America should go full communism.

Bahahaha. Right cause that’s worked so well for russia China
95% communism and 5% socialism. so now that we are done with an authoritarian police state fascist, its time for america to try socialism and communism, or full communism. full government control of what we do. we should trust our government to do the right thing. blue hats support this.
and North Korea. Morons
When is Merrick Garland going to get his hearing and vote so we can finally get the Un-redacted Mueller report. This is bullshit slow rolling by the Republicans needs to be stopped.

Bahahaha. Right cause that’s worked so well for russia China

and North Korea. Morons
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You are getting worked up over a 15 year old troll. All the bullshit branding of these failed economic trends is just to get people worked up while the troll factory figures out what they are going to do next since they got their asses handed to them when they tried to storm the capital for Dear Leader.

However, if you want to bitch about socialism, a good conversation can be had about the subsidies given to farmers by Trump with no purpose whatsoever outside of his pissing match with China (that he fucking lost because he failed at everything he ever did).
95% communism and 5% socialism. so now that we are done with an authoritarian police state fascist, its time for america to try socialism and communism, or full communism. full government control of what we do. we should trust our government to do the right thing. blue hats support this.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin, Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
I think there is something to be said about a jungle theme room.
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As long as they have ceiling ones too I think it would be worth thinking about.
Wallpaper? Or would you commission an artist?
I was thinking just maybe getting really high and seeing what you got, if you went painting route.

Defiantly picture though. And it really was a random thought, I always love the futuristic movies where the rooms would be video screens.
EVERYbody is going to get hammered on the back end.
It's called greed.

Nobody knows when to quit. They should have got out and let Gamestop die its inevitable death days ago. Instead, it's going to seesaw back and forth with people losing everything one day to the next.

It's all going to come down to who's left without a chair when the music stops.
I believe that technology and robotics are eventually going to push us into socialism. I don’t see communism having a place in the future, or the past or the present to be honest.