Amusing or annoying former riu members

Who was the lad growing under his front room light with the plant pot on a 6ft stack of bookswhich was on a chair which was on his table etc?

Holy fuck!!! The pool cue plant! Dude claimed soap helped plants grow! Then he did all sorts of light cycle fuckery. I don't think I've ever made fun of anyone more on the interwebz. Tha fuck was his name!?!?! Ahhhhh memories.
I still want to know who the lad was that was growing in a picnic basket,under his front room light, on a 6ft stack of books, that was on a box which was on a table lol, bout 2 years ago i reckon

EDIT- just found out, it was tafbang!!! cant find any pictures of his cute little picnic basket perched atop a booktablethingy mountain :-(

Taffy!!!! That fucker!
Tafbang was legendary!!! He fucking tried growing from his chandelier!! Hazey grapes and his annoying hatred of kush or anything that was too strong!! The whole riddleme crew crypt illuminati etc always were good for knowledge and pissing contests. Bricktop etc. There's been many a good or bad internet persona on here. It sucks to here all these solid posters have passed away. I'll have to light a eternal doobie for the fallen RIU homies!!

Oh shit! Lumi! LOL.... I was on the riddleme board for like a week. lol
ya a couple times. i heard that the hempy ninja got banned, and ninja bowler too. i miss that wild man hotrod harley. he would get so wild if anyone questioned him at the end. he was right most of the time but he got pretty amusing toward the end. and whats happened to cannabineer now? i thought he was on sabbatical or something.

@cannabineer is off interring his mother. Polar bears have this entire mystique about the ice floes etc..... So it's taking a bit of time, as is restraining his cub from eating all the other guests and relatives!

This was him and his son (you can guess who is who), as we saw them loaded on board their ride at LAX