america, pay attention please


Well-Known Member
by the way, for somebody who doesn't watch fox news, you seem to know and apply their "the rest of america does this..." and "the rest of america doesn't that" and "the rest of america thinks.." line like a pro....

munch box

Well-Known Member
i know you disagree.

that doesn't mean you are correct. you're definitely right though....

there's the proof.

AND i cited my sources.
I don't support politicians who "play" with tax dollars.Yes that means a lot of republicans too. The money belongs to the people, and delegates should respond to us in a way our voices are heard. Taxpayers have no desire to pay union bosses large sums of stimulus money. And the only reason Obama likes doing it, is because they are huge financial supporters of him. All that rebuilding the highways and bridges BS, is just to give money to the unions. The whole GM bailout was to save thier union. Not that union workers are a bad thing. Its just corrupt when the government gets involved.


Active Member
The waters of sweetheart deals and corruption run deep, no one in politics does anything for nothing.

munch box

Well-Known Member
by the way, for somebody who doesn't watch fox news, you seem to know and apply their "the rest of america does this..." and "the rest of america doesn't that" and "the rest of america thinks.." line like a pro....
lol. Ok thanks for letting me know. But, I do listen to some conservative radio. Not much rush or hannity, or anybody you know. In the mornings I'd rather listen to Brian Sussman


Active Member
yes john mccain would have bailed out those company's too. anyone would have. its easy to talk the talk when all the information isn't in front of you.
Obama inherited a mess and made it far worse by handing out trillions in wasteful government spending. All of the "green jobs" have turned out to be a joke, costing $350,000 on average to create a $50k/year job. There was also the succession of failed stimulus, such as cash for clunkers, his illegal gov't takeover of GM where he gave ownership of the company to the unions and screwed the private GM investors, mortgage writedown programs that were totally ineffective, massive bailouts for unions and local governments that allowed fiscal irresponsibility to continue, not to mention the disaster that is known as Obamacare. Oh yeah, he won the Nobel peace prize then bombed Libya too. He has done nothing to help the private sector though, which is in a deep depression. All throughout his failed tenure, he has done nothing but blame everyone except himself. What a fucking moron he has been.

Hillary should be president right now, because she would do what Bill did in 1996-1998 and work with Republicans to balance the budget which ushered in boom times. Obama is too locked into his socialist views and it will be his downfall. I have more confidence in Romney's ability to get the private sector going again. if Obama wins reelection, the global economy will collapse, if it doesn't do so between now and then.


Well-Known Member
Obama inherited a mess and made it far worse by handing out trillions in wasteful government spending. All of the "green jobs" have turned out to be a joke, costing $350,000 on average to create a $50k/year job. There was also the succession of failed stimulus, such as cash for clunkers, his illegal gov't takeover of GM where he gave ownership of the company to the unions and screwed the private GM investors, mortgage writedown programs that were totally ineffective, massive bailouts for unions and local governments that allowed fiscal irresponsibility to continue, not to mention the disaster that is known as Obamacare. Oh yeah, he won the Nobel peace prize then bombed Libya too. He has done nothing to help the private sector though, which is in a deep depression. All throughout his failed tenure, he has done nothing but blame everyone except himself. What a fucking moron he has been.

Hillary should be president right now, because she would do what Bill did in 1996-1998 and work with Republicans to balance the budget which ushered in boom times. Obama is too locked into his socialist views and it will be his downfall. I have more confidence in Romney's ability to get the private sector going again. if Obama wins reelection, the global economy will collapse, if it doesn't do so between now and then.
his stimulus package was a resounding success, only problem is it was too small.

cash for clunkers was one of the most successful government stimulus programs ever... what i didn't like about it is that they destroyed all those great engines....

his bailout of GM helped a company that over-expanded avoid liquidation, bankruptcy was inevitable, LIQUIDATION was IMMINENT if not for government intervention.. oh and BTW, GM is making profits again.... it also helped save the american auto industry...

he has championed payroll tax cuts to help small business deal with this recession, and his justice department has helped millions of people stay in their homes by identifying and dealing with questionable foreclosure practices by some of the biggest banks in the US and the world.


my opinion is that he's done a heck of a job!! buahahahaha

munch box

Well-Known Member
his stimulus package was a resounding success, only problem is it was too small.
Is that the problem why Solyndra went bankrupt? Maybe Obama could have donated another billion dollars, to help his buddies out over there. You know the guy that blew the whole deal, yet somehow keeps his seat on the board. Sounds suspicious. Why did the FBI raid Obama's green job's program? Did anybody ever find out? So you think we should trust Obama with all our money, we need a much bigger stimulus, and then go bankrupt? Increasing the debt, and molesting the future of america's children, is in my mind financial petafelia. petophelia? is that a word?


Well-Known Member
Is that the problem why Solyndra went bankrupt? Maybe Obama could have donated another billion dollars, to help his buddies out over there. You know the guy that blew the whole deal, yet somehow keeps his seat on the board. Sounds suspicious. Why did the FBI raid Obama's green job's program? Did anybody ever find out? So you think we should trust Obama with all our money, we need a much bigger stimulus, and then go bankrupt? Increasing the debt, and molesting the future of america's children, is in my mind financial petafelia. petophelia? is that a word?



New Member
hillary should be president right now, because she would do what bill did in 1996-1998 and work with republicans to balance the budget which ushered in boom times. Obama is too locked into his socialist views and it will be his downfall. I have more confidence in romney's ability to get the private sector going again. If obama wins reelection, the global economy will collapse, if it doesn't do so between now and then.
what the motherfuck are you talking about?!!!!!
bill clintons budget passed without a single republican vote
al gore the vice president in a rare event had to cast the tie breaking vote as is his constitutional duty
you are a motherfucking idiot if you believe that right wing shit

munch box

Well-Known Member
So if Obama decides to bomb Syria too, would that put him in the running for another nobel prize? Because we all know, he doesn't need permission from congress :roll:


New Member
Gore Casts Tie-Breaking Vote as Senate OKs Clinton Budget : Deficit: 51-50 tally ends bitter battle and gives President a major triumph. Victory was assured when Sen. Kerrey said he was reluctantly backing the plan.
