Amazing shroom experience


So ive been really wanting to try shrooms, lsd, and dmt, and last night I acquired some really good shrooms. I bought an 8th for $35 and went to my girlfriends house and at about 10:30 I started to eat them. I ripped open a honeybun and put the broke up caps and stems in it and chowed down. I was kind of nervous about taking 3.5 grams for my first time but Im a bigger guy, 6"2' 335, but I was completely fine my whole trip.

So I'm sitting in the garage aka smoking room, talking with my g/fs dad for about a half hour and me and him started to believe that the shrooms weren't good because nothing was happening, then about 15 minutes later, objects that were in my peripheral vision started moving a little bit, but when I would turn my head and look it would stop. Then about 10 minutes later everything I was looking at started moving, colors were different, and the lights were brighter.

At first I started to fight the feeling that I could feel taking over my whole body, so I calmed myself down and just rode it out. Thats when everything got better, I was trippin my ass off! My body felt like it 10 tons got lifted off my shoulders, just complete relaxation. But my mind was racing the whole time, I really couldn't concentrate on one thing, I would get side tracked looking at the waves on the garage door or the red door turning purple color.

I really think that everyone should try these at least once, they really seemed to help me, Ii actually made my stress go away.:-P


Active Member
Gotta love some good booms. Everyone should definitely try them at least once. They can be quite the tricksters in larger doses. If you think your mind can handle it, I would reccomend trying 6-7g's at least once. Just make sure that you have a good nights sleep, and are in a good frame of mind before you begin, as you won't be in control of your trip on that high of a dosage. Fear can easily overtake you in that vulnerable state if you allow it to, and make you have a bad trip. Perceived correctly though, it can be a very beautiful and mind opening experience for anyone. :peace:


Yeah my buddy wants to do them with me this weekend so we'll probably pick up a 1/2. Im pretty sure Id be able to handle a 1/4, I mean I was completely fine when I was by myself and tripping, but I made the mistake of smoking a joint which made me paranoid. Ill never make that mistake again!