Well-Known Member
Sounds similar to my story... except in St. Louis.
I went to school with a pretty "liberal" mindset regarding social issues... then I saw what kind of situation this created... was a real epiphany... changed a lot of my views.
I don't know where my post went but...
There is an old saying - " A Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality."
I in fact like the idea of a social safety net for people in need. But only a fool thinks that what we have now is functional in any way or that we need more of it.
What we need to do is have workfare or state run communes. Can't get a job - we will feed you but you are going to slop the pigs or till the garden or cook the chicken or tend to the elderly.
God forbid people might even learn what being a productive part of a community is all about. Ah, but actual responsibility and building personal character are not part of the Liberal lexicon.