Yo i live here, greenhouse has weed that will put you on the ground, personally i love hawaiian snow cuz when it actually hits its like a train, literally, and king hassan hash at greenhouse is the best, also, greenhouse is said to have the strongest hash available, 70 percent THC from what one the guys their told me, i dont like bulldog so much, they usually dont have The knockout stuff, usually shitty, greenhouse is usually the best, i would try their lemon skunk also, it you want some decent jamaican their is a rasta coffeeshop somewhere in their, u should know by the red yellow and green, also, the whores are goooooooood, but, i have to say, go at night, then you get the most variety, all sort, even the young and cute ones haha, but besides that, gettin X and coke is easy, jus walk through red light n find a blck gangsta lookin dude, got lots, they usually offer X n all that shit, ummm, well i suggest trying all the coffeshops, just go do it, see which you like and just go, oh and leidsplein is cool, clubs and bars and a huge bulldog coffeshop their, besides that, i dunno, you just gotta walk around and do stuff, oh and remember, at least drink a soda or something sweet before smoking, just to make sure you dont faint...happened to me, smoked hawaiian snow on an empty stomach, ended up fainting and then was totally fucked for a half hour, couldnt talk, walk, or anything else, but i loved it

, anyways enjoy, lots to do, just make sure you got the money