American Seed Company that is Freaking Awsome, so far...

People get seeds snagged all of the time at customs. If they were looking to pop people growing through seed orders then why wouldn't they come after them?
Exactly, if it was a sting you wouldn't see people posting they got their orders. But instead, you would see people saying they got popped. My only concern would be how much of the order info they save in case they get popped. That's why I never use my real address, email or any other info when ordering from anywhere regardless of where from.
My opinions are kind of conflicted here..ya it's risky but we all need to act like we aren't doing anything wrong, if the five hundred common posters here that can grow top quality herb in illegal states can sustain their life by growing a couple few handfuls of plants so be it!! So in that regard i applaud this... on the flip side i don't think this is govt oriented i think it's a small grow op that got bold and decided to sell their creations but i fear they are ahead of the game get it while it lasts they have high probability of getting rolled..
I'm w/ MarWan - not necessarily on the GPS pen, but on the possibility of a sting - a new US initiative. Advertise se-eds...and the growers shall come. As broke as the gov't is, that's an operation that costs next to nothing - a few posts on a posting board and a g-mail address for info. Even on the 5% chance it's hot, no thanks.

The other thing - surely everyone has non-growing stoner amigos to get their beans mailed to, right?

yeah man, i'm not naming names, but both the d and the s of the company were members here for a few years i do believe.. one of them recently got banned i do believe, but again, not my place to point out why said member got banned, but yeah, it is surely no federal agency setting up a seed company to bust people...
and imo, if there was going to be such a bust, they'd be busting the sellers, not the buyers, but what do i know..
Hmm, one guy from dns had a post from last sept on here saying he's a new grower that needs help with aphids. It also looks like a lot of their breeding stock came from humboldt seed org. I'll pass on these guys.
Hmm, one guy from dns had a post from last sept on here saying he's a new grower that needs help with aphids. It also looks like a lot of their breeding stock came from humboldt seed org. I'll pass on these guys.

Yeah he's been growing as long as I have, has a huge ego and just chopped down his whole garden if I'm not mistaken. I won't be buying their genetics until I see them grown by folks I trust.

Dank's a cool guy, always been super nice and helpful. I had a differing opinion then Stew on a certain topic(dark periods) and got chewed out and linked to a tonne of nonsense that didn't even support his claims :) I expect swerve style customer service complaints to show up in no time dude's an ass with an attitude problem.

I knew there was going to be a bunch of these threads pop up, they have lots of folks around here that followed Danks grow.
Yeah he's been growing as long as I have, has a huge ego and just chopped down his whole garden if I'm not mistaken. I won't be buying their genetics until I see them grown by folks I trust.

Dank's a cool guy, always been super nice and helpful. I had a differing opinion then Stew on a certain topic(dark periods) and got chewed out and linked to a tonne of nonsense that didn't even support his claims :) I expect swerve style customer service complaints to show up in no time dude's an ass with an attitude problem.

I knew there was going to be a bunch of these threads pop up, they have lots of folks around here that followed Danks grow.

i never even knew that six dude, at all... i knew dank for a while now, and he seemed like a nice enough guy to me.. idk about his experience or depth of knowledge or anything though... i have seen his pix of that one strain about 1 million times now though, lol.. not knocking anyone, just having a lol... and yeah, he sure seemed to attract the people, both the good and the bad.. one day i was in his thread and shit was going smooth, the next day i went back to read a few things and it seemed like it went the way of 99% of finshaggy's threads, ie, down the gutter..
i never even knew that six dude, at all... i knew dank for a while now, and he seemed like a nice enough guy to me.. idk about his experience or depth of knowledge or anything though... i have seen his pix of that one strain about 1 million times now though, lol.. not knocking anyone, just having a lol... and yeah, he sure seemed to attract the people, both the good and the bad.. one day i was in his thread and shit was going smooth, the next day i went back to read a few things and it seemed like it went the way of 99% of finshaggy's threads, ie, down the gutter..
Yeah I stopped reading the thread once they couldn't figure out which forum to join, I'm very much not into the drama I love to follow it and read it, but for the most part won't partake. That stuff was just silly, I never did figure out what started it all so I gave up :)

Stew's a good grower from what I have seen, and I think he's having family issues which is why his garden got chopped which I wouldn't wish on anyone. I seriously wish them the best. He could be a really great dude, but we had a misunderstanding and the way it went down means I probably won't do business with him.

I just think this whole thing is jumping the gun until the genetics get grown out. Chopping moms, if that's what happened, and then selling seeds is not a good start IMHO.

I can't get on their site, but I think I read they were breeding with Power Pie which is a Sin City Tester that throws balls. I really wish I could get on their site to confirm.

Edit : I realize now I may have started drama with this post.... stoned ramblings will do that I suppose :)
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Yeah he's been growing as long as I have, has a huge ego and just chopped down his whole garden if I'm not mistaken. I won't be buying their genetics until I see them grown by folks I trust.

Dank's a cool guy, always been super nice and helpful. I had a differing opinion then Stew on a certain topic(dark periods) and got chewed out and linked to a tonne of nonsense that didn't even support his claims :) I expect swerve style customer service complaints to show up in no time dude's an ass with an attitude problem.

I knew there was going to be a bunch of these threads pop up, they have lots of folks around here that followed Danks grow.

Yeah, dank seems like a nice enough guy.... although I never participated in any of his threads because they all turned in to a giant reach-around.

As for the genetics, I'll take a pass for now as well. WAY too much other gear that I'd like to try before I pay for some cats un tested basement chucking.
yeah man, i'm not naming names, but both the d and the s of the company were members here for a few years i do believe.. one of them recently got banned i do believe, but again, not my place to point out why said member got banned, but yeah, it is surely no federal agency setting up a seed company to bust people...
and imo, if there was going to be such a bust, they'd be busting the sellers, not the buyers, but what do i know..
some times i wounder how the other seed companies hear in cali havent had fbi or any kind of heat or staked out for a few months???? thats what trips me out
some times i wounder how the other seed companies hear in cali havent had fbi or any kind of heat or staked out for a few months???? thats what trips me out

yeah, me too thump.. i'm sure you remember elite genetics.. he was an american, and had some fire from what i have heard.. i pretty much came on to the scene about the same time he got popped.. i think some teen aged kid stole his mom's cc or cash or some shit, and ordered from elite.. and obviously mommy wasn't too happy about that, and got the cops involved and it didn't take too long before elite was busted..
Just a quick update, I have checked out the beans and they all look nice. Dark large beans some with nice stripes. I have them in rock wool cubes so we will see in a few days if they pop or not.
I think the reason why breeders and growers aren't busted is a combination of a couple things. First is resources, both man power, and financial. The second is outcomes, now this is where I think state side bean sellers are making a mistake it's way easy to get a conviction for illegal use of the postal system as the whole federal state lines issue. Third being there are much more dangerous issues facing those agencies, think of all the heroin outbreaks taking place. Plus in those cases there is way more cash and illegal weapons charges to rack up. Just my thoughts. II think it's reckless either way
The customer list becomes a problem if the seller gets caught.
Maybe not for people operating legally in recreational/medical approved States, but if Fed's get involved I don't think it matters where you live.

I hope our Government has better things to do, but that is wishful thinking.
Shoot Rosey peach a PM she can hook you up with info.

What's your experience with them?(dns)
I'm wondering if your in with them or what? Because I'm feeling scammed since they keep saying they haven't seen my letter come in to them and postal confirms letter delivery. Luckily it was a small order n I'm not out a lot but just saying!
wtf Timmy, this looks like we been here before? Nah tommy, before we were here we were there but without the fucking T!!!
Maybe you get it maybe you don't. Point is I don't like being screwed with. Nothing against you hydrogreen65 but just saying....