American Seed Company that is Freaking Awsome, so far...

Might have to wait a week, Dank has been in the hospital. Trying best to keep things running without him.

I can tell you a lot of his strains seem to be indica dom. being crossed with GDP
Thanks Adt ;) Dank seems to be getting better, I will keep everyone posted! a huge thanks to anyone who has been praying/sending positive vibes his way. It seems to be working! :D
No prob, I just gotta figure out how to slow the Dream Reaper down. Absolute friggin monster. I can't wait for my cuttings from her to get just a lil bigger so I can throw into flower and scrog their ass. With the way she explodes when you switch to flower she should need very lil veg time.
Sounds like quite a harvest you're gonna have coming up ;) would love to see that scrog for damn sure!
I say scam. Been over bout couple months n nothing ever came. Correspondence with Rosey pleasant. But is she so good she can fool you? Yeah. If this ain't the case I hereby declare fraud, then fulfill orders.
I say scam. Been over bout couple months n nothing ever came. Correspondence with Rosey pleasant. But is she so good she can fool you? Yeah. If this ain't the case I hereby declare fraud, then fulfill orders.
You would need to take that up with Stew. I'm no longer
I say scam. Been over bout couple months n nothing ever came. Correspondence with Rosey pleasant. But is she so good she can fool you? Yeah. If this ain't the case I hereby declare fraud, then fulfill orders.
I am no longer with them and am sorry if you had trouble.

Rosie could you maybe inform folks as to what the hell is going on? Last I heard Stew jacked multiple email addresses from Dank and they weren't partnered anymore.

Now Stew is back in it? How does someone chop their entire garden and in the same month start selling seeds? How does he have the same parent stock to start back up again? did Dank have all the same parents? or is he just going to pop more HSO beans?

Maybe some day they will come back here and apologize to the users who's gardens their genetics have clearly fucked up.

Dank was told multiple times by folks who were trying to help him his breeding practices were not acceptable if he was going to sell the seeds, his followers chased them out of his threads if so much as the thought of a bad word was spoken about his practices, I believe I even said something along the lines of "dank knows what he's doing" in my naivety I believed someone who touted years and years of experience did. Now it's extremely clear all those people were right, and their constructive criticism should have been listened to.

Dank is the nicest guy, being a nice guy does not mean good breeder sadly. I wish him all the best in life, but I hope they stop selling seeds sooner rather then later. It's going to end badly for everyone, it already has for some with gardens and medicine being ruined.

I mean no disrespect to you Rosie. Just maybe you can shed some light now that you aren't working for them.
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Rosie could you maybe inform folks as to what the hell is going on? Last I heard Stew jacked multiple email addresses from Dank and they weren't partnered anymore.

Now Stew is back in it? How does someone chop their entire garden and in the same month start selling seeds? How does he have the same parent stock to start back up again? did Dank have all the same parents? or is he just going to pop more HSO beans?

Maybe some day they will come back here and apologize to the users who's gardens their genetics have clearly fucked up.

Dank was told multiple times by folks who were trying to help him his breeding practices were not acceptable if he was going to sell the seeds, his followers chased them out of his threads if so much as the thought of a bad word was spoken about his practices, I believe I even said something along the lines of "dank knows what he's doing" in my naivety I believed someone who touted years and years of experience did. Now it's extremely clear all those people were right, and their constructive criticism should have been listened to.

Dank is the nicest guy, being a nice guy does not mean good breeder sadly. I wish him all the best in life, but I hope they stop selling seeds sooner rather then later. It's going to end badly for everyone, it already has for some with gardens and medicine being ruined.

Not only that, but wtf about those who have money in limbo. I know Karma is real. Those who took advantage are awaiting their joker in their deck of life. Good luck to those who have money that was earned deceitfully. Sorry Rosey.... You were a part if them. Too convenient that things fell apart when they did after receiving my cash n who knows who else's. Mercy be with Thee
Rosie could you maybe inform folks as to what the hell is going on? Last I heard Stew jacked multiple email addresses from Dank and they weren't partnered anymore.

Now Stew is back in it? How does someone chop their entire garden and in the same month start selling seeds? How does he have the same parent stock to start back up again? did Dank have all the same parents? or is he just going to pop more HSO beans?

Maybe some day they will come back here and apologize to the users who's gardens their genetics have clearly fucked up.

Dank was told multiple times by folks who were trying to help him his breeding practices were not acceptable if he was going to sell the seeds, his followers chased them out of his threads if so much as the thought of a bad word was spoken about his practices, I believe I even said something along the lines of "dank knows what he's doing" in my naivety I believed someone who touted years and years of experience did. Now it's extremely clear all those people were right, and their constructive criticism should have been listened to.

Dank is the nicest guy, being a nice guy does not mean good breeder sadly. I wish him all the best in life, but I hope they stop selling seeds sooner rather then later. It's going to end badly for everyone, it already has for some with gardens and medicine being ruined.

I can tell you what I know but sadly, that isn't much. Stew did in fact lock the account. I was not informed nor explained to why. I lost contact with Dank for several weeks. He finally did speak to me and said that he was out of it and that Stew was 'taking over' and not giving any access to myself or even him. I am saddened by this experience and am truly sorry for everyone's trouble. I wish I had the power to make things right but I don't have the inventory. I hope you will share this info and accept my apology, I was only trying to help while Dank was in the hospital.

Not only that, but wtf about those who have money in limbo. I know Karma is real. Those who took advantage are awaiting their joker in their deck of life. Good luck to those who have money that was earned deceitfully. Sorry Rosey.... You were a part if them. Too convenient that things fell apart when they did after receiving my cash n who knows who else's. Mercy be with Thee

I feel badly for you, and I really hope you get your cash back. That's not cool getting bent over like that. But I have to ask.... what in the hell were you thinking??? I didn't see one single picture from dank that looked decent. Everything he posted was tiny little larfy looking flowers. Surely it wasn't the pics that prompted your order. Was it because dank seemed like a cool cat and you just got sucked in?

I'm honestly trying to understand how so many people felt the need to order seeds from a company that was screaming amateur hour to me (and apparently many others).
I sent Stew the information he needed to make the one order I received. What happens now I have no control over. I am upset as hell to be put in this position by them both. Stew won't answer my texts nor emails. Dank has gone AWOL. I hope they both see this and understand how messed up this is to put me in this position. I did nothing wrong, only tried to handle things that neither one of them could at the time. Now I am the one answering questions because they refuse to. That is messed up IMO.