American LED Company Light installed

All I am saying is this : I have a brand new LED light that I am using for my Grow & if You have "light envy" I have no problem with that. All I have done is post pictures of a new light we just got & EVERYONE is having problems with it. Has ANYONE other than the "haters" said anything about prices or tried to SELL you anything ? NOT ME !! If you want to bash somebody, go get a salesman, not an innocent grower. Positive Vibes Only here
"Light envy" that's your salesman bullshit no I have better lights I would not run these lights if they were free it would waste my money on electricity if you paid me $5k and gave me 2 lights I would be willing to do a side by side for you
Ah man is that all it takes for yall to quit bustin the nutsack???? Hahahaha so be it! For sure im no salesman!! Just a grower nad lover of this plant. I do admit there isnt ANY LED let alone this one worth 1400 dollars. I have a hard enuff time paying 60 plus dollars a bulb for my HPS etc. Is this the best led? Cant say. And i wouldnt never speak on products i habe no experience on or with. And hopefully there may be attention brought up to the owners of this company in regards to their pricing .I for one, have no issue with addressing them personally with that issue.
It's really amazing how stupid you are
light envy lmao.Yup that's it. Last I checked this was a public forum. If you feel like everyone is attacking you then what does that tell you.
You ruined the dudes thread because of light envy. Didn't you say you were on your first grow?
Below I've added the latest datasheets from the 50w AltaCOB's and latest Samsung LM301b. Both are CRI90 to make it a fair competition. These COB's are not bad (back in 2014) but now they're outdated. Alta does not make new stuff since 4 years, they still sell their 4 year old design which delivers only 80-90lm/w.

Read both datasheets, compare effiency numbers and be amazed...

You have to understand that LEDs are evolving with huge steps. Annual efficiency improvements of 5-10% are the rule. If your lamp were made of Citizen 1212, gen.6/CRI90, the efficiency would be 140-150lm/w, which is good 50% more light than the Alta COB's can deliver.

You got it for free, of course you want to give it a try. But you should also ask yourself why this light is criticized here. Why would anyone have a dislike for you? We do not know you!
But we recognize outdated technology, because here at RUI we are always on the cutting edge of LED technology!
Hell, man! An LM301b in 4000°K/CRI80+ comes to a damn high 220lm/w, that 245% better effiency compared to the coolwhite Alta's with 90lm/w!

Any questions?


Both of you guys suck.

The two of you showed up out of nowhere at exactly the same time pushing a 3 year old lamp design as if it was the hottest new shit. You guys got called out on specs, and rather than backtracking, you two clowns doubled down.

I'm guessing this thread will grow to double the number of pages it's currently at, if only to point and laugh at you two bozos.

I'm gonna go microwave some popcorn.
Microwave your brain, I haven't done anything but post 1 post about a Grow & a light. If You need to feel good about your Hatred & Spew hatred, why don't you go join the KKK or Nazi's, maybe somebody can knock your ignorance out of your stupid ass.
I have nothing more to say to STUPID People. If you need to vent, call your Mommy & cry to her
Idk anymore really, alta LED doesnt even make 2200 CCT cobs or 12000k and that's what's in this light, so someone is lying, and I know which one it looks like. Good luck with your grow.
Below I've added the latest datasheets from the 50w AltaCOB's and latest Samsung LM301b. Both are CRI90 to make it a fair competition. These COB's are not bad (back in 2014) but now they're outdated. Alta does not make new stuff since 4 years, they still sell their 4 year old design which delivers only 80-90lm/w.

Read both datasheets, compare effiency numbers and be amazed...

You have to understand that LEDs are evolving with huge steps. Annual efficiency improvements of 5-10% are the rule. If your lamp were made of Citizen 1212, gen.6/CRI90, the efficiency would be 140-150lm/w, which is good 50% more light than the Alta COB's can deliver.

You got it for free, of course you want to give it a try. But you should also ask yourself why this light is criticized here. Why would anyone have a dislike for you? We do not know you!
But we recognize outdated technology, because here at RUI we are always on the cutting edge of LED technology!
Hell, man! An LM301b in 4000°K/CRI80+ comes to a damn high 220lm/w, that 245% better effiency compared to the coolwhite Alta's with 90lm/w!

Any questions?
I telephoned the owner of American LED Company and asked for detailed information, will be able to post those when I get them. I only posted a post about a new light I got, A-and I've been overwhelmed with Haters & Negative feedback, I AM NOT A SALESMAN, just an Old School Grower trying to show what I have.
If everyone wants to comment about what they feel, contact the company & vent your grievances, I have nothing to do with it, I'm just Growing & posting pictures
I never spewed any crap only facts.Admit you got fucked and move on.By the way my mom is dead.So go fuck yourself on that asshole!!!
Below I've added the latest datasheets from the 50w AltaCOB's and latest Samsung LM301b. Both are CRI90 to make it a fair competition. These COB's are not bad (back in 2014) but now they're outdated. Alta does not make new stuff since 4 years, they still sell their 4 year old design which delivers only 80-90lm/w.

Read both datasheets, compare effiency numbers and be amazed...

You have to understand that LEDs are evolving with huge steps. Annual efficiency improvements of 5-10% are the rule. If your lamp were made of Citizen 1212, gen.6/CRI90, the efficiency would be 140-150lm/w, which is good 50% more light than the Alta COB's can deliver.

You got it for free, of course you want to give it a try. But you should also ask yourself why this light is criticized here. Why would anyone have a dislike for you? We do not know you!
But we recognize outdated technology, because here at RUI we are always on the cutting edge of LED technology!
Hell, man! An LM301b in 4000°K/CRI80+ comes to a damn high 220lm/w, that 245% better effiency compared to the coolwhite Alta's with 90lm/w!

Any questions?

Similar to innoled cobs, same tech(motorola subsidiary)....... yes , very outdated by current standards.

Sadly the sock puppet gif was the peak of this thread:clap:..... it will all go downhill
The light is shot here is the details for 1 bar I'm assuming.
Price is 1400$
Pretty sure he is buying them from CTLite on alibaba.
The price for their 8 bar setup is 580$ looks like he may have added 3 cobs to each bar.
He says it's a 600w light on the website so that would mean each cob is getting 6.25w?
View attachment 4146243
I think its funny how they advertise the massive heatsink as being over the drivers not the cobs.o_O
not quite sure if i understand that site's angle

"I have proven that this new LED light technology is at equivalent to HPS/MH lighting, often times surpassing it"

ok ill buy that, it seems to be in the same 1.3ish umol/J range

but then it says

"our light shines through the competition to bring you a solution that ends up being a far more cost-effective choice than any conventional HPS and MH lighting"

so if it is 600W, and offers equivalent performance to HPS, wouldnt "cost effective" make it $200 as opposed to $1400?
so if it is 600W, and offers equivalent performance to HPS, wouldnt "cost effective" make it $200 as opposed to $1400?
Well, "Pharmer and farmer" got it for free. So that's "cost effective" in a way. At least you could then still use it as a drying rack or something.