Amazing bud, , my first ever grow, lost its smell?


hello, i noticed as the buds are up drying, they do not smell amazing like they did while growing, I mean it smells like schwag kinda, kinda scared cause it was smelling unreal while growing. the pics are the bud the night of harvest. Will the dank smell come back after curing?



Well-Known Member
I feel like a broken record around here.. always having to repeat the same shit over and over again.

Your going to have to properly DRY & CURE the product before the good smell comes.

In fact, some strains with certain genetics.. some of those strains don't and won't have much smell once they're dried and cured.

Some strains smell more than others.. and some have hardly no smell at all.

So, once again.. you'll need to learn how to properly dry and cure the harvested product before you'll be able to smell the good smell again.

AND! lastly.. your going to have to learn to be patient while the product dries and cures.. because this takes a little bit to properly accomplish.

If you dry it too quickly.. you'll trap all the Chlorophyll in the product and will NOT be able to get it out once the product has dried. So

the drying and curing process is VERY important.. and its important and vital that you learn how to do this process correctly.

Growing cannabis generally the easy part.. its the harvesting and processing the harvested product that can be a bit tricky.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
while I agree that drying/curing isn't mindnumingly simple, it isn't very hard either.

just some really basic concepts here, try until the buds are dry enough to smoke but hte stem is still bendy on the inside, break down the big buds into small buds, fill up the jar 5/6ths of the way full, burp in 12 hours at a time depending on the moisture. you repeat this for days lowering the hours open depending on the moisture, and you continue this until the bud has reached the dryness you desire, by then it should be nearly ready for long term storage, besides a burp or two here and there in the first 2 months

not that complicated, just requires follow-through and consistency.


Well-Known Member
ive noticed this a lot with soil grown and organics. its all about the slow cure my friend.. fear not.