Amaximus' Half-Assed CFL/LED First Grow™


Well-Known Member
Im trying to grab the cookie through the screen but getting blocked by the glass...
Lol. To bad we didn't have a transporter like The Fly or Star Trek, I'd beem ya some cookies! They're good and I'd like a second opinion!

Whole grow looks great. I'll be tuning in from time to time for sure.
Thanks for stopping in Gas. It's nice to have someone with your technical knowledge to keep an eye on things and keep me in check should i drift into the stupid zone.


Cookies Indeed! If you like the edibles, stick around. I have plenty more coming up!
Gotta do brownies next. How can ya not? Now to see if I can find a recipe that isn't from a damn box...


Well-Known Member
Ok. So the only plant I have left in flower is the Sweet Black Angel. She is a mostly indica hybrid that according to the breeder should take 65-73 days to flower. Currently she is on day 65 and I am very confused.

I'm checking trichs on multiple cola tops and they are something like 50/50 clear/cloudy, which I would expect. The trich samples from down lower are cloudy, dark amber as if I have passed the optimal harvest time.

On top of all of this it appears she has, for lack of a better description, re-vegged? I just don't know. She has a bunch of new growth happening (fox-tailing?) and white pistils forming. Again, On the lower buds they are orange pistils and generally look like mature buds. (She has been 12/12 since the flip and 11/13 the past 2 weeks)

Also, her leaves. They're curling up. down. twisting. Hell, Some of them are rounded and don't even look like marijuana leaves!

So, I snapped a bunch of photos.

I could really use a hand here. I don't know what is going on so i have no clue how to proceed. If anyone needs better/different photos to be taken with regular lighting or whatever just let me know. Thanks!

PS: Got my meter yesterday. My BS240 only pulls 130w. (Running @ 46%; Doh)


Well-Known Member
Yo amaximus! here's what I suggest based on those pics and what you've said...those big colas look like they will need another 10-14 days for all that new pistil growth to fill in, and it sounds like you think the lower nugs are ready to go, so if you want, you can harvest the lower stuff now and leave the big colas to finish. A quick yet sloppy fix is to just harvest everything and trim off the extra pistils. I'm sure there's better answers out there than mine though. hope it helps some.


Well-Known Member
Yo amaximus! here's what I suggest based on those pics and what you've said...those big colas look like they will need another 10-14 days for all that new pistil growth to fill in, and it sounds like you think the lower nugs are ready to go, so if you want, you can harvest the lower stuff now and leave the big colas to finish. A quick yet sloppy fix is to just harvest everything and trim off the extra pistils. I'm sure there's better answers out there than mine though. hope it helps some.
Thanks for the reply puff. Yeah, I think I am gonna start chopping some of the lower buds. I'll toss them into the trim/popcorn bag for hash and let the top mature a bit.

I'm really just not sure why this is happening? Am I to believe she was ready to be harvested a week or two ago and that she re-vegged? Or is this some weird mutant? More than anything I'd just like some answers as to the "Why?" if possible. If this is grower error of some sort I'd like to not make whatever mistake I may have made, again. heh.

Either way, She is holding me up from starting my next grow. Oh well, The party cup seedlings are loving all the extra space in that tent for now. heh.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^well natural light pics would help allot............and I agree with puff, those girls are NOT done......leaf mutations are genetically based but can be induced through stress(how are your temps).....i really doubt their revegging unless you have a light leak(did you check your bs panels if they stay lit w power off??).....your current nute regiment info would also help............good luck friend

Edit: your girls look great BTW.........and I saw on another forum a guys BS 240w draw 117w from the plug.......lowest I've ever seen on them......strange


Well-Known Member
yeah if you could post some natural light pics and comment on the nutrients that would help clue in why all the new growth. I also find that most strains take a week or more longer than what the breeder says.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^well natural light pics would help allot............and I agree with puff, those girls are NOT done......leaf mutations are genetically based but can be induced through stress(how are your temps).....i really doubt their revegging unless you have a light leak(did you check your bs panels if they stay lit w power off??).....your current nute regiment info would also help............good luck friend

Edit: your girls look great BTW.........and I saw on another forum a guys BS 240w draw 117w from the plug.......lowest I've ever seen on them......strange
yeah if you could post some natural light pics and comment on the nutrients that would help clue in why all the new growth. I also find that most strains take a week or more longer than what the breeder says.
I really wasn't sure what I was dealing with so I wasn't sure what information to provide. Sorry for not providing any real details...

Let's see, Temperatures have been between 80-91 degrees F depending on time of day etc (And that has only been in the last two weeks. Temps never above 84F before that). I don't think their is a light leak because I actually crawled inside the tent when I first got it setup and had my wife zip me up while I checked things out from inside. I did this again last week after the last harvest when there was room for me to get in again. heh. I have been feeding Jack's Classic Bloom nutes supplemented with Cal-Mag once a week since flowering started. I did start flushing this one plant though about 10 days ago in anticipation of harvest. Now I dont know if I should start nutes again or continue with the flush?

It seems like you both think maybe she just isn't ready? I am in no rush so if that is what the deal is I'm fine with it. It just means more time for my party cup girls in the big 12/12 tent before I have to put them into their own tent. heh.

The only reason i am even bringing this girl under scrutiny is because it seemed like she was almost mature weeks ago, along with the previous six harvested girls, Then she started this growth spurt and I am all confused.

TL;DR - I'm not trying to rush her, She just looked ready and now she is starting to grow again. Plus she just looked... I dont know... off. Fluffy, Airy... or something. If she just needs to finish I'm fine with that. I can stop my worrying. heh.

Lights are about to go off for the day so i rushed these shots. Thanks for any help guys. Let me know if I'm bugging out for no reason.




Well-Known Member
Lol. To bad we didn't have a transporter like The Fly or Star Trek, I'd beem ya some cookies! They're good and I'd like a second opinion!

Thanks for stopping in Gas. It's nice to have someone with your technical knowledge to keep an eye on things and keep me in check should i drift into the stupid zone.

Cookies Indeed! If you like the edibles, stick around. I have plenty more coming up!
Gotta do brownies next. How can ya not? Now to see if I can find a recipe that isn't from a damn box...
Google Food Network


Well-Known Member
Lol. To bad we didn't have a transporter like The Fly or Star Trek, I'd beem ya some cookies! They're good and I'd like a second opinion!

Thanks for stopping in Gas. It's nice to have someone with your technical knowledge to keep an eye on things and keep me in check should i drift into the stupid zone.

Cookies Indeed! If you like the edibles, stick around. I have plenty more coming up!
Gotta do brownies next. How can ya not? Now to see if I can find a recipe that isn't from a damn box...
Google Food Network

Lookin at the pics I say min 2 weeks. Go to half strength nutes


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like she's just being a bitch and showing off her sativa heritage. :) Like others have stated, just a little more wait time. And of course you can cut off what's done and let the rest mature a bit. Looks frosty as fuck.


Well-Known Member
not ripe! you got a little while to go looking a the pics, don't stress, don't rush it!
Google Food Network

Lookin at the pics I say min 2 weeks. Go to half strength nutes
Looks to me like she's just being a bitch and showing off her sativa heritage. :) Like others have stated, just a little more wait time. And of course you can cut off what's done and let the rest mature a bit. Looks frosty as fuck.

Thanks for keeping me in check guys.

When five out of five people tell you something you'd be stupid not to listen. She must not be ready yet and I'm just in "harvest mode". I'm going to cut nutes to half strength as recommended and keep an eye on her. I'll initiate a flush as soon as I start to see some amber trichs on those top colas. I also think I'm going to chop a bunch of those lower nugs and toss them into the trim bin.

I'm being trolled by these sativa phenos! I'm going all indica next round! ha!

Think I found a simple brownie recipe as well. I haven't tried it yet but I'm gonna make them later tonight or tomorrow.
I'll let ya's know how they turn out.

Brownie Recipe:
2 cups White Sugar
1 cup Canna Butter (1 Stick)
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
4 eggs
1 cup All-Purpose Flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup Walnuts (Halves or Crumbled)

1.) Melt the butter and mix all ingredients in the order given.
2.) Bake @ 305 degrees F for 25 to 35 minutes in a 9 x 13 inch greased pan.


Well-Known Member
So I got off my ass today and set up my small tent. This one is only 2x2x4 and will be used to veg.

For now I tossed a circ fan, an exhaust fan and 180watts (4x45w) of cfls in there.

All my plants are currently in the big tent so I decided to germ a G13 Blueberry Gum to veg in the small tent. I plan to add another plant to the veg tent every 2 weeks, never having more than 3 girls vegging at once, and @ week six plants will be moved to the flower tent.


Active Member
Nice work on going perpetual.

The first pic in post 129 kinda looks like the beginning of "foxtailing" and that is common in sativa's.


Well-Known Member
Nice work on going perpetual.

The first pic in post 129 kinda looks like the beginning of "foxtailing" and that is common in sativa's.
That is what I thought too. The term foxtailing is new to me. I only came across it recently. Nice to have a term for it. heh.

Thanks. Things should start getting interesting real soon once this perpetual gets into full swing. I might even start a new thread for it seeing as this grow is coming to an end... We'll see...


Well-Known Member
Well I sent in my 180w blackstar last week to get that diode fixed and the replacement arrived this morning!

It appears Lighthouse Hydro has trolled me though. The panel they sent back was 2011 (Maybe even a 2010?). It also had no screws on both sides, finger prints all over it and when I turned it on it whirred real loud. What a bummer.


I called them up and explained what is going on. They told me that a refurbished unit must have been sent to me accidentally. They're going to package a brand new 2012 unit and ship it out today with a paid shipping label. So I'll get the new unit, ship back the old and everything should be OK.

I'm happy with the service they promise.
I'm not happy with the service they're providing.
So far, anyway.

The saga continues...


Active Member
Im not happy with them sending a refub unit. Not gonna cut it. I am happy that they are communicating with you and at least sending out a new unit to make it right....again.

It could be worse Amax, there are a lot of fly by night operations out there :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Im not happy with them sending a refub unit. Not gonna cut it. I am happy that they are communicating with you and at least sending out a new unit to make it right....again.

It could be worse Amax, there are a lot of fly by night operations out there :twisted:
Yeah, I'm not too cool with it either but I don't know it wasn't just a simple mistake. It happens.

What scares me is in another 9 months when the warranty is over. I'm gonna have to start making plans for that.