Not bursting my bubble, even if you are correct, which I doubt.I hate to burst some bubbles but the government has to take a stand using the interstate commerce argument. It is only natural to expect that people will come in to buy weed and illegally sell it in another states. I and many friends were talking about this specific scenario.
You are comparing apples and steak. A popular vote is different than a law made by a legislature.The Feds have made similar arguments in regards to firearms. Montana tried to pass a law allowing people to build machine guns without the class 3 license and some hell breakout.
What will happen?It sadly will happen with marijuana. I don't doubt it and it will help force a showdown betweend the state government and the federal government.
The state has a lot longer than 30 days to come up with a system. The state actually has until July 1, 2013 to get everything nailed down and local governments have until October 1, 2013 to start accepting applications. Once the local governments receive the applications, they're supposed to process them within 45 - 90 days. Long story short, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the 64 pot shops don't open until January 1, 2014. Nothing moves quickly when the government is involved so I imagine the state and local governments won't be in a rush to get this thing done. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it after what I've experienced in the MMJ industry. No offense, but I'm beginning to think that hardly anyone has actually read the text of the amendment. I can just see it now, thousands of spring breakers descending on Colorado next year wondering where they can score some of that legal weed.well not the state has 30 days to come up with a system and we still have a 30 day waiting period until you can legaly have the oz
Yeah, the state would be smart to actually regulate the industry like alcohol and avoid anything that resembles the 70/30 rule. More wholesale transactions would mean more tax revenue for the state. One thing I know is that the 64 pot shop owners will like paying that 15% excise tax on wholesale transactions even less than MMC owners liked paying me 5% to move their wholesale pounds for them. Add the two together and that's 20% that will be added to the retail price of a 64 pot shop's nugs if the shop depends on wholesale pounds to keep its shelves stocked. Then if you figure in a really high demand for that legal weed, there might not be very many deals to be a had at a 64 pot shop. The price of an ounce could actually increase for the first time in 3+ years.Good question Osburn. I hope your assessment is right and the state does regulate the industry "like alcohol" wrt the production, distribution, retail and "bar" model. It is just so hard to predict though. Who would have guessed they would have come up with something like 1284 though? Who would have thought Claire Levy (from Boulder) would have introduced 5ng per se DUI legislation? Not me, that's for sure.
Fuck the feds.
If they sue the state they are going to have even more people hating them.
Think about it, a majority of the people voted yes.
Trying to subvert the will of voters would make the feds look like even bigger assholes. Doing anything but ignoring Colorado could turn out to be a publicity nightmare for the feds.
There is a lawsuit to remove marijuana from schedule one. The supreme court is going to have a tough time explaining themselves if they do not change its classification. They are fucked and they know it. There is no logical reason for marijuana to be classified schedule one. Either the court rules that way or they risk their credibility.
Someone mentioned that the dispensaries are hurting. From what I have heard, I know a couple owners (I rarely shop at pot stores), that the good dispensaries are making bank. One place I know of can barely keep their shelves stocked.
There are more crappy dispensaries than good ones. The good ones make money.
This is fucking great for regular growers like me. I already have a red card, but now I can grow more plants.
The idea that an adult can grow 6 plants in their house with out a license or government interference is a dream that I have had for coming up on 30 years now.
Come on out to Colorado and buy some legal pot. Maybe go skiing or enjoy our outdoors. We have pretty good weed here. It will get better too.