America's economy in 2060?

The Growery

Active Member
So what is going to happen now that we owe China $7 Trillion+ and dozens of other countries trillions more? We are forced to borrow more money from the Fed Reserve in which they supply from out of nowhere (we borrow money that is based on nothing but faith) and then ask for the principle + interest in payment back. Well how are we supposed to find the extra money for interest when it doesn't exist. The problem is we will always owe the Fed more money than what is in the money supply. When they add more money without backing with gold or some equivalent, it causes drastic inflation, things that we are seeing right now.

Greenback, barter or resource-based economy asap!

But the top tier of good ol' america won't let this happen - too much at stake too much to lose on their end. So the people can fight back, right? But how? Speech and protests don't work against the federal govt nowadays, the govt has become too big and powerful. How could we as a people find a way to flush our system of the federal reserves and return back to pre 1900 economy of gold-based dollars? I really feel like this country is doomed to fail, not enough people care about the government anymore - too fat from cheetos and angry housewives. Everyone from 90% on down will live like the majority of the world already does - under the poverty line. This is my prediction of America 2060.

Sir Stanky

Active Member
Everything is exactly how the banksters want it. The world is forced to buy oil in us dollars and when nixon took us off the gold standard, countries could no longer exchange gold for dollars. The poorest countries (china, etc) could only get dollars by exporting cheap products produced by virtual slave labor.

As far as usury goes, look how greece is unfolding. Loan a bunch of money to corrupt politicians and keep loaning more promising low interest rates then jack up the rates at a predetermined point of no return. oops, big loan crises, time for the banksters to scoop up assets. This will repeat itself in country after country.

I think we as a collective people will be impoverished much sooner than 2060 though if the system isn't changed.



New Member
America in 2060 will be a third world country at this rate ! Shit subtract 30 years and we may be there already as it is a downward spiral effect that can not be fixed . Our shitty system was broken long ago for good !


Active Member
In 2060 there will be just one nation of one people. All the individual countries will join together to form this one collection of everybody.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
can I ask what strain you've been smoking...? not that your imagination is incorrect... who are we to really say?You - Idealist. Me - Realist.


Active Member
Why does the reality have to be that things are shit and for sure gonna be shittier. The pessimist knows what's gonna happen, the optimist knows they don't know.


Well-Known Member
I won't leave my happiness to anyone but myself. Whatever the world throws at me I want to spin it in a positive way and build upon it. I'm drawn towards the positive and feeling good.
I admire your attitude, it's the kind I would like to have but I'm a pessimist so I only succeed in being positive about 50% of the time. lol


Well-Known Member
The fall in GDP from first to second is not going to be that dramatic. Last time I recall hearing the US is still up on China, 15 to 1 in overall GDP. Other countries line up to buy U.S. debt, the US has some issue's but the economy is not one of them compared to most countries.

I think the more important issues for this countries future, are the inefficiencies in public education and the absolutely appalling state of our media. For the purpose of rating they have turned the news into some form of a circus. The higher ups in media and print news should be hung for treason right next to the secretary of education. They are both dumbing down this country exponentially every year... Rant over

Disclaimer: The very little I did go to High School I was high as F&*%, I got my GED in prison and barely even read now. Please do not quote me on any of this.


Well-Known Member
Also, I think we are looking at this the wrong way. I am saving up my money to voluntarily move to the Third World.
They have nicer beaches and have way more fun... I can not wait for AmeriCAs to catch up.