Well-Known Member obviously watch Fox so... obviously watch Fox so...
So... This poll is righteous but the one that says Bush is more popular than Obama isn't? Why?
What a load of crap. I won't even pick that apart. If you really feel that way there's little hope of opening your eyes. But for a president who called Bush unamerican for his deficient this moron will have left us with more debt than BUSH AND EVERYONE BEFORE HIM. ITS UP TO 18 TRILLION AND YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT DECREASE? YOU CANT BE SERIOUS. HES GIVING MILLIONS IN MILITARY WEAPON TO IRAQ ON OUR DIME. FOR THEM TO LEAVE TO ISIS. FOR US TO BOMB AND DESTROY ONLY TO GIVE THEM MORE WEAPONS TO LEAVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD AND US TO DESTROY! I suggest you open your eyes. Or do you believe every lie Brian Williams tells?Earth
Civil rights, cannabis legalization + the war on drugs/private prison industry, the first amendment, protection against police force, immigration, foreign policy, climate change + environmental protection...
Thanks to right wing ideology and trickle down economics, a GOP policy, not Obama
ACA, vetoed Keystone, immigration reform, decreased the deficit, strengthened international relations, opened up Cuba, will be the presiding president under total LGBT recognition, to name a few
TPP is corporate shit, I'll be the first to say it
There is much to criticize the Obama administration about and you've chosen the least important..
Golf clap..
So... This poll is righteous but the one that says Bush is more popular than Obama isn't? Why?
Because I agree with one and not the other.
What a load of crap. I won't even pick that apart. If you really feel that way there's little hope of opening your eyes. But for a president who called Bush unamerican for his deficient this moron will have left us with more debt than BUSH AND EVERYONE BEFORE HIM. ITS UP TO 18 TRILLION AND YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT DECREASE? YOU CANT BE SERIOUS. HES GIVING MILLIONS IN MILITARY WEAPON TO IRAQ ON OUR DIME. FOR THEM TO LEAVE TO ISIS. FOR US TO BOMB AND DESTROY ONLY TO GIVE THEM MORE WEAPONS TO LEAVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD AND US TO DESTROY! I suggest you open your eyes. Or do you believe every lie Brian Williams tells?
You are right, the bible and science books are not equally accurate, but it's not like that. (although that was a good one)Because one poll is unbiased, and the other was generated by a far right reaching biased "call-center". That's like saying science books and the Bible are equally accurate. They are not.
You are right, the bible and science books are not equally accurate, but it's not like that. (although that was a good one)
One poll says what I want it to, so I will say it is scientific, the other poll says the opposite of what I want it to so I will say it is biased right wing conspiracy.
I have less faith in my fellow citizens I guess. As your boy the creepy stalker was saying, POTUS favor-ability always goes up after they leave office. I don't really understand this, but it's one of those undeniable truths.
It's funny most won't listen to facts but they've been brainwashed to think we are better because of Obama. Maybe you're better off telling people what they want to hear. Then they won't see what is plainly obvious. We are less respected and weaker under OBAMA! And these same people want Hillary. The women can't even take a question from a reporter. Just planned events with "friends". While her staff is erasing servers and trying to change the history of her time as Secretary of State. What a joke.
Straw man? How many years has it been since you've seen the sunshine? Sounds like you have political talking point syndrome. Who's quoting political talking points? I've mentioned FACTS and you talk news companies. Sound like a person who repeats what they hear. Not someone who has facts to defend their points.
He's made us an embarrassment and just because he utters lies and you believe them. That poll isn't worth the ink it's wrote with. You've got to know who they polled.
No. My metaphor was quite apropos. Gallup polls are trusted unbiased research analytics. Think of them like the CBO, the right for the most part agrees they are unbiased. Usually up until a poll doesn't go their way, then they (the right) start sling poo. The other poll is untrusted, not well known and is run by individuals known to be affiliated with right wing agenda. The method by which they gather their information is also untrusted and completely biased, therefore the information collected is also biased and untrusted.
Science books are generally books of trusted information gathered by unbiased means, analyzed and disseminated to people then advance further research and analyzing of new information, while the Bible tells mouth breathers how to live and lies to them without support of proof or fact.
I bet you are gonna wish you didn't say that. Here's a cnn poll that Gallop gave it's stamp of approval on, since we trust gallop and all..
And lo, new polling from CNN/ORC and Bloomberg/Des Moines Register gives us two indicators that this scenario is coming true.
George W. Bush is now viewed more favorably than Hillary Clinton, and his favorability trumps President Obama's approval.
The worst part about this is that the more favorability GW gains, the better the chances are for Jeb. That's not good.
I don't see anything wrong with this poll. It illustrates something we already know. Former Presidents ALWAYS poll better AFTER they leave office. And it's pretty telling how well the right wing propaganda machine is working. Right around the time Hillary announced her run for presidency, Faux Noose started generating bullshit micro-meltdowns about her and her ratings suffered because of it. Happens every 4 years, nothing new there. Obama's favorability rating is still more than twice as high as Bush's at the same period of time in office, and that's even after the right wing propaganda machine has been working nonstop for the past 7 years against him.
You are right, it's disheartening to think Bush suddenly is more popular with the US than unpopular. How the fuck does that happen? Are they polling Alzheimer's patients?
But that poll lines up identically with the one you claimed was biased, so...
Not identically, and the biased poll left out information that was telling in the poll you just provided.
Hannity and Bill'O do the same thing, they tell part truths, leaving out key pieces of information. But when they get called out on it, they tell people to shut up and just yell over them until the accuser gives up.
I agree with John Stewart on that one. Hannity is so bad, he makes Bill O look sane by comparison.
Glad your side doesn't cherry pick info though.
If information is accurate and factual, there's nothing to cherry pick.
You know better than this. I can show you stats that are accurate and factual while leaving off causation.
Or I can show some stats that back up my claim while leaving off the stats that don't.
This is not a right/left thing, everyone does this. Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.
If one side claims they don't, either side, they instantly lose credibility.