America holds it's breath as Justin Amash deliberates running for prez

From your reaction I understand you are incapable of have a normal conversation. If I was like that I would call you a ass and be done with you. But I am not like that. Instead I will try to educate you so you can reply in a intelligent way. Amash was in the state legislation before he was in the US. He was elected to his current position due to a wave of popular governor among other things. Because I want to make this simple I will direct you to a simple site. Go to wickpedia. You will notice even that site is critical of his many responses to votes as "present". A present is not a helpful vote. It's like not understanding something and getting nasty and telling someone a lier. It makes someone look petty and stupid. Now go look that up and then look at some other places and come back with a intelligent response
I read the Wiki info. This must be the one line you refer to:From January 2011 to January 2019, Amash missed only one of 5,374 roll call votes although he has been criticized for his high number of present votes.[2][
OK, now hit the "present vote link" and in there it states:In the United States House of Representatives and many other legislatures, members may vote "present" rather than for or against a bill or resolution, which has the effect of an abstention.
How can this be bad when he broke no rules. It's just an opinion whether that was good or bad. Wiki outlines a long history of political service that Trump lacks except for his "abortion of a Presidency" so far.
Do bad candidates get the most votes every single time they run?

There are better ways to showcase your insecurities about your tiny dick and inability to provide for your family
Voting present does not break any rules. It just means the person was not motivated to read and understand what was being voted on. Can you imagine a bill where all but 1 senator said present. The vote would either pass or fail based on 1 vote
Voting present does not break any rules. It just means the person was not motivated to read and understand what was being voted on. Can you imagine a bill where all but 1 senator said present. The vote would either pass or fail based on 1 vote
The point behind all this long winded bullshit is that you lied
Voting present does not break any rules. It just means the person was not motivated to read and understand what was being voted on. Can you imagine a bill where all but 1 senator said present. The vote would either pass or fail based on 1 vote
He's a libertarian. Otherwise known as Republican tool.

from the Libertarian Mises Institute, where the whole bullshit philosophy is supported:

Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

They reject science and math in favor of belief. We don't need more leaders like that. Just go away.
Yes, Republican leaders know they can't win by being good at governance.

What I don't understand is why chumps cheer for poor leaders.

Libertarianism is a philosophy made up by right wingers because too many people who vote Republican are ashamed to call themselves Republican.

The last discussion I had with a Libertarian, it ended when he said as an employer (he does pools), he has the right to demand a blow job in exchange for the paycheck a person earned working for him. "If they don't want to, they can just go work elsewhere".

It would be funny if he weren't so serious.
A person's sexual problems are not part of a political philosophy. This is Amash speaking his mind and you can tell sex is not addressed in his message. He is right about the Government being dysfunctional. There are also a large number who don't vote. The Debt is out of control and the Dollar is weaker. Govt can't solve problems with Legislation. We as people must solve them.

CNN: Where Justin Amash stands on key issues.
A person's sexual problems are not part of a political philosophy. This is Amash speaking his mind and you can tell sex is not addressed in his message. He is right about the Government being dysfunctional. There are also a large number who don't vote. The Debt is out of control and the Dollar is weaker. Govt can't solve problems with Legislation. We as people must solve them.

CNN: Where Justin Amash stands on key issues.
Oh, yes it is. The libertarian philosophy says the market decides behavior of employers and employees. Libertarians say regulations that protect employees from sexual harrassment should be repealed. Let the market decide. So, yes, that guy was making the stand, and I verified that he was, let the market decide whether or not an employer could demand sexual favors in exchange for employment.

It's a ridiculous philosophy. Never realized either. Humans aren't that way. Some will be predators if allowed to. Libertarianism, including the bizarre philosophy Roy propounds is just an excuse for misbehavior, not a valid ideology that could ever work in a civilization ever.
If a popular libertarian doesn't run in Michigan it's very probable most of those votes that went to Johnson would go to Trump this time around so this guy could actually take votes from Trump and swing it to the Democrats.
If a popular libertarian doesn't run in Michigan it's very probable most of those votes that went to Johnson would go to Trump this time around so this guy could actually take votes from Trump and swing it to the Democrats.
I see as it's Biden's job is to convince enough voters to vote for him win the election. Doesn't matter who he's running against. Same goes for Trump.
OK, let's go over the choices otherwise. RU going to vote for a candidate that grabs a hand full and totally denies it? RU going to vote for candidate that is still fighting payments made to hookers and bad mouths women of color? Doesn't seem Govt regulations help much when discussing our broken dual justice court system. Like the guy said we have the freedom to choose where we work. :shock:
OK, let's go over the choices otherwise. RU going to vote for a candidate that grabs a hand full and totally denies it? RU going to vote for candidate that is still fighting payments made to hookers and bad mouths women of color? Doesn't seem Govt regulations help much when discussing our broken dual justice court system. Like the guy said we have the freedom to choose where we work. :shock:
Absolutely, just like you, I wouldn't vote for the pussy grabbing, law breaking, civil rights smashing, Republicans. I'm not going to vote for Trump. When we have a president and political faction not following the rule of law, regulations don't matter. The constitution doesn't matter either. The US needs to move away from their ideology.

If you are saying a libertarian would be any different, I suggest you reconsider. Its not a serious ideology. The ones who support libertarian ideals are just Republicans dressed up in clown costumes.

Biden is the better choice.
Justin Amash will not launch third-party bid for president
Michigan Rep. Justin Amash has announced that he will not run for president as a third party candidate.
"After much reflection, I've concluded that circumstances don't lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate," he tweeted Saturday.

Justin Amash will not launch third-party bid for president
Michigan Rep. Justin Amash has announced that he will not run for president as a third party candidate.
"After much reflection, I've concluded that circumstances don't lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate," he tweeted Saturday.

Hmmm, I guess "America" can now exhale. :lol:
