AMSTERDAM Fingerprinting Customers


New Member

note the czech republic......

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
Prague – The possession of a small amount of marijuana for personal use will be punished far less strictly than that of other drugs, the Czech lower house of parliament agreed within the passage of the Penal Code today. While the production and sale of drugs can be punished with five to 15 years in prison, if people have a small amount of marijuana on them it is only an offence, under the new code that is yet to be discussed by the upper house and signed by the president into law.
According to a government draft decree, a small amount of a drug equals 20 marijuana cigarettes, three cannabis plants, 25 magic mushrooms, and about 10 doses of other drugs, namely 0.3 grammes of ecstasy, 0.5 grammes of pervitine or cocaine, 0.3 grammes of morphine, 0.2 grammes of heroin, and 0.005 grammes of LSD.
Those who would own more than a small amount of a drug face up to two years in prison if found guilty, in case of marijuana and cannabis growing up to 12 months and six months, respectively.

They have been going back and forth and actually studying the issue (as opposed to the USA ). In the end growing 3 plants will be A-OK. Possessing 20 joints will be A-OK.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Drug Use and Possession[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Drug use is not regarded as a criminal offence. Possession of a drug for personal use had not been viewed as a criminal offence until January 1999. However, the Parliament passed a significant amendment (Act No. 112/1998) of the Criminal Code and the Act on Violations by which it enacted unauthorized possession of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in a quantity greater than small as a criminal offence (Section 187a of the Criminal Code). [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Act does not define the term “quantity greater than small.” Currently, the instruction of the Supreme Public Prosecutor (No. 6/2000) defines this term and the Police of the Czech Republic and the prosecutors use it on a common basis. However, this instruction is not obligatory for the judges. Therefore, the judicial practice requires expert opinions in order to make a decision, and the opinions are drawn up for both the quantity and the quality of the substance. In addition, they also specify the quantity of the drug in terms of the individual need of the offender in the context of his/her contingent addiction. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When the quantity of the possessed (or, better, the seized) drug(s) exceeds the so-called “small quantity”, criminal prosecution commences and the case is forwarded to the court.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The ”quantity greater than small” for different types of drugs is as follows:[/FONT]

  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Heroin – 10 doses (100 mg each)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Cocaine – 10 doses (50 mg each)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Amphetamine/Metamphetamine (pervitin) – 10 doses (50 mg each) [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] MDMA (ecstasy) – 10 doses (100 mg each)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] LSD – 10 doses (trips, 50 micrograms each)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Marijuana – 20 cigarettes with 1.5 % of delta 9 THC [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If anyone is caught with a small quantity of drugs on him/her without intention to supply, the police/prosecutors will deliver the case to the specialised local Police units that are competent to impose a non–criminal (administrative) sanction to the offender (a fine or warning) under the Act on Violations.[/FONT]

As a side note, look at their inclusion of other drugs that will get a pass...... These folks are way ahead of us in the critical thinking dept.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, they are most definatley ahead of most countries in legalisation. I do think its cool that the police will mostly turn a blind eye and you will not get prosocuted, but until the laws are changed there is still always a risk of a fine. I have been trying to find a place where weed is fully legal but alas, no joy.

Sorry for the wiki source but this is some useful info of where its good to go for a smoke without too much trouble


Well-Known Member
this (fingerprinting in cafes) sounds more like the govment trying to build a tax evasion case against the shops, or something similar. cuz with the $ generated by the tourism alone, it would be financial folly to tamper with such an establishment if you were the government UNLESS you were getting fucked out of money somehow. its always about the money.... never the drug


Active Member
I visit the Netherlands regularly for my smoke, both Amsterdam and Maastricht. And I can tell you that it's business as usual in both those cities. Sure you have to keep your passport or formal ID on you, and scan it when you enter some coffeeshops (much more frequently in Maastricht due to weed tourists (like me) who drive in, pick up and drive out) but that keeps the kids out and that can only be a good thing. Weed is a fairly potent psychoactive drug and can really fuck with a developing brain. You can always tell the difference between the stoner who started at 13 and the stoner who started at 18.
When you scan your passport, the information is kept on that single coffeeshops system for a MAXIMUM of 24 hours before being deleted and will NOT be shared with any other coffeeshops or the police. This is to stop people buying more than 5g from any coffeeshop at any given time.
Now, the EU is going all kind of crazy over smoking bans and the Dam is the same as any other place. Since 2008 (I think) it is now against the law to smoke tobacco in a coffeeshop (how ridiculous is that?) - but blunts, bowls, bongs and vaporisers are generally provided by the coffeeshops. The law is in place to protect the people behind the bar so any establishment with two floors can label one "tobacco free" and the other you can roll a joint as per usual. But to be honest, if you're discreet and don't leave a big bag of golden virginia on the table they won't give a damn.
Recently, shrooms were made illegal. They started a 3-day waiting period thing but that cocked up so they went ahead and banned them. A crying shame. And just because dumb ass tourists would visit, get smoked up to the eyeballs, drunk as monkeys and then scarf down a whole box of shrooms and freak the fuck out (jackasses are ruining it for everyone)... but again, most places still sell 'em under the table.
Holland makes too much money from weed to ever make it illegal, but there are plans to make it available for dutch citizens only. That'll be a dark, dark day.


New Member
I agree about tourists acting like jackarses. The two problem groups I always encounter are.... no surprise... The English and the Americans. Bunches of them just don't know how to act in public.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its shady but lets face it we grow as good if not better in the uk and im damn sure they do in the US and further afield in Canada and so on.

the dam is a great place but lets face it if it weren't for the drugs would you go?


New Member
Oh, I'd still go. That place has a lot of history and culture. It's an aamzing "can do" country. I make it a point to always explore a different section of Holland every time I go.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah actually id probably still go tulips, windmills and that chick that lived in a cupboard for years hahaha they do have a lot of Europe's most famous artworks actually


New Member
Ever been to Arnhem? That is a real treat of a place. Wonderful park with the white bikes and a friggin fantastic art museum smack dab in the middle of it. Like a gem on the beach glistening in the sun as you approach.... :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmm no but i was planning on going back next summer. i have to admit that apart from the sixflags festival i've only been to amsterdam...


New Member
Go this Spring if you can. If there is a weekend to be in Amsterdam, it is for Queens Day!! Ive been to 4 of them and they NEVER disappoint!! What a party... what a good time!


Active Member
You lucky, lucky man. Is it your first time? You gotta visit ALL the Rokerij's, there are about four of them. Hindu one is by far the chillest. You have to go to dampkring. Some of the cheapest good quality weed and the best toasties... though the latter might have something to do with the former. If you wanna travel a little but not far, go to Leiden. It's a really pretty little town just outside of Amsterdam, like 30 mins on train. It's older than the Dam, and was at one point much richer, and it is just lovely to walk around. The weed there is also just as good and MUCH, bonus!


So did this ever come to pass? Did anyone get printed? I was thinking of going there for the exact reason they wanted to introduce the rule.
Bugger it, i'll just go to Amsterdam, it's such i nice place anyway.