Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS) Review

Ya they screwed me over to. I would wait for the finished product before you start blowing their horn. Been there done it, unfortunetly Peace Showgirl
Well,sorry but i think they are full of shit....

I order from Mary Jane's Garden,i even talk in the chat room service with them.I order 10 White Widows in september 6 and they said that my order was send it september 7,i got an email from Amsterdan Marijuana Seed telling me my "traking order number".

- Next day my bank cancel my Credit Card,i have to go there and get another one new.Somebody stoll my CC number.
- Then i wait more than 10 days and ask them how to "track" my order,well there is no way to do that.
- In octuber 8 i wrote them back asking for my order...they dont know...
- I told them...
"Why you dont overnight ? I order many things to China.They overnight with out any problem.

I place an order to other website "Mary Janes" that is not this site,then my Visa Card has been cancel for safety reazons after i place this order.Now im been answer by you "Amsterdam Marijuana Seed" wich is another site,and now nobody knows what happens to my order....

This smell fishy.....

- Then in october 11 they wrote me back.They said that they believe that my order was intercepted and i should be reseiving a letter from customs and if i want i can pay 25 more euros so they can resend my order.NO THANK YOU.You are not going to make more money with me,im done.I never resieve any letter from customs or any seeds,still they have my money...

Finaly i order from a place in my seeds in 4 days....yes you heard me 4 days !!!

When I check on my first order with these guys here is what I got back - Send us more money in cash in a card - I'll get right on that.

Dear customer,

The address you\\\\\\\'ve provided us with during the ordering process is printed straight on to an address label. AMS can not be held responsible when you provide us with an incorrect/incomplete address.

If you would like to pay 15 euro for the shipping cost, we will send you an order replacement.

Here are the bank and address details to sent money for your replacement to. Since the replacements are an extra service we provide, they do not go through the regular system, and therefor can not be paid for by credit card.


Cash to:

Adress : Postbus 213
Zipcode : 1000 AE Amsterdam
Country : HOLLAND

If you send us cash put it in a happy birthday card wrapped in a carbon paper and make sure you send it by REGISTERED MAIL !!!!!


Do not order from this company
hi there :D smells, i order a couple of days ago without knowing about this forum and all the info. they send me and email with a tracking nº and it said that my order was refused even after payment. i tried contacting them without luck. then i find out this nº 0031629154819 that is from the shop and this one 0031654212851 is from the owner. the smelly thing is that he told me that he need to check the server and then hang up... so if my package for some sort of miracle arrive i'll tell you guys but i don't think so :P so better stay away from thoses idiots
:O they've replyed

Our apologies! We have re-checked our statement and authorised your payment.

Your order will be shipped shortly.

Kind regards,

lets see how this roll. if its not here by 3 of march i know that i've been scam'd :P
Ultimate Shadow,

Your either

1.) Lucky they picked you to use as bait and you actually got an order.
2.) Your lying and are a shill for them.

I vote for # 2 since I doubt you got your order in 9 day, or less. These asshole ripp offs have not changed shit except for their tactics.
They now make a post that questions an order, then reaffirms they are ligit. You fit the mold. ALL buyers READ...THESE PEOPLE ARE IN BUSINESS TO STEAL YOUR MONEY. PERIOD.
Now let's be sure we are talking about the right company it is This is the site that most of the reviews on the web will be talking about but there are a number of sites that have amsterdam in their URL. You don't want to give a reputable company a bad name. I followed this site from another website That site was so helpful in giving tips and things to be aware of, the best way to accomplish the purchase, and growing, everything. I email the guy at first and he said those were all old comments and he would try to intervene if needed. When I sent another email telling him he should probably take that off his site, no reply. They recommend this AMS as their #1 place to buy seeds. I was gullible and I ordered. Week after week, nothing. I sent an email at about 4 weeks and was told by JACKY (talked about earlier) and was told that it is not unusual for this to take up to 6 weeks! She put the exclamation point. Well, it is over 6 weeks! Guess what, no seeds. I sent two emails total, the second one I said it has been 6 weeks now what. They say well we can't guarantee delivery you didn't pick the special shipping which I NEVER saw the first time I was on there ordering. Oh well, don't be taken like me. If I can help one person to save their money then it is worth it to me. Do not send any money to If anyone has some suggestions, I would appreciate it.
I have ordered from AMSTERDAMMARIJUANASEEDS.COM with no problems. First I ordered Misty and Le Fruit Defendu. That was 2009. Both strains were spectacular. I ordered Bianca, Caramelicious, and Durban Poison. All are doing well so far. AMS is a great seed bank IMO. There are companies like which intercept innocent customers to another site, then rip you off. Don't buy seeds from either :-P

P.S. My first set came in a card. This time around, they asked me if I wanted a Wallet or something else. I went with the wallet.
The Rabble, no i don´t work for then or nothing like it! i'm european so may be thats why i got them so soon, why would i wanna rip off the ppl whos helping me get my babys grow? :P soon i'm gonna post some pics on how my baby's are :D
AMS , One word RIPOFF.. 200 down the shitter, one month later I send a nice email, Jacky wants MORE MONEY to resend.... no CC, check nor money order just CASH or wire to Rabobank.... no way. anybody have a good legit seed co ? These clowns are fraud. Trying to help a cancer pal. PS If the seeds ever show up I will post here ..
Of course these jerksoffs are crooks. Why does anyone think they stopped with the CCards. To easy to dispute a ripoff. Happy Rancher. Try Attitude. It's (they) really are as good as they get. (My opinion after 5 orders with them) welcome to the school of hard knocks. (I greet you)
Just remember the # 1 rule. NEVER EVER EVER send cash. Or wire transfer. If their legit they will take a CC. P.S. If Jacky wants more money to resend your not gonna get the seeds or you'll get a letter from Customs. Best of luck.
I'm tired of folks shitting on AMS! You're obviously confused with another site. I ALWAYS use my CC with AMS. I've never had a problem. Check the website, like I said. I think someone tricked you guys.
I'm tired of folks shitting on AMS! You're obviously confused with another site. I ALWAYS use my CC with AMS. I've never had a problem. Check the website, like I said. I think someone tricked you guys.

You can't be as stupid as you sound. What, you think all these post about rippoffs are made up and the people are "confused ?" These people, AMS, are f-in crooks plain and simple. If your defending them then your either one or being used as a pastsy. They do still take credit cards, I just looked at their site.
Lets get this straight are crooks. They use the address to process orders and as their "help" desk. Once again ANYONE wanting to order or reorder from this site read the reviews in this thread alone (not to mention do a search of other boards) and then go ahead and place your order. If you use a CC prepare a good story for the CC bank so you can get our money back if you have to dispute the charge.
You can't be as stupid as you sound. What, you think all these post about rippoffs are made up and the people are "confused ?" These people, AMS, are f-in crooks plain and simple. If your defending them then your either one or being used as a pastsy. They do still take credit cards, I just looked at their site.
Lets get this straight are crooks. They use the address to process orders and as their "help" desk. Once again ANYONE wanting to order or reorder from this site read the reviews in this thread alone (not to mention do a search of other boards) and then go ahead and place your order. If you use a CC prepare a good story for the CC bank so you can get our money back if you have to dispute the charge.

WRONG. AMS uses NO outside sites. SORRY< your confused, pal. I don't work in Amsterdam, I just know they are not crooks because they never ripped me off. Your the one confused. AMS does NOT outsource processing. You got took, but not by AMS. Perhaps some photo's? Order page? Money order? Order form?

Thought so.

Ready for your 16th post...:roll:
WRONG. AMS uses NO outside sites. SORRY< your confused, pal. I don't work in Amsterdam, I just know they are not crooks because they never ripped me off. Your the one confused. AMS does NOT outsource processing. You got took, but not by AMS. Perhaps some photo's? Order page? Money order? Order form?

Thought so.

Ready for your 16th post...:roll:

You still one of the most clueless poster I've read in awhile. That second website is where I was directed after they ripped me off. That's what appeared on the CC charge. Are you such a boob that you think because you did'nt get ripped that all these other people are what, lying ? Or their all mistaken ? They, AMS can only use one address for processing. It was'nt a redirected site. The address was not "redirected" when I ordred. It's still exactly like it was. Why don't these asshole scum suckers reply to any posts here. One good reason is that they have clueless morons that tout how good they are because they did'nt get ripped off. The good thing about this post is that there are enough people posting about being ripped off that the plugs about how great AMS is from someone who is either a few point shy in the I.Q. area or being used (by filling a order) as a shill won't mean shit. It'd be different if you just said you got your order or orders however many, but in the face of all these other posts you say your tired of people bad mouthing a bunch of f-in crooks. That makes you either clueless or in on it.
Here's my 16th post. Address every negative post about your AMS on this board. Post a reply to the OP about being took and how they are mistaken and to supply pictures of whatever f-in nonsense, and we'll see if there are a few others who feel strong enough to waste the keystrokes and time (like me) on such utter horse shit like your posting.
You still one of the most clueless poster I've read in awhile. That second website is where I was directed after they ripped me off. That's what appeared on the CC charge. Are you such a boob that you think because you did'nt get ripped that all these other people are what, lying ? Or their all mistaken ? They, AMS can only use one address for processing. It was'nt a redirected site. The address was not "redirected" when I ordred. It's still exactly like it was. Why don't these asshole scum suckers reply to any posts here. One good reason is that they have clueless morons that tout how good they are because they did'nt get ripped off. The good thing about this post is that there are enough people posting about being ripped off that the plugs about how great AMS is from someone who is either a few point shy in the I.Q. area or being used (by filling a order) as a shill won't mean shit. It'd be different if you just said you got your order or orders however many, but in the face of all these other posts you say your tired of people bad mouthing a bunch of f-in crooks. That makes you either clueless or in on it.
Here's my 16th post. Address every negative post about your AMS on this board. Post a reply to the OP about being took and how they are mistaken and to supply pictures of whatever f-in nonsense, and we'll see if there are a few others who feel strong enough to waste the keystrokes and time (like me) on such utter horse shit like your posting.

I have ordered from AMSTERDAMMARIJUANASEEDS.COM with no problems. First I ordered Misty and Le Fruit Defendu. That was 2009. Both strains were spectacular. I ordered Bianca, Caramelicious, and Durban Poison. All are doing well so far. AMS is a great seed bank IMO. There are companies like which intercept innocent customers to another site, then rip you off. Don't buy seeds from either :-P

P.S. My first set came in a card. This time around, they asked me if I wanted a Wallet or something else. I went with the wallet.

Try reading a little. My first post said exactly that! How many orders I've made and how they arrived. It wasn't until people started bad mouthing with MIS-information. If they're "Crooks", then why do I get my orders every time? Why were ALL my orders trackable? No one mentioned any tracking numbers! Get a clue. What benefit would I have to say good things about them. Are you that delusional that you think I would create a profile, post 1,400 times, just to come here!? Check my journals. I mention AMS genetics in both. You pop on this site and start crying about not receiving seeds from an OLD seed bank with well known strains from Amsterdam. They ONLY use Dutch Air mail. So any one who orders would at least know what happened to their package. FAIL! My guess is customs took it. I'm tired of arguing with someone with no rep who just started posting about a bank that's well established. Just because a few folks didn't get seeds is NO reason to shit talk a bank. You mention the people bad talking, what about all the journals with AMS seed? What about all the people posting GOOD things about AMS? I suppose AMS just picks orders out of a hat and sends those? Any ways, I'm tired of this conversation. A suggestion. Next time why don't YOU just post your experience, instead of calling people crooks when they obviously send orders out....
I ordered a couple days ago. First time. They do give you a choice if you want registered mail for, I think $20 extra. They also recommend using registered mail. I paid the extra.
I'm not too worried about it.
If they don't show up in a month, I'll dispute the charge. I used a paypal c/c. They handle disputes great. The seller must send proof of 'Delivery', not only tracking #.
Most people complaining about ams have only a few posts on the site.
This weed bizness is getting crazy.
Fem seeds and clones being sold from fem seeds carry a Hermie trait.
I have harvested 100 plants in the past 6 mths, (10 lbs) and 90 of them had seeds. Some extreme.
I wish I had learned this in the beginning.
Well.. I ordered 20 seeds from AMS on May 21th. The order info page say they sent it on the 22nd.
I have e-mailed them twice to get the promised tracking number (i paid extra to get this), but no response.
Feeling pretty bad about the whole thing.. And I feel stupid after reading so many bad reviews.
Kind of just trying to think positive and read all the good reviews..

All in all, until now they have shown crappy customer support..

The reason I chose AMS is that Ryan Riley recommends this as the best seed bank in his Strain Guide (came with the Growing Elite Marijuana pack).
Hopefully he is not an affiliate of them.. He's book is kind of a copy-paste piece of thing, which makes me suspicious of his trustfulness.

I'll keep you posted.