Amsterdam Baby!


Active Member
Hey everybody! So here is the latest scoop.. I am going to Amsterdam July 2009 and just had a few general questions. All comments and suggestions are super appreciated!

What is the best way to mail seeds back from Amsterdam? And do I need to be careful about taking these seeds into the post office (as far as legality in Amsterdam)?

Is there any upscale hotels that are safe, clean, and welcome the toking tourist?

Any recommendations on canal tours/cruises?

While in town, did anyone come across any must visit souvenir shops? I am talking anything from t-shirts, mugs, paraphernalia, local coffee or wine?

And last but not least, any hole in the wall restaurants or attractions? Give me what ya got! Again, any tips or whatever are totally appreciated! I have never been out of the country, so I am ready to go and make it the trip of a life time! Bringing US love to Amsterdam soil!!! :joint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
im also going in the beginning of july, ive been before with college in january but i was with non tokers so it wasnt as good im going with my mates and my dad, all big smokers. im pretty sure u can just bring seeds back as its not illegal to have them just to germinate them. who are you going with?


Active Member
Going with the hubby. We are 23 and newlyweds, this is like our post honeymoon and we're out to get super blazed and maybe hit up some cool attractions. I just want the down low before I go so that I don't waste any time while I'm there. I am only going to be in Europe for 11 days. In that time span, we are going to try and catch public transportation from London to Paris, and then from Paris to Amsterdam. I have been reading a crap load at Barnes and Noble and taking notes, reading online, etc. But I know it's nothing like asking the locals or the people who have been.

The excitement is totally beginning to set in! :)


Well-Known Member
Im going to Amsterdam late June also and from my research most hotels let you smoke in
the room, as for safe well you should be fine as long as you dont go into a very cheap hotel i think...
for souvenirs am going to visit the Red Light District ;)
also the Dampkring coffee shop is one of the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam they have all kinds of selections, heres a
site with all the coffeeshop menu's
I also go to Paris often and its really beautiful, french food is so good!


Well-Known Member
I am only going to be in Europe for 11 days. In that time span, we are going to try and catch public transportation from London to Paris, and then from Paris to Amsterdam.

yeah thats pretty far, your probably gonna be stressed and spendin most of the time in a car/train/boat if you wanna do that.

i've been to paris, and i gotta say... its pretty boring. its a nice city and all, but thats about it.

id just go from london to amsterdam its way closer and otherwise youre gonna be traveling really alot... but thats just me :D


Active Member
I have read that Paris can be a bit boring, but being so close and on the way... I feel like I should because I don't know when the next time I'll get to go to Europe.

If you had 11 days, how many days would you dedicate to each town? I don't want to dictate my entire trip around smoking out at Amsterdam, just the majority of it. Haha. I was thinking like maybe 5 days of it.. 4 days in London, and a quick stop in Paris for 2 days to eat the French cuisine and walk by the Eiffel tower. Is it lit up at night? Ahhh yeah! It's gonna be sweet! Freakin' stoookeeed!

Little nervous, I hate being without a car and I have never been on a plane trip this long. Being American with Amsterdam stamped on my passport, I'm sure I'll be given a hard time at the airport on the way home. Goes with the territory!

If you know of any common and polite cafe etiquette then let me know. I want to respect the country, but enjoy it to the fullest!


Well-Known Member
1 day to get to london
1 day to get from london to paris
1 day to get to amsterdam

leaves you 8 not-travel days.

dunno, i would just go 11 days to amsterdam :D

going to paris is a pretty big detour :D


Well-Known Member
1 day to get to london
1 day to get from london to paris
1 day to get to amsterdam

leaves you 8 not-travel days.

dunno, i would just go 11 days to amsterdam :D

going to paris is a pretty big detour :D
Amsterdam-Paris it takes 4 hours on train...
The eiffel tower lights off at midnight.


Active Member
Wow does it really take a day to travel from each city? I guess if you add up when you're packing your bags to leave a hotel -> catching a train -> catching a bus from the train to your hotel -> ...and doing that every city. It might get a little tiresome. I will just kick myself in the ass if I don't see the Eiffel Tower. I also want to see the London Bridge and Stone Henge. Call me nerdy if ya will, but dang... I am stoner chick that digs that shit! haha

I am 23 years old and I go to the zoo AND I DON'T have kids. HAHA!!! For real though... I heart attractions hardcore!

Are the lights on the Eiffel Tower really off at midnight? What time do they go off? I seen the one in Vegas all lit up, it looked sweet. I got my picture taken in front of it, so now I need one of me standing in front of the real deal. :hump:

In Amsterdam, do you look like an outcast if you don't ride a bike? I much rather walk then be strapping a bike up everywhere I go. :?

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I have never been but I have heard things from friends that have. The thing that stuck with me the most is be careful if you do anything harder then marijuana in Amsterdam. I've heard that some locals will give you fucked up or the wrong shit because they don't like Americans. I don't know if that's true but I heard it.


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam-Paris it takes 4 hours on train...
The eiffel tower lights off at midnight.
+ packing, getting to the train station, gettin to the hotel, unpacking etc.

what i mean is the whole day is pretty much wasted cause your traveling.

of course it doesnt take a whole day actual travel time :roll::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You should just fly from london to amsterdam. Catch a bus to luton airport, or a train to stansted (either takes just under an hour), then catch a budget flight for about 40quid to amsterdam, the flight is only an hour and usually leaves around 4pm. check out of your hotel at 11 (normal checkout time), get a bite of lunch and say goodbye to london, cruise to the airport, and you'll be in your hotel room in amsterdam by 8pm, guaranteed. Trust me I've done it and plan to again in august.

Then If you're set on Paris (it's dirty and expensive), catch the eurostar from the dam and you'll be there in just a few hours. None of those trips will take up more than a half day.

As for things to do in Amsterdam, I plan on spending a lot of time in the vondelpark this time since i'll be there in summer. They have free concerts and movie screenings on there all the time, and it's just a great place to relax and smoke on a nice day. The entire city is awesome to hang out, shop, visit bars (and coffeeshops obviously), and eat in. It's one of my favourite cities in the world even without the smoking and red light district.


Active Member
You should just fly from london to amsterdam. Catch a bus to luton airport, or a train to stansted (either takes just under an hour), then catch a budget flight for about 40quid to amsterdam, the flight is only an hour and usually leaves around 4pm. check out of your hotel at 11 (normal checkout time), get a bite of lunch and say goodbye to london, cruise to the airport, and you'll be in your hotel room in amsterdam by 8pm, guaranteed. Trust me I've done it and plan to again in august.

Then If you're set on Paris (it's dirty and expensive), catch the eurostar from the dam and you'll be there in just a few hours. None of those trips will take up more than a half day.

As for things to do in Amsterdam, I plan on spending a lot of time in the vondelpark this time since i'll be there in summer. They have free concerts and movie screenings on there all the time, and it's just a great place to relax and smoke on a nice day. The entire city is awesome to hang out, shop, visit bars (and coffeeshops obviously), and eat in. It's one of my favourite cities in the world even without the smoking and red light district.
Great info! Sounds like you've been a few times.. so just curious, is there any way to stay away from naked girls and still smoke? I am a girl and really don't care to see all that. I'm there for the ganja, ya feel me?

I really just want some clean fun. I'd love to walk around the city, hit up some unique shops, go to all the popular attractions, local festivals, and dine at some authentic restaurants.

The more I read, the more nervous I get because every book or travel journal I have read talks about all the crazies in the street trying to mug all the tourist, and they talk about nasty girls dancing in windows, etc.

I would just like to know if it is possible to stay away from the Red Light District and still have some memorable stoner moments in Amsterdam. Or are all the shops in the RLD?

You mentioned smoking in Vondelpark.. so there will be people just toking it up right there in the middle of the park, legally? And they say there is a 5g limit per person. So can you just coffeeshop hop and get 5g at every place you stop at? Hahh, just thought I'd ask.

One last question.. not sure if you seen the movie Hostel... but yeah, SKURRYYYY!!!!! haha. So yeah, I don't want to stay at any nasty places just to smoke... can I smoke at any hotel? Or do you know of a nice one (Hilton, Omni, Wyndham, or something like that) which is stoner friendly? I want to stay somewhere I can smoke in my room, but still is considered a 3 star or above HOTEL... not a HOSTEL... not sure the difference, but after the movie... i am a terrified little paranoid American that has beautiful virgin eyes. :hump: lol


Well-Known Member
There are coffeeshops everywhere, not just in the red light district. For example you can go to the heineken experience (brewery tour), and on your way back up the street that it's on you'll pass "little" and "mellow yellow" coffeeshops. I tend to stay out of the red light district - it is fun and cool to see, I recommend you check it out for at least a few hours so you have some stories to tell your friends, but it definitely is a little shady at night. Plus I'm going with my girlfriend this time, and I'm not one to partake of the services offered. Not particularly unsafe I don't think, at least I never felt unsafe, but it does get pretty wild and I can tell you're not really into that. You can go see a sex show though, pretty much everyone I've talked to has had a great time at those, even groups of girls/people who ordinarily wouldn't be into strip clubs (and this is more than a strip club).

You definitely don't want to dine at authentic dutch restaurants...I'm not sure they even exist. If they did, no one would go, dutch food is terrible. The city does have lots of great restaurants though, just not dutch.

You can have a great time in amsterdam without barely even visiting the red light district. If you look at maps of the place it's just one of many many districts of the city. I think the pot museum is in the RLD, so you might need to head there for a few attractions, but again, if you go in the day time you won't find it any different from the other district in terms of safety (there will be a lot more women in lingerie in windows though...however a lot of them aren't what I would call "nasty").

Lots of people smoke in the park, just don't light up around people with children. I tend to just sit at the edge of one of the ponds away from the crowds and smoke a few joints. It's the same with anywhere in amsterdam really, you can smoke in public, but don't piss anyone off in the process. ex. if you want to smoke at a cafe/restaurant ask your server if it's ok first.

You could buy 5 grams at more than one coffeeshop, but it's not wise to carry more than 5 at a time. Why? because technically you can be prosecuted for carrying more than 5 at a time. The odds of you getting caught and actually being ticketed or something are 1 in a million, but why break the law? Be a responsible stoner! Besides, if you need more than 5 grams of amsterdam weed, you're buying the wrong stuff. Get 5 grams of ice-o-later or something and it will last you your whole trip.

I didn't see the movie hostel, but I have stayed in hostels all over Europe. The flying pig hostel in Amsterdam is definitely one of the coolest places I've ever stayed. My dorm room was nice and chill, the bar was full of awesome people, and they have a deck for smoking and a stage area covered in pillows for hanging out. So if you ever need to travel on a budget, don't hesitate to get a hostel.

I don't know much about hotels in amsterdam, just pick the one that's in a nice area (leidseplein, vondelpark, etc.) and phone them or email to ask. I doubt the really upscale hotels will permit smoking though, I think most of them are smoke free properties.


Well-Known Member
Hey rollwyou, I love amsterdam, ive been 3 times now in the past 5 yrs, 2 times with my wife in the last 2 and 3 years. Definatly print off a coffeeshop map from here I used that as my map exclusivly as it has enough detail, and the coffee shops are great landmarks. Our personal favorite shops are 420, its nice cause its close to the amsterdam central/train station, rokerij, and dampkring. Grey area is owned by americans, and has some pretty good stuff, but very small. Definatly visit homegrown too, and try to cheese, very unique.

As for the park, its one of our favorite places, You can defiantly smoke up in the park, when we were there, probably 90% of the people in the park was rolling joints. Very relaxing, and I would recommend going. Its nice just going and smoking totally in public.

As far as the RLD, the girls arnt naked, just dressed in bikinis and lingerie My wife was the same way though, we mostly stayed away from that area, though its mainly just 2 blocks or so, much smaller than it was before. Though you should definatly atlesat go around the area a bit, as there are alot of coffeeshops around there. Dont waste your money buying any of the drugs that the shady dealers there are selling.

A few things to know, things close early there compared to here. Most stores close around 5, except cofeeshops and restaurants, they close on the weekends there also, so its more "fun" on the weekdays.If you can, try to stay southern part of amsterdam, some of the stores there are open later than the northern part.

As for food, most things are pretty expensive, but for cheap eats, I have a few recommendations. Febo wierd is awesome, try everything. Australian is awesome for icecream and waffles w/ice cream. Walk to wok is good, and the small lebanese restaurants have good sharomas. Jamin has some good pies and drinks. Theres also a tosted bread place there thats pretty good, dont remember the name. Real Sitdown restaurants are pretty expensive there 13-20 euros, but you have find a 5 euro one near the southern part of amsterdam near bulldog and rokerij. Jordaan also has cheap eats supposedly, but Ive never really walked around there too much

If you can find it, theres a amazing place called Wonderbar near northern amsterdam, you can smoke and eat there, which is rare IMO. And not too expensive, only 7 euros for a meatball sub, very nice to sit there and smoke after a meal watching ppl go by.

As for bringing seeds back, very easy. She just put some in her pants in the checkin without the wrapper or anything. THey are very small, so it shouldnt be any problems. We even brought like 7gs of hash back. It was "on" her and we walked right past drug dogs, lemme know if u want more info about that

Adam is awesome though, def one of our favorite vacation spots. We are also 23 and newly married