we should be using to compare two fixtures. Do you have a link to the grow where he talks about DIY not keeping up with Amare?

But then again, he's a shill since he speaks the truth about his amare experience, despite building cxb and citizen DIY's.

Nobody is calling him a shill because he doesn't show up in every single thread shilling for Amare.

Amare also use a meanwell for each cob on the Pro4 for a total of four vs. one for timber in case if it does fail, it's isolated to that one bad driver avoiding total shutdown.

Neither COBs nor Meanwells have any meaningful fault rates so having one driver per COB simply adds to the cost of the final product.

I'm sure if they offer vero or citizen, they will be lower than timber when compared apples to apples.

Is this before or after we apply some 25% discounts that only a small percentage of people know about?

Timber kits will be cheaper unless Amare ditches the monos, upgrades to newer chips and switches to a lower-production cost fixture. They could always introduce a new coupon for 50% off or worst case, lay off some shillmen.

Until then, if anyone asks for the best deal on a good LED light, the answer will be DIY, followed by Timber. 50% efficient at a reasonable price and they don't need fucking coupons to get people to buy them.
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Why are you using the older, more expensive framework to compare the best deal on lights from different websites?

400w Vero 29 Timber = $579(1.45$/w)
Amare SP400(Pro4): $895($2.23/w) with RIU -25% pricing: $671.25($1.67/w)

If you're one of the few people who are aware of the hidden 25% discount from Amare, congratulations, you still haven't gotten the best deal for your money.

Amares Victor even messages me and said the 25% is not available online...
How much money are they getting paid? What would you consider a good payment for what your saying? Other then the guy from Timber being rock fucking solid, id say your totally wrong. I mean of of they guys has a garden that probably rocks some pretty good weight. Why would he need some payment from Amare? Sounds crazy.

bullshit....they are straight up liars mongo....they sent me an im asking what was a good light and they had no experience and that was in april.

you can find posts from them or could......on or gc before april 2015.and before they sent that im...saying the same things they are saying if they arent shills...they are at least.extremely fishy smelling between the legs.....
bullshit....they are straight up liars mongo....they sent me an im asking what was a good light and they had no experience and that was in april.

you can find posts from them or could......on or gc before april 2015.and before they sent that im...saying the same things they are saying if they arent shills...they are at least.extremely fishy smelling between the legs.....
You're still such an idiot.
Remember, did you see someone unzip their fly? Then why you opening your dirty whore mouth?
Never contributed a thing to this forum buts been lurking & trolling for years upon years. No grow. No light. No nothing.
BTW, I never asked you about a light, you PM'd me to push PLC. I said I'm buying Amare n you started acting crazy.
Get a grow or a life fuctard.
Gotta take a few rips before dealing with this nonsense. Tried to stay out of it, but the lies and claims with no proof, along with selective memory and credit still continues. Remenber when many of you clowns who were around back then used to deify jeff@51(Apache copy who tried to look and sound different with a different revised spectrum every year from the first to the last spectrum, because he didn't get it, just to end up with Apache's white/red, but was conveniently referred to as red/white to sound different) Yet, none of his fan boys bother or conveniently overlooked since he's among the riu LED "experts" spewing the same useless technical BS blah, blah, blah.. Same crap, different day now. Hmm, wonder what happened to him now, along with the poor growers who listened to you clowns' recommendation? Who are the shills and trolls really...?:) First off, anyone who claims to be expert is well, a self-claimed "so-called" expert. (Seems to be a trend around here) The only ones on riu that has unbiased real knowledge about LED are Goud, Growmau, SDS and Supra period, not even enough for one hand. Sad really. The rest are self-proclaimed "experts", dreamers and bullshitters with no real contribution, except hate and misinterpreted googled info/specs.

Even going as far as claiming amare and platinum are maybe the same company, along with timber running cooler's pure speculation bs. Platinum pulled a mars chickenshit negative advertising stunt on amare to clarify the ignorance or selective memory.

Watt for watt, the same amount of wattage emits approximately the same amount of heat. Fans usually keeps the unit itself cooler since it ventilates heat from the fixture. Bigsmo, the only who has actual experience with amare and timber stated his timber ran hotter than his amare at 140F. But then again, he's a shill since he speaks the truth about his amare experience, despite building cxb and citizen DIY's. Also stated his plain cob DIY's couldn't keep up with his amares. Unless any of the claims are backed by actual experience or side by side and results, it's worthless claims/bs. Running a 6 liter V12 at 300hp and 60mph might be more efficient, but not practical when you're trying to get from point A to B in the least amount of time and get the most out of you have.

It's funny how timber should get credited and rewarded for being ahead of the curve with offering slightly more efficient, but much cheaper chips. With all due respect, timber's seem like a quality light, but there's nothing special that makes them better, except for the price and new chips, but if you compare apples and apples with cxb, amare beats them with a 95cri spectrum vs. 90cri and higher ppfd, which is what really matters. Running at lower current is not rocket science and amare will be adding dimmers soon so the efficiency song and dance will be a mute point. PPF's nice to brag, but that's like bragging bout hp@crank/flywheel vs. at the wheel, which is what matters. The lenses also change the dynamic and ppfd, especially at distance. Sounds impressive for tech geeks and keyboard dreamers, but laughable to those who understands and are more concern with net gains. The extra cob is offset by the number of xpg3, which are just as efficient at the same cost, if not higher than the the CXB, especially vero's and citizens, which are much mess. Again, unless timber's par is available, it's all claims. Amare also use a meanwell for each cob on the Pro4 for a total of four vs. one for timber in case if it does fail, it's isolated to that one bad driver avoiding total shutdown. Of course, they're not credited or rewarded for this, along with being the first to adopt premium cree cobs, attachable cases, reflector and removable lenses and a 95cri since 2014 before any of the current cob company was even around. Forgot, they still use mysterious chips and are full of secrets with phantom sale prices not on just riu, but on other forums as well. Interesting how amare can sell a comparable light with the same cobs and highest production cost for lower. I'm sure if they offer vero or citizen, they will be lower than timber when compared apples to apples. Again, either by ignorance, prejudice, selective memory or credibility, the facts are there, just not accepted. 100+ grows on riu here with timber and non-amare cob fixtures. There's probably not even half of that in total combined LED grows here, yet alone cob grows with timber and the other recommended companies by the so-called riu LED "experts" with twisted facts and baseless claims.
I would pick apart your post exposing the assumptions and the inconsistencies present, but I really don't have the energy right now (2AM) maybe tomorrow. However let me just mention the main problem with this post,
It completely contradicts the point you're trying to make.