="Yessica..., post: 11694364, member: 880185"]That's not what I was talking about, and you know it little guy.
I thought you and I were buds. You were always EXTRA
nice to me. Really from like a year ago onward.
Until this "fight" thing started with T. Then you quickly became aloof, and real Caddy towards me. I still don't really get it.
You don't have to explain. But I have certainly noticed a very very different side of you than the Pinny I knew and loved from last summer.
You seem to let petty and juvenile shit bother you a lot, in my opinion. You have gotten upset with me several times because I would not
to join
hate parade on one member or another. I like to make my own opinions of people. Sometimes I'm wrong, like with Darth Hitler in this thread. And I admit when I'm wrong.
But I am NOT wrong about T. If I saw any person on this site make fun of a persons mental problems the way he did - I would go full on JUSTICE LEAGUE on their ass.
Because thats the kind of person I am.[
Your still my favorite Cannuk Yessica besides Rob Ford and the Trailer Park Boys.