America, the only country to use nuclear weapons. Did they save lives?

And you see that we clearly told you that you are retarded. Furthermore, you cannot "surrender" under your own terms. They had the opportunity, they chose not to.

The truth must really hurt. Your country is fascist and evil. Enjoy that freedom you don't really have, just like the 110,000 Japanese Americans who were stripped of all rights several years before the genocidal act of vaporizing 200,000 Japanese civilians.

Dozens of generals attested that it was not necessary to kill all those innocent people.
"America, the only country to use nuclear weapons."

The bomb saved American lives and Japanese lives. I'm sure you'd be much happier with millions of lives lost instead.

"I asked General Marshall what it would cost in lives to land on the Tokio plain and other places in Japan," Truman said later. "It was his opinion that such an invasion would cost at minimum one quarter of a million casualties, and might cost as much as a million, on the American side alone, with an equal number of the enemy. The other military and naval men present agreed."(20)
The bomb saved American lives and Japanese lives. I'm sure you'd be much happier with millions of lives lost instead.

"I asked General Marshall what it would cost in lives to land on the Tokio plain and other places in Japan," Truman said later. "It was his opinion that such an invasion would cost at minimum one quarter of a million casualties, and might cost as much as a million, on the American side alone, with an equal number of the enemy. The other military and naval men present agreed."(20)

That was before Japan wanted to surrender and the Red Army joined the fight. He said this on June 18, 1944. It was his job to draw up invasion plans. However this doesn't address the fact that it became unnecessary to invade even before the bombs were dropped.
The truth must really hurt. Your country is fascist and evil. Enjoy that freedom you don't really have, just like the 110,000 Japanese Americans who were stripped of all rights several years before the genocidal act of vaporizing 200,000 Japanese civilians.

Dozens of generals attested that it was not necessary to kill all those innocent people.

Listen up moron. In your country, innocent people are murdered, dismembered, and left to rot in cargo vans. In your country, other morons like you shoot school buses full of innocent children to display their drug territory. In your country, which we KNOW is corrupt and cowardly, the drug cartels run everything.

Maybe you should think a little more before trying to claim that America is oh so evil. At least we only kill our enemies who we are at war with, not innocent children of the same nationality to prove a point which actually proves nothing. There is a reason all of your compadres are digging tunnels, flying ultralights, scaling walls and fences, to get to our country.
Funny, the drug war is fueled by US demand for dope and US guns so the conditions in Mexico are largely a result of your shitty country. Chapo is a CIA agent.

However, to your claim that "all of your compadres are digging tunnels, flying ultralights, scaling walls and fences, to get to our country" is completely false, even taking exaggeration into account. I'm an US immigrant, I couldn't wait to get to Mexico and have more freedom. Most of the Hispanic illegal aliens in the US are not of Mexican origin, but from further south. Those people are mostly fleeing conditions also caused by US imperialism.
For many years we would drive down Mex1 to Cabo & all over Baja every year on vacation. We stopped going down about 5-6 years ago, when a vehicle that had been traveling with us from Cabo back to San Diego, left the beach about 6 hrs behind us & they were stopped & robbed by Federale police. They set-up a roadblock & stopped & searched all traffic on the hwy. If they wanted your vehicle, they just dropped a small baggie of weed on floorboard. The people behind us were driving a new Cadillac Escolade. The Federale's told them they had 2 options, (1) go to jail in Encinada for the night & see a judge, (2) walk away.........They choose #2......Walked about 1 mile & got a ride from other Americans to San Diego. They never saw their Caddy again!............I won't go back!


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For many years we would drive down Mex1 to Cabo & all over Baja every year on vacation. We stopped going down about 5-6 years ago, when a vehicle that had been traveling with us from Cabo back to San Diego, left the beach about 6 hrs behind us & they were stopped & robbed by Federale police. They set-up a roadblock & stopped & searched all traffic on the hwy. If they wanted your vehicle, they just dropped a small baggie of weed on floorboard. The people behind us were driving a new Cadillac Escolade. The Federale's told them they had 2 options, (1) go to jail in Encinada for the night & see a judge, (2) walk away.........They choose #2......Walked about 1 mile & got a ride from other Americans to San Diego. They never saw their Caddy again!............I won't go back!

Yeah stay the fuck out.
Listen up moron. In your country, innocent people are murdered, dismembered, and left to rot in cargo vans. In your country, other morons like you shoot school buses full of innocent children to display their drug territory. In your country, which we KNOW is corrupt and cowardly, the drug cartels run everything.

Maybe you should think a little more before trying to claim that America is oh so evil. At least we only kill our enemies who we are at war with, not innocent children of the same nationality to prove a point which actually proves nothing. There is a reason all of your compadres are digging tunnels, flying ultralights, scaling walls and fences, to get to our country.

Oh for fuck sakes, now it is a citizen of Mexico??? Unbelievable. Not a US citizen after all? Not a US Army Ranger, sent to Iraq? Not a pre-med student reconciling meds with the Bible?

So, what now? Born of a humble peasant family growing the coffee bean in the Chiapas?

Slip troll. Get up in your butt and slip around. Looks like he rammed you, fb.
Oh for fuck sakes, now it is a citizen of Mexico??? Unbelievable. Not a US citizen after all? Not a US Army Ranger, sent to Iraq? Not a pre-med student reconciling meds with the Bible?

So, what now? Born of a humble peasant family growing the coffee bean in the Chiapas?

Slip troll. Get up in your butt and slip around. Looks like he rammed you, fb.

You forget being called out, rightfully, as the poser you are on many a thread of late?
Oh for fuck sakes, now it is a citizen of Mexico??? Unbelievable. Not a US citizen after all? Not a US Army Ranger, sent to Iraq? Not a pre-med student reconciling meds with the Bible?

So, what now? Born of a humble peasant family growing the coffee bean in the Chiapas?

Slip troll. Get up in your butt and slip around. Looks like he rammed you, fb.

If you think I am uneducated, at least learn to pay attention. I am an expat.

I never said I was a ranger, that was completely your invention. I said I was an airborne infantryman. You're just trying to mock me, Ironic, since you're doing this to make me out to be a troll.

Protip: this has nothing to do with Xbox.

Well, nobody got nuked after that. And next will surely be the USA, so I don't know. It is REAL.