an apology of sorts


Well-Known Member
cute cn...I am part (a lot) Scandinavian, as well as Cherokee and Blackfoot. But the Got, is just my way of not offending anyone ;)


Well-Known Member
FUCK!!! I can't even listen to music. My heart effing going just from Tom Petty. Literally in tears...


Well-Known Member
Full blown migraine today and can't do effing shit about it. The Imitrex makes my heart flop like crazy. Sitting here typing, it is going at 150 and flopping on it's own, so no migraine relief. Thank Got for my weed, even though I shouldn't be smoking it. I guess I have to start vaping. Dammit! At least I can get in to see my primary today (she better actually listen to me and not piss me off or I may just have her by the throat - shit sorry haven't medicated yet), and then I have physical therapy to help with the pain somewhat. Still can't get a hold of neuro fuck tard!


Ursus marijanus
Full blown migraine today and can't do effing shit about it. The Imitrex makes my heart flop like crazy. Sitting here typing, it is going at 150 and flopping on it's own, so no migraine relief. Thank Got for my weed, even though I shouldn't be smoking it. I guess I have to start vaping. Dammit! At least I can get in to see my primary today (she better actually listen to me and not piss me off or I may just have her by the throat - shit sorry haven't medicated yet), and then I have physical therapy to help with the pain somewhat. Still can't get a hold of neuro fuck tard!
Here's a very careful hug. cn



Well-Known Member
There's some evidence that oxygen therapy can help with migraines. I use it for cluster headaches. Only thing that's ever helped me. Just don't light up around it.