Ambiens and Ambien CR


Well-Known Member
funny i was just thinking about this. i have all i could ever need. and i can get more with a phone call to the Dr. they used to have me on klonopin but ....... well, that's another story. the ambien messes with me. no question about it. i have had insomnia for years. taken a box of sominex and still stayed up 2 days. didn't OD either. i don't know why. the klonopin though..... well stomach pumps suck. that's all i'll say. but the ambien. i was just thinking about passing some out to my friends to see what they thought. now i will.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, hide your car keys for real. i used to take those lil bastards by the handful. Did you know that they are quite snortable as well? Trust me when I say there is a reason i don't take them anymore and it rhymes with "felony dui" I came to in the drunk tank... don't remember a thing to tell you the truth. hide yo keys. hide em good.


Active Member
i just took one of my ambiens and i thought my dog had 2 heads. i cant smoke pot for 6 mths because i'm on probation but i think these ould replace that for awhile xD