Well-Known Member
i'm not sure if string theory is 100% fact--nothing in science is. a theory is just a framework with evidence supporting a viable conclusion (much like evolution). it's just considered fact because a vast majority of "evidence" (more like mathematics) supports the conclusion of these parallel universes.The thing that is messed up is that I didn't know string theory was true.. It was still a theory, last time I checked.
I didn't think they would be able to prove it.. Can you find an article/proof that proves string theory is now considered "string 'fact'"? I have studied
sting theory and quantum mechanics a little bit, but I didn't know all the crazy dimensions and parallel universes were real. It makes my life seem a lot
different knowing it might be true. Do you know what I'm saying?
[FONT=arial, helvetica] It may well be that the Big Bang wasn't really the beginning of everything after all. Time and space all existed before it. In fact Big Bangs may happen all the time.
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica] Scientists now believe there may really be a parallel universe - in fact, there may be an infinite number of parallel universes, and we just happen to live in one of them.
These other universes contain space, time and strange forms of exotic matter. Some of them may even contain you, in a slightly different form. Astonishingly, scientists believe
that these parallel universes exist less than one millimetre away from us. In fact, our gravity is just a weak signal leaking out of another universe into ours.
Isn't that BEAUTIFUL?
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica]
It makes my head do flips trying to figure out where I am.. If there are parallel universes that exist less than one milimeter away from us, then what dimension are we in? How come
we can't see these parallel universes that are adjacent with ours?
Maybe when we smoke enough pot, we get to go for a trip in our adjacent parallel universes. POT is the ANSWER to WORLD PEACE! Why is it illegal again? HAHA.
*nice sigh with a smiley face on*Ahhh
Edit- Great pics BTW Hyphjoose... They look fake though.. I wish I could see stars like that in my backward.
It makes you appreciate things on a different level after seeing those pics. Sometimes people just get caught up in their lives so much, we stop taking
the time to reflect on whats real, and beautiful.
as for the images looking fake, they look that way because they were taken with super light-gathering cameras on specific settings and then superimposed into those backgrounds (those are where the actual shots were taken--it's just re-edited into the background so that you know what you would be looking at if you were in those locations on a clear night)
we don't get to admire the beauty of the universe because of light pollution in the states

now i will supply you with an awesome song
YouTube - ATB - Justify
YouTube - Above and Beyond - Alone Tonight
^^my favorite stargazing song..soo awesome, especially when high..
and more pics..