Amsterdam Coffee Shops


Active Member
yeah it's tolerated, but we never got bothered by anyone for smoking it in the streets.... just don't annoy other people with your smoke, not everyone in amsterdam smokes weed, or even cigs so don't go around smoking in crowded places and no-one will care.


Well-Known Member
yeah ams is not an everything goes city... use good sense, find a nice empty spot at the park to light up, that is pretty acceptable.... why smoke on the street when there are so many nice cozy cofee shop seats...


Well-Known Member
Can you please provide me with a name of one or more? I'd like to check them out next time I'm in AMS. Thanks
homegrown fantaseeds,barneys,dampkring-tweededekammer,katsu,these are all quality shops that i know had seeds... barneys is expensive,homegrown will be out of the coffe shop buisness soon but not the seed favorite place the mellowyellow has a sister shop called the noon the sell blueberry seeds. the floating flower mart has seeds to just not sure of the genetics... i think grey area is selling dna genetics, kick ass, but if not the dna shop is in the neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I've been to Amsterdam and its fuckin awesome. I visited many coffeeshops and enjoyed them all. I cant really remember the names of them but they were really sweet. I stayed outside of Amsterdam with my uncle in Heemsteddee and there were coffeshops in their downtown also. Its not just an Amsterdam thing its more of a Nederlands thing. Stay peaceful and no one will bother you.
Lol my cousin was getting a henna tattoo from this lady on the street and midway through she just pulled out this plastic water bottle bong and smoked while she was doing the tattoo! It was fuckin awesome!


Well-Known Member
I need to find a guide for the everyday pothead taking a trip to Amsterdam...

First thing thought of, like someone has in their sig, was to pretend to be Canadian... heh


Well-Known Member
I need to find a guide for the everyday pothead taking a trip to Amsterdam...

First thing thought of, like someone has in their sig, was to pretend to be Canadian... heh
i'm dutch american (USA, it's all "america"). dutch people loved me... i know about my family history in the netherlands, but dutch people laughed at how i pronounced my surname.


Active Member
Its legal to grow in Amsterdam correct?
not legal... tolerated, learn the difference.... the coffeshops have to get it from somewhere, allthough growing for personal use is something i don't know about, i can't really see it being a problem tho but i would advise consulting the local laws


Well-Known Member
The possession/purchase of Cannabis is "tolerated" in small amounts. One can purchase cannabis in special shops (called "coffee shops") if one is age eighteen and over. Selling and purchasing cannabis anywhere else then in these coffee shops is forbidden by law. Outdoors use is forbidden as well. Cultivation and wholesale of cannabis is likewise "tolerated" in small amounts (guidelines here are no more than five plants at home or the possession of 5 grams per adult max.). The tolerance guidelines appear in appendix of the Opium Act. The Opium Act states very clearly that every part of the hemp plant is banned except for the seeds -- this is in accordance with many of the international treaties which the Netherlands have signed. It is for this reason Cannabis cannot be legalized in the Netherlands. Thus, it remains illegal but it is "tolerated."


Active Member
smoke some arjan's haze , cheese, greenhouse coffee shop. some zero zero hash and iceolater hash, try some afgan black, high superior , ak , bubble gum, mazar, blue berry , white widow , durban poisin, white russian , .. check around for best prices as they differ alot and look and find a place that suits your needs and atmos..


Well-Known Member
yeah5 plant of personal ..then you start getting fined per plant up to 50 isi thik 35 euroa plant in fines... above 50 you may have to go sit