Amateur Grow


Active Member
So we love marijuana and have decided to grow some of our own since its so damn expensive these days... and who wouldnt like some nice, fresh, homegrown buds. It is our first time however, so if anyone can figure out anything we could be doing better, let us know!

We don't have much money for our project and are using 4, 4foot flourescent tubes that put out a total of 20,000 lumens all together. We are trying to keep it simple for our first grow, but if we run into some big problems we'll have to go super pro like some of you guys on here for our second.

We've got six babies going right now, they are on day 31 of vegetative growth 18/6.
here are some pics of their life so far...



Active Member
those two above were from the 3rd and 11th days of growing

not quite sure yet how to work the threads so we apologize for any technical difficulties. we will get it sorted out soon enough though.

for now, more pictures!..

this was day 26..

and another from the same day
they look and smell pretty good so far. more recent pics to come soon.


Well-Known Member
They look pretty small for 30 days in. Are you feeding them any nutrients? What kind of soil do you have? It looks pretty thick... did you add gravel or perlite or anything? I would say you could have plants double to triple the size with better growing medium and some nutes.


Active Member
its miracle grow moisture contrl soil and i fed them a little nitrogen? i dont know do you have any suggestion? it would be greatly appreciated.