American Dad


Well-Known Member
Why didn't anybody tell me about this show,this shit is halarious.I thaught it was gonna be something of the humor of what family guy has,which is not funny at all to me,but this show has to be the second funniest cartoon behind,south park.[video=youtube;8ZNZN9PPEpA][/video]
This show is wild LMAO..
how did you not know about it? i prefer it to FG
I seen the halloween special,family guy came on first,and with family guy I would probably laugh at maybe 2 or 3 things,and then american dad came on after it,I laughed all the way through that episode,I said I gotta start watching this.
Watch the episode called "hot water". It is episode 1 of season 7. I think it is one of the funniest episodes of any tv show ever. It has cee lo green in it, and the entire episode is musical. It is without a doubt the best episode of american dad.
See the one where they make fun of the you tube video where the guy does a cannon ball and poops in the pool. That one had Obama in it
FG and AD are both great. I watch either depending on my mood. Due to the drastically different types of humour i find it silly to compare one to the other as if they are both apples.