America, Land of free stuff.

Sounds similar to my story... except in St. Louis.
I went to school with a pretty "liberal" mindset regarding social issues... then I saw what kind of situation this created... was a real epiphany... changed a lot of my views.

I don't know where my post went but...

There is an old saying - " A Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality."

I in fact like the idea of a social safety net for people in need. But only a fool thinks that what we have now is functional in any way or that we need more of it.

What we need to do is have workfare or state run communes. Can't get a job - we will feed you but you are going to slop the pigs or till the garden or cook the chicken or tend to the elderly.

God forbid people might even learn what being a productive part of a community is all about. Ah, but actual responsibility and building personal character are not part of the Liberal lexicon.
I don't know where my post went but...

There is an old saying - " A Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality."

I in fact like the idea of a social safety net for people in need. But only a fool thinks that what we have now is functional in any way or that we need more of it.

What we need to do is have workfare or state run communes. Can't get a job - we will feed you but you are going to slop the pigs or till the garden or cook the chicken or tend to the elderly.

God forbid people might even learn what being a productive part of a community is all about. Ah, but actual responsibility and building personal character are not part of the Liberal lexicon.
My state already has this it's called work release and chain gangs:roll:
Welfare is welfare of your neighbor's and your own best intrest's if it's not working properly,,, the reason being is because just like any other program created by clueless untouchable's, it's corrupt, but still needed more now than ever for some people unlike yourself:roll:
Gee, is it possible that freedom needs some further definition? Freedom is coupled with security. Don't describe a lack of security and call it enhanced freedom.

Freedom is no guarantee of security, and in fact has no bearing on the condition what so ever. If you want total security, then you will have NO freedom, but if you want Freedom, you will have to provide for your own security. Most people in the freer days just hired a person to police the community, they called them Sheriffs.
Rob, we've had this discussion a couple of times. My view is that without the things provided by the government with my tax-dollars, I wouldn't be able to own that property or enjoy the fruits of my labor. If pot were legal and I was making money selling it, I wouldn't have a problem paying a tax of say 1$/g on the sale, no....

...and "they" won't have a problem taking your money!
The plain truth is you have no say in what they will take from you, how much, when and for how long. Taxes are not willingly given, they are extracted under the threat of force.

Please forgive me for balking at paying to own my body, I suffer from the illusion that I SHOULD own myself...silly me.