Well-Known Member
Can you help save this thread?I have some latent hostility.
I feel better now.. React if you all must.
Ernst Berg Turlock Ca.
Can you help save this thread?I have some latent hostility.
I feel better now.. React if you all must.
Ernst Berg Turlock Ca.
you've got to be kidding me.That you gain prestige from countering is akin to popularity by mockery.
When you write the play, promote the players and do it all for free then you will be a real hero of the people until then you are but the fool.
Good luck in the big time as someone who is afraid to show their true identity.
Translation don't write checks you cannot honor. You draw on my account and don't put up equal risk. Hence an asshole who plays it safe all the time like a fucktard.
Am I wrong? What is your real name and where do you live?
you've got to be kidding me.
i have been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. can you really be far even as decided half as much to go use wish for that? my guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
it's just common sense.
*woosh*you've got to be kidding me.
i have been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. can you really be far even as decided half as much to go use wish for that? my guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
it's just common sense.
ummmm ok...someones been drinking again..lolyou've got to be kidding me.
i have been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. can you really be far even as decided half as much to go use wish for that? my guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
it's just common sense.
The sad thing is it made more sense than some of the posts we see from Ernst.ummmm ok...someones been drinking
Love me or Hate Me it doesn't matter. I post the news.
Latinos need a Tequila Party to rock the vote
While not an extremely new news I think we need to pay attention to the fastest rising voting demographic.
If we wish to legalize cannabis we cannot ignore minority come majority cultures.
If we are to find common ground for the success of legalization we cannot ignore the boarder and what effects the hearts of many Californians' ; The War of drugs.
In the far Southern California the needs of the communities favor organized and controlled sales of Cannabis.
Many see placing cannabis in supermarkets as a practical solution however, strangely, the commercial interests are against allowing local production.
However, let us not discount the Tequila Party in it's ability to effect positive change and control of Cannabis from across the boarder if we allow our citizens horticulture rights.
dude, i am high as fuck. but if you read your posts in the voice of miss chokes-on-dick from south park, they are fucking hilarious....just sayinIt's an important voting block for California and important to the Legalization efforts.
We have to address the needs and concerns of the Hispanic community if we are to legalize.
me too, i have to walk a block and pull a lever....really fucking hard. oh, and if i forget my OFFICIAL GOVT IDENTIFICATION OR DRIVERS LICENSE i can show my electric shit....thats the order.......mind boggling.Yep it is difficult for me to vote because i am from a lower income..Can you say retarded!!!!!!
actually, what they are doing is making it harder for people to be registered to vote. if you aren't registered, you can't vote.
a lot of poor people relied on 'registration drives' because poor people are busy doing shit like cleaning your toilet all day, so getting to the county registration office is hard when your poor.
so yes, they are making it harder to vote if you are poor.
yo you cant be serious. you cannot possibly be this dumb. everyone who DOES VOTE knows how stupid you look now. you do realize that right?it's easy as pie if your white and have money.
to the rest of the nation registering to vote is a lot harder.
and it IS part of the republican strategy to make it institutionally harder for minorities/poor people to vote, since these demographics overwhelmingly support democrats.
my cat's breath smells like cat food.What is happening here is that we have degraded into senseless fighting.
Now I see this as a chance to iron out my social interactions but i have an opinion and i am good at providing content.
There isn't one of us who is innocent in posting asinine stuff from time to time.
So I guess what needs to happen is that who is doing what needs to be clear.
From my point of view some of you are doging my every thread and at every chance trying to effect a reaction that can be used against.
I am slowly learning to do the same but do we really need every new member to be qualified in textual gladiatorial warfare?
So I like the far left approach to cannabis legalization and i know how to post a lot. It's a skill I learned after 29 years of posting in forums.
I can be rather good and yes indeed I can manage three or 10 threads id I want but who says I can't?
Who says I can't provide content free of charge?
No one can say I take the same text and repeat it over and over like spam all anyone can say is that I have an agenda thy don't like.
fine make your own threads and seek out like minded folks to enjoy.
I'll leave it be.
I'll make mine and together we will provide content for may diversified points of view.
What do you all say?
we cannot change the past but we can move forward into a better future where possible Horticulture, use and private trade are legal!
I just checked and I believe I have the right information.Are you fucking stupid Ernst? Since when are the mexicans the largest minority? Blacks are the largest minority and those bitches are in the White House.![]() become US largest minority: 15.8% of total population
The size of the United States Hispanic community grew by 3.1% in 2009 to 48.4 million people, or 15.8% of the total population, the largest minority in a country that is ever more diverse, the Census Bureau said Thursday.
Growth rate reflects the fact that for every nine Latino births there is just one death of a Hispanic
The new data reflect how minorities continue growing, now comprising 35% of the total population.
The figures are the latest to be released before the 2010 Census data becomes available at the end of this year, information which will determine the new demographic geography of the country. This years census data will allow congressional representation to be adjusted and more than 400 billion US dollars in federal funds to be more fairly distributed.
Meanwhile, the new estimates reveal a country of larger and younger minorities, with Hispanics having the greatest growth rate due to their higher birth rate, rather than immigration, for instance.