An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...


Well-Known Member
Did you look at the trichs? Judging by your last set of pics I find it hard to believe that the plant pictured reached full maturity... Do you have any pics man? It should be a nice harvest either way

The plant didn't reach full maturity. Still white hairs around the tops of some buds... However, all the trichs were cloudy with about 2% amber. I have family that is coming over tomorrow and they are staying the night in that room. Had to cut it down and dry it before they get here. I know, I know, it sucks, but the sample I smoked yesterday, knocked me on my ass! I would have loved to let it go longer. It was cut down at day 56.

The pictures are from right after I cut her down and trimmed her up.



Well-Known Member
Right on man! Thank you so much. We are looking forward to see what the dry weight is.



Man somebody has issues with just about everything... I'm supprised those plants dont turn round and tell you to FO with your attitude.

The science suggests that foil is useful, if the walls are not white. I never understood how mylar and those things where any different from foil besides durability. They look the same, and given thier purpose, that means they do the same. I think I'll put some foil on the top of my plant (what is the ceiling to it's area)

VERY nice plants feminmore, it seems your experement worked out pretty well. In the end it is PERSONAL expermentation which will give you a good idea of what works and what does not, even if tom is right, which I don't think so, you will not know until you do it yourself.

Keep up the good strong work, and ignor the persistent muppets that try to force their learning down your throat.

And thanks to TTO, the science you posted is very interesting and useful.

For the sake of argument, CFLs beat any HID any day. if not, you need more CFLs is all.

Mylar's plastic keeps its reflective surface smooth and therefor, a more constant mirror than foil which has all sorts of crinkles and wrinkles in it as well as a rough and diffused surface which does not make such a great reflector. Also, they use Mylar in emergency blankets in First Aid kits for a reason: It's a better heat reflector and it's more durable than foil.
Fenn your shit turned out nicely! Good tight bud structure, the bracts are all nicely packed man! whatever your help in growing whether it be mylar, panda film, aluminum foil, white paint doesnt matter a damn if you are happy with your yield. personally could care less what others say of my grow...if im happy with it who gives a shit right? nicely done man, I hope you learned what you wanted to with trimming off your fan leaves...that certainly is an interesting project you started. It all looked wonderful to me. and just to be an asshole I am going to have to agree with the whole aluminum foil argument...seems good to me and if tom doesnt like it due to the fact that i have only made 3 posts well forget him, cause my number of posts in this forum mean nothing compared to the years of research I have done. And honestly I cant see a reason not to use Aluminum foil, if its what you can afford then use what means you have, its all about getting the best grow that YOU can, no matter the means necessary!

good job man!



Well-Known Member
your grow is amazing, i did somewhat the same thing but i lstd and topped aswell as trimming , only second or third week of flower but check it out, subbed, i wanna see the dry weight