Well-Known Member
A lot of people complain about how Rollitup is changing for the worse, well lets do something about it.
Forget blaming the mods or anybody else..this is what you can do to make a positive change around here!
For every uninformative/unhelpful post you make in Toke n Talk (or anywhere on the site for that matter) make two informative/helpful posts in another part of the forum, that will help somebody with their grow!
If a post/thread makes you angry/annoyed, make a mental note of it and continue browsing the forum. If you still remember that thread after five minutes of browsing then post a response but be nice, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Also..there is a bit of a difference between a debate and an argument!
Got a problem with somebody? Take it to private messages, don't ruin an entire thread for everyone!
Try doing the above for a few weeks..see if we can change rollitup for the better.
Forget blaming the mods or anybody else..this is what you can do to make a positive change around here!
For every uninformative/unhelpful post you make in Toke n Talk (or anywhere on the site for that matter) make two informative/helpful posts in another part of the forum, that will help somebody with their grow!
If a post/thread makes you angry/annoyed, make a mental note of it and continue browsing the forum. If you still remember that thread after five minutes of browsing then post a response but be nice, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Also..there is a bit of a difference between a debate and an argument!
Got a problem with somebody? Take it to private messages, don't ruin an entire thread for everyone!
Try doing the above for a few weeks..see if we can change rollitup for the better.