America's BIGGEST problem!!!!

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
Republicans and democrats are money ran organizations that are there to divide us as a nation. Its bullshit that if your in the Independent party, libertarian party, green party, whatever you can't and will never be able to win an election. I hate how I'm limited to 2 people, I can vote for party runners but I'm a no party kind of guy' so i have no say. I just cant stand how the american people and I are silenced every election because of the DUMB ASS RETARDED PARTY'S. Also i think they should take the party word out and change it with something else because party's are fun and politics are not. Please share your opinion! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Hey man I agree completely, the parties are there to fool us into thinking they are two completely different candidates when in fact they all work together. And the media does the fooling


New Member
Dude, great post. I hope more people post here, as I want to hear more articulate opinions than my own. When I first started browsing the politics section here, I did not mind calling myself a democrat for the simple fact that my progressive views aligned closer to theirs than to the conservatives. But enough reading has thoroughly convinced me as to the idiocy of BOTH parties. The people I laugh at the most are not the ones who adamantly disagree with my opinion on an issue, but rather those who seem to align themselves with ones corrupt bunch of crooks or the other. I think we all know who these folks are.

My only 'solution' to this conundrum is to vote non-incumbent down the line every time without thinking too much about it. Out with the old, in with the new. If these ass clowns were not so worried about getting re-elected or political posturing, perhaps we'd stand a chance at solving our biggest challenges.

Don't even get me started on the media.....fuck an a


New Member
Dude, great post. I hope more people post here, as I want to hear more articulate opinions than my own. When I first started browsing the politics section here, I did not mind calling myself a democrat for the simple fact that my progressive views aligned closer to theirs than to the conservatives. But enough reading has thoroughly convinced me as to the idiocy of BOTH parties. The people I laugh at the most are not the ones who adamantly disagree with my opinion on an issue, but rather those who seem to align themselves with ones corrupt bunch of crooks or the other. I think we all know who these folks are.

My only 'solution' to this conundrum is to vote non-incumbent down the line every time without thinking too much about it. Out with the old, in with the new. If these ass clowns were not so worried about getting re-elected or political posturing, perhaps we'd stand a chance at solving our biggest challenges.

Don't even get me started on the media.....fuck an a
Uhhh, It's Fuckin A.


New Member
I prefer to think of it as 'fuck an a', not sure why. My comments were not directed at you though! I like that you fight for compassion and understanding

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
America's biggest problem is the population no longer runs their respective lives. Not that we ever really did, but it has moved much further and faster lately in the WRONG direction. Both parties contributed to the fiscal insolvency. Finger pointing is fun, but in the end there's enough blame for everybody on both sides of the aisle. More than enough.

Both parties stick their noses in where they don't belong. Both think they can run your life better than you can. Expecting either party to solve a problem they were at least partially responsible for creating is wishful thinking. It isn't going to happen.


Well-Known Member
America's biggest problem is the population no longer runs their respective lives. Not that we ever really did, but it has moved much further and faster lately in the WRONG direction. Both parties contributed to the fiscal insolvency. Finger pointing is fun, but in the end there's enough blame for everybody on both sides of the aisle. More than enough.

Both parties stick their noses in where they don't belong. Both think they can run your life better than you can. Expecting either party to solve a problem they were at least partially responsible for creating is wishful thinking. It isn't going to happen.
Agreed, there are so many people who would rather be subsidized by the government than have to actually get up in the morning and be productive and take care of themselves. These people are statistically the poorest, least intelligent, laziest whiners to walk amongst us.


New Member
Yes, both sides of the aisle are to blame. But the finger pointing wasn't inward at each other, it was at the private sector, and that part is massively deceptive.

Make no mistake, the govt. was the catalyst for the recent meltdown, not the private sector.

That is why Obama is going the wrong way..... he is a slow learner, or he isn't interested in the truth at all.... or he hates us all.


Well-Known Member
Individual responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and responsible, "fair trade with all, entangling alliances with none" Thomas Jefferson.

That first part is basically Ron Paul, I know its old news but I truly belive the Constitution is our only hope.
NOT Sarah Palin or B.O. as I like to call him (anybody got any Old Spice)


New Member
Don't group Palin (was she up for Pres?) and Obama ...

The degree of difference is quite wide..... not even close. No one in history so far is close to Obama.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt trying to group them together, it just seems thats what the media is puting forward right now so thats who most people (sheep) will watch and vote for, and yes nobody is even close to Obama in Socialist/Anti-Constitutional views except maybe GW. I dont belong to either party, they're all fucked up


New Member
GW.... lol....sure.

One President worked his arse off to beat back terrorism, and the other.... well...the other throws parties every Wednesday night...lavish ones. He also plays more golf than Bush. oh my....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Individual responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and responsible, "fair trade with all, entangling alliances with none" Thomas Jefferson.

That first part is basically Ron Paul, I know its old news but I truly belive the Constitution is our only hope.
NOT Sarah Palin or B.O. as I like to call him (anybody got any Old Spice)
We have to put the interstate commerce clause back in it's cage then we can get a little more use out of the constitution.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that GW worked hard to counter terrorism but he didnt have to lie about it or issue any executive orders, I'm of the mind that if you are going to fight a war you should Declare War constitutionally so that all available and needed resources can be utilized to quickly and effectively eliminate ALL enemy encampments on their way to victory. No more of this Vietnam style bullshit, hop scotch around wasting bullets and money and soldiers for nothing really cuz eventually the public turns against the war and we cant finish the job