American soldier; WE are the terrorists

Cut off all money to ISrael and sanction them for war crimes against humanity ... and just maybe... the USA can save face for all the Crimes its committed ... Anyone who drinks kool aid from this USA cup is a brain washed fossil ..
Cut off all money to ISrael and sanction them for war crimes against humanity ... and just maybe... the USA can save face for all the Crimes its committed ... Anyone who drinks kool aid from this USA cup is a brain washed fossil ..
The pot calling the kettle black.....
Americans as a whole are good moral sounded people... its the dirty Zionist that take advantage of this unique trait that makes us who we are and makes us do their evil deeds....

They own everything ... Zionism is the Matrix
Americans as a whole are good moral sounded people... its the dirty Zionist that take advantage of this unique trait that makes us who we are and makes us do their evil deeds....

They own everything ... Zionism is the Matrix
America has a long history of indiscriminately killing people when ever it fits their agenda. Been doing it since the Mayflower.....
Americans as a whole are good moral sounded people... its the dirty Zionist that take advantage of this unique trait that makes us who we are and makes us do their evil deeds....

They own everything ... Zionism is the Matrix
Cut off all money to ISrael and sanction them for war crimes against humanity ... and just maybe... the USA can save face for all the Crimes its committed ...
If you'd left it at this and didn't have a history of hating Jews for the sake of it you might have the start of a point.

We could talk about how Israel does shitty things but is surrounded by people who want them dead and have a conversation from there but you'd rather go the "dirty Zionist" route.
If you'd left it at this and didn't have a history of hating Jews for the sake of it you might have the start of a point.

We could talk about how Israel does shitty things but is surrounded by people who want them dead and have a conversation from there but you'd rather go the "dirty Zionist" route.
My thoughts exactly.

Israel hides behind its state sponsored religion to justify the unjustifiable- even against its own citizens. Many if not most of my Jewish friends are as disgusted by actions of the 'Jewish State' as we are.

It's no more justifiable in the name of Judaism than Buddhism, Baptism, Brahmanism, Muslim or any other sect.

That said, Jewish people, rich or poor, are not responsible merely by association with a shared faith. I've personally found them to be just like the rest of us; a people proud of their cultural heritage and traditions- and they make some great food! Sure there's the odd bad apple, just like any other group.

BDS campaigns against Israel and Israeli corporations is a movement gaining strength around the world. It worked against South African apartheid, it can work against Israel... And when their makes the necessary changes, I'll be proud to be among the first to welcome them back among the ranks of mature civilisations.
If you'd left it at this and didn't have a history of hating Jews for the sake of it you might have the start of a point.

We could talk about how Israel does shitty things but is surrounded by people who want them dead and have a conversation from there but you'd rather go the "dirty Zionist" route.

Israel does do shitty things and we are their red-headed step child.

Ally? That's a laugh..they are hated but not because they're Jews because they act as if everyone owes them.

We don't.

They're the biggest crybaby group out there.
Given your history on this topic, probably not the best idea to comment on why people "hate Jews"...

What do you mean 'my history'? What a fail response.

This group was hated long before I was on this earth and they'll be just as hated long after I'm gone..

Perhaps they should learn to get along with others in this world.

That's all true based upon his testimony.

He lied under a rat snitch..perhaps comparison to another animal would make you happier?

That's what was meant by those two selective quotes, Buck.

Just what was required to drain the Washington swamp of wall st- more wall st?

Further pretend to be Jewish all you's not becoming to you.
The only donors who $$$ makes any difference are evil parasitic AIPAC aka ZIONIST JEWS

They are responsible for every war America has been involved in... Just go look at how their disgusting Lord Rothschild empire started ... BANKING and WAR its the Kosher way

Plus for you old guys ,,, its funny how fast you jump to Israels defense ...

Do some homework and realize how insane these Zionist are...

In the Shiite Version of Islam.. Shiite being Iran, Syria, Yemen

It says in the end of days the Anti Christ (Israel/Saudi Arabia) will fight the Last Imam Mahdi in DAMASCUS ...

Mahdi isnt strong enough to defeat the Evil Anti-Christ and The great Return of Jesus (Russians aka Orthodox Christians)

Who delivers the final blow and defeats Evil and all peace is restored...

Fairy tales became real life.... Thank GOD Russia/Iran will never let Israel proceed with its greater Israel project

Good Guys always beat greedy evil Talmudic Wizards