Amazon knows I grow


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how, after 1 purchase of CalMag+, Amazon is now firmly convinced that I grow. The scary thing is, they're right...


Well-Known Member
Those suggestions are comprised of what other people have ordered while also ordering calmag. And besides, who cares what Amazon thinks? All those products are legal.


bud bootlegger
lol, you should see the recommended page for me at amazon..

everything is either grow related, ie, grow books, lights, nutrients, ph meters, etc, or music..


Well-Known Member
lol, you should see the recommended page for me at amazon..

everything is either grow related, ie, grow books, lights, nutrients, ph meters, etc, or music..

Doesnt just stop at their website either
Between the emails and the targetted ads to me on the internet.
This is one feature I believe they should outlaw


Well-Known Member
I got adult dating site ads coming up on youtube ,just becuase i watch a little porn from time to time.Good thing my gf isn't computer savy to realise how they are spying on us to bombard us with adverts


Well-Known Member
I use lots of cal mag and pounds of humic acid a mycorrizae for growing Giant Pumpkins. Just develop your cover story BEFORE you need to use it.


Well-Known Member
lol, you should see the recommended page for me at amazon..

everything is either grow related, ie, grow books, lights, nutrients, ph meters, etc, or music..
What kind of music do your plants like? Do they have a different selection for veg and flower? LOL


Well-Known Member
amazon spams you based on the "some customer also bought these items" feature...most people using cal/mag also bought other grow products...they dont actually know you grow..they just know alot of other customers bought growing items when they purchased cal mag...and you bought cal/mag so they offer you similiar items too..if you buy laptop..the wull spam you with software,wireless crap,etc etc..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Google is sketchy with their privacy and ad sharing. If you search for a tent or light through google, you'll get ads on your e-mail pages for lights and tents. They tell you in your privacy settings on your Google account, which is also your youtube acct. There really isn't "anonymity" like you think anymore.


Well-Known Member
amazon spams you based on the "some customer also bought these items" feature...most people using cal/mag also bought other grow products...they dont actually know you grow..they just know alot of other customers bought growing items when they purchased cal mag...and you bought cal/mag so they offer you similiar items too..if you buy laptop..the wull spam you with software,wireless crap,etc etc..

Agreed. They just run a database program that looks that the top 10 commonalities of people who buy a product. If you buy diapers, you'll also get a ton of baby adverts. I don't like it. But in today's online world, it's the price one pays for convenience. When we sign up with Amazon, we check a box saying we agreed to their terms and conditions. We can stop them from sharing our info with other companies, but they're free to market to us anyway they see fit.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Doesn't matter what amazon and/or google thinks, I imagine somewhere there is some super computer/s taking in all this info and storing it, but to worry about it for whatever reason is of little to no concern as there is so much data being mined and stored for various reasons it would take a thousand years for human eyes to get through even a portion of it.

A back story related to thread-Back when I lived with my ex we would order tons of items off amazon not only to use but to sell. I was just starting my Ebay store up so I was always home and she did a lot of sales off amazon and locally so she was always running around town. I would constantly get packages delivered to the home, most directly from an amazon outlet but sometimes directly from seller. I remember one time opening a box that came directly from amazon and this is what this specific box contained.
[Two large bottles of sex lube, four bundles of some fancy girls underwear, two giant turkey basters, a box of a 100 count of latex gloves and some plant wire ties]
As I slowly took out each item I began to realize how bad this must of looked to the person at amazon packaging this up. I put items back in box so it looked liked I just cut it open but didn't begin to remove items yet, I waited til she got back and she eventually started taking em out and no reaction. I was like WTF. Went over to her and pointed each item out, I had to actually sink it in her head for her to react. I guess I'm just a pervert but I thought sex lube with girls panties, big turkey basters, latex gloves and wire to tie shit up looked kinda fucked up all packaged together.


Well-Known Member
oh chesus the virus that locks your pc and says you owe money to the fbi.. yeah i have had it before.I wasn't dumb enough to believe it.Real pain in the ass getting rid of it to

Thing really pisses me off about youtube/google .they have just become more and more big brothers tool every damn month.Use to be you could watch vids on youtube all night and have a great time.Now every fucker has a 30 second advert you have to wait 5 sec and then skip..pain in the balls ,then sometimes you actually have to watch it.I'm like no,chance and just click another video.Not only this ,but they're spying on me so they can bombard me with pop up ads.Not only that they keep asking for me to update my account with my mobile phone number and name! Fuck no ..lost count the amount of times i've clicked "ask me later" for that shit.Fuck you youtube and google


Active Member
Yeah, I love it when I'm done watching my random kitty fail compilation videos and my recommendations are all weed growing.


Well-Known Member
I had grow shop adverts in my e-mail a little while back. All these companies just waiting to exploit, bless em. I imagine Amazon will be the first to do mail order hashish should the laws ever become sensible rather than draconian. We recommend to you the Mexican Sativa concentrate, and the Super Lemon Bubble - or maybe you might like the honey oil.


Well-Known Member
I can't dig up the link with casual Googling, but there were some stories last year about a company that, based on someone's search criteria at their site, determined that the user was probably pregnant. They sent out special "congrats on your pregnancy" catalogs, which in many cases came as a surprise to the parents of the girl (in all the cases they mentioned, the girl was, in fact, pregnant, but hadn't told anyone).

After complaints, instead of a pregancy-only catalog, they sent out a more generic catalog that just happened to contain a bunch of stuff that a pregnant woman might want.