America is not the greatest country in the world.


New Member
Note that each and every crop listed here is a cash crop at the margin of luxury. I do not think California could compete with the real staples: meats and grains. cn
You'd be wrong, California ranks 5th overall in the production of beef and 2nd in rice.

But #1 in unfunded public union pensions!


Active Member
If Harley sucks so much, and Japanese's brands like Yamaha and Suzuki are so much more advanced, why do the Japanese want a Harley so bad?
If Harley Davidson had put a plane on the production line, would YOU fly in it?... :bigjoint: would hate to think what would break first...

Stupid ass point none the less. I'd love to debunk the others, but this one at least gave me a laugh.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with America, lots of people from worse countries want to come to America.

The word "best" is subjective. I think Amsterdam is the best city in the world, mainly cause you can buy and try shit loads of strains and smoke it anywhere. Does everyone think Amsterdam is the best city in the world? No.

All this "hate" for America stems from how unhappy many Americans are today. Goodbye are the comfy jobs with high pay, benefits to young people entering the work force. The middle class decreases every year and the rich and poor increase. If anyone has read a lot of history they know this trend has repeated itself many times. Great nations rise up, corruption and greed set in, then the nation eventually declines, this is what is happening today.


Ursus marijanus
If Harley Davidson had put a plane on the production line, would YOU fly in it?... :bigjoint: would hate to think what would break first...

Stupid ass point none the less. I'd love to debunk the others, but this one at least gave me a laugh.
It would be nice to have a radial open-cockpit number with a kickstarter, so yeah. cn


New Member
Nothing wrong with America, lots of people from worse countries want to come to America.

The word "best" is subjective. I think Amsterdam is the best city in the world, mainly cause you can buy and try shit loads of strains and smoke it anywhere. Does everyone think Amsterdam is the best city in the world? No.

All this "hate" for America stems from how unhappy many Americans are today. Goodbye are the comfy jobs with high pay, benefits to young people entering the work force. The middle class decreases every year and the rich and poor increase. If anyone has read a lot of history they know this trend has repeated itself many times. Great nations rise up, corruption and greed set in, then the nation eventually declines, this is what is happening today.
I basically agree with you except for the fact, this time America is teetering on a change I assure you we don't want to see.



Well-Known Member
I basically agree with you except for the fact, this time America is teetering on a change I assure you we don't want to see.

Oh yeah, it is all downhill from here.

I would say at least 80% of my parent's friends bought a house in their 20's. Today, not one of my friends in their 20's own a house.


Ursus marijanus


Active Member
So which country is? Let's debate it.

My state alone has the ability to feed the whole world. What other part of the world can claim the same?

Why do so many sneak in here, and why is the waiting list to become a citizen so long?

Why do other countries know so much about us but we can give two shits about them?

If Harley sucks so much, and Japanese's brands like Yamaha and Suzuki are so much more advanced, why do the Japanese want a Harley so bad?

Why do so many foreign countries watch so many of our movies, but foreign movies are novelty only?

Why is our number one export our higher education. If we fucking suck so much, why do better countries come here to learn from losers?

Why do other countries hate on us, but we don't hate on them? Of course we have some asshole exceptions who are losers.

Those countries who say we suck, why do they ask us for help first when in trouble?

So, name those better countries!

You use twisted logic and absolutely no facts to support your believe that are country is the best. So you think that because so many people want to come here that we are we are superior?. Based on that logic Luxenburg is the greatest country in the world. They have the highest immigration rate, not the US. The US actually ranks 6th in immigration. Fucking Canada has more immigrants than us.

You really think education is our number one export. You're an idiot. Our higher education may rank well amongst other countries but our education in general, according to the three-yearly OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below-average 25th for mathematics.

I agree with the theme of the video. Only once we recognize that we have a problem can we start bettering ourselves and our country.


Ursus marijanus
Isn't reporting on the comparison of 15-year-olds stacking the deck? Of course education as export will refer to college and graduate education. cn


Well-Known Member
I see my comment about the US spiralling the debt toilet was deleted, you may not like it but it's a fact.

Whens the next debt ceiling increase? Need to get my "told you so" face on.


Well-Known Member
You guys just keep thinking you're not walking down a shit path to failure.

Keep printing dollars, adding to the debt, devaluing the currency and deficit spending.

It's truely the path to greatness :rolleyes:

America fuck yea!
I see my comment about the US spiralling the debt toilet was deleted, you may not like it but it's a fact.

Whens the next debt ceiling increase? Need to get my "told you so" face on.
It is still there.