American soldier; WE are the terrorists

internet warrior
You are the supposed warrior here. It's the focus of your thread -- how your experiences as a warrior influenced your worldview and how the rest of us are wrong. I reject the very premise of your thread. You're an Internet Warrior only. Quit the catfishing. It's unconvincing and it really doesn't matter -- internet claims are easy to make. You should be able to support your argument without relying on a flimsy appeal to self-declared authority argument.
This thread makes me want to listen to Ashes of the Wake.

"We killed a lot of innocent civilians. To us, every civilian in Baghdad was a terrorist. These Fedayeen are now in civilian clothes that makes everybody free game, but if they came in our perimeter, we lit 'em up...And when we would pull the body out, and we would search the car, we would find nothing. This took place time and time again. No harm, no foul, it's OK, don't worry about it; because this is a new type of war, this is an eradication."
It's actually much deeper than that. The Deep State/NWO. They control the political chess board through bribes, blackmail, and outright murder. They could care less which side is in 'power' as they have long controlled both sides, and thy make money through wars, including cold wars. Human life means little to them as they have no soul

whether you are a terrorist or a patriot depends on which side you're on

lol @ the deep state.
It's actually much deeper than that. The Deep State/NWO. They control the political chess board through bribes, blackmail, and outright murder. They could care less which side is in 'power' as they have long controlled both sides, and thy make money through wars, including cold wars. Human life means little to them as they have no soul

whether you are a terrorist or a patriot depends on which side you're on
What a stupid, shitty post.
That's the only way to get the right to do it.
Surely most Vets served to defend a person's right to criticize any branch of our Govt, no?

Very few people actually dislike individual soldiers for being soldiers and when they complain about "the military" they mean the way it is utilised and the billions of dollars of waste on non necessary bullshit.
"Defending your freedoms"

From who exactly? The only people stealing our freedoms are our own government. Joining the military is simply working for the enemy.
It's actually much deeper than that. The Deep State/NWO. They control the political chess board through bribes, blackmail, and outright murder. They could care less which side is in 'power' as they have long controlled both sides, and thy make money through wars, including cold wars. Human life means little to them as they have no soul

whether you are a terrorist or a patriot depends on which side you're on
Yeah I understand now...there's money in war. So why not finance both sides? An old idea and a treacherous one.
A lot of sense being written by tty on here.

Small point of irritation (not directed at any individual)

Terms like "our boys" & "heroes" are often used with reference to troops (I'm uk based, the actual platitudes may change from country to country but the sentiment does not)

People say things such as "I'll always support our troops"

Generalising about any group of people is always a bad idea.

I know 12 ppl who joined up, various reasons, some socio-economic as alluded to earlier...but 4 of them wanted to kill people.

Two of those four were in their late twenties and home owners.

Their justification for enlisting was a desire to kill Muslims.

I do not believe the numbers i mention are representative but they do highlight a percentage of the armed forces are blood thirsty dickheads.

Yes, they are victims of propaganda and yes some have few options in life and yes many are exploited by our keepers.

but it's also an inescapable fact that war crimes are commited by all sides and it's not always because they were following orders.