An idea for flavor curing

I've used lemon peel to enhance flaovr and smell in weed. It smelled lemony and tasted great. My froends loved it. It was funny because we all split some I added the lemon to it and they thought it was something way better and wanted to know where I got it. It works good. try it. What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't work, opps expensive mistake but hey if it does work boom, you are king shit. Experiments are great, they don't always turn out great, but we learn and move on. I love to add stuff. I've also done grapefruit, also came out great. Next on my list is Vanilla. I use fresh vanilla beans a lot. Not as expensive as truffles, but still not cheap. I usually use them and when done either make vanilla extract or add them to sugar and over time sugar becomes vanilla sugar. I like to get what I can out of them. I usually just put them in my icecream...wait do I hear weed infused icecream this summer??? that could work. Thanks guys for the inspiration. That just popped into my head now. Anyways, not my thread. I say do it see what happens. Let us know.

Good luck.
I've used lemon peel to enhance flaovr and smell in weed. It smelled lemony and tasted great. My froends loved it. It was funny because we all split some I added the lemon to it and they thought it was something way better and wanted to know where I got it. It works good. try it. What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't work, opps expensive mistake but hey if it does work boom, you are king shit. Experiments are great, they don't always turn out great, but we learn and move on. I love to add stuff. I've also done grapefruit, also came out great. Next on my list is Vanilla. I use fresh vanilla beans a lot. Not as expensive as truffles, but still not cheap. I usually use them and when done either make vanilla extract or add them to sugar and over time sugar becomes vanilla sugar. I like to get what I can out of them. I usually just put them in my icecream...wait do I hear weed infused icecream this summer??? that could work. Thanks guys for the inspiration. That just popped into my head now. Anyways, not my thread. I say do it see what happens. Let us know.

Good luck.

vanilla beans sound like they would work well and you could tell people its called ice cream! Ice cream weed does sound very good as well, im guessing you would just make canabutter or mix the canaoil with the cream.. you could get one of those ice cream carts and have both kinds reg vanilla and "special" vanilla or something:hump::hump:
It is not a bad idea but it is an idea that has been experimented many, many times over through the years by many, many people and no one has yet come up with a single way that is something enough people like for it to catch on and when people merely duplicate other’s failed efforts that is not really experimentation, it is a waste of time.
Menthol flavoring? It has been done and done by a business and not by an individual out of their home. It was called Dinky Dew.

In the 70’s you could buy tiny bottles of highly concentrated menthol/mint liquid, Dinky Dew, and a single drop on a joint or a bowl and it was super menthol. A number more drops in a bag and it was super menthol. It did not catch on. Dinky Dew died out. People preferred the taste of pot over the taste of menthol.

Have tastes changed that much since the 70's and now menthol pot will become the rage? Or is it that people today just do not know that it has been tried and it has been achieved and it was a flop so they now try to replicate that failure thinking they will actually discover something that has never been discovered before and because of that think they will not also fail?

Dude, ur negativity and arrogance are not appreciated. Yes, we understand you are a naysayer, but quoting Shakespeare and trying to sound smart doesn't make you right. Let me tell you why you aren't right. Dinky Dew is not what we are talking about at all. As you said, it was something you dropped onto the weed. In case you didn't know, that is not curing. The things we are attempting to discuss here involve a slow absorption of flavor and aroma over a period of time. No one can tell anyone "the best way to smoke weed", it is all a preference. If he cures his weed with truffles and he likes the outcome, you cannot say he hasn't discovered something for himself. You can give your opinion, but try to facilitate constructive conversation.

I have done a good amount of looking around for flavor curing techniques on this website, and think i have settled on one to try. I have a small plant that got nute burned, but survived so the bud doesnt look stellar. I was gonna dry out some orange peels and stick them to the top of the curing jars. I think the main thing to make sure when putting anything in with ur buds during cure is that it needs to be dry. you dont wanna increase the risk of mold. just mho
Dude, ur negativity and arrogance are not appreciated.

Your personal opinion of me is not appreciated either.

So who has more of a right to express what they know or believe, someone who talks about attempts at flavoring pot, as I did, or someone who attacks someone else personally, as you did?

Yes, we understand you are a naysayer,

I am not a naysayer, I am a truth-sayer, there is a difference.

What I have attempted to point out is that virtually everything that I see about attempt to flavor pot have already been tried and they either failed or were not impressive enough to catch on.

Is that really all that difficult to comprehend? Why replicate failures?

The answer is because people just do not know that it has all been tried before and they want and need to think that they thought up something that might be brilliant when all they did is think up something that was thought up in the 60’s and again in the 70’s and again in the 80’s and again in the 90’s and it never worked or it worked but not well enough that anyone continued to do it.

but quoting Shakespeare and trying to sound smart doesn't make you right.

I make no attempts to try to sound smart. I write like I think. If it offends you that when I think things like the writing of Shakespeare at times come to mind so I use it I most sincerely do apologize but it is the curse of being educated to a level beyond that of the average stoner and for that I will not apologize.

Let me tell you why you aren't right. Dinky Dew is not what we are talking about at all.

The discussion is about flavoring pot in general and the specific message I replied to when I mentioned Dinky Dew was about menthol flavoring, which Dinky Dew was, so it was valid and it was on topic and it was what was being discussed. Using it as a specific example did not make me wrong.

As you said, it was something you dropped onto the weed. In case you didn't know, that is not curing.

I do somewhat remember first hearing something about a process called curing back somewhere around 1975 or 1976. It has been a long time but I seem to remember hearing something about it.

I did fail to mention that some people did put a few drops of Dinky Dew into the jars they cured in so that would be part of the flavoring while curing process, right? My failure to mention that could of course lead you to believe the uses were limited to only what I mentioned but that is not the case.
There were also other flavored products in the era that I did not mention because I could not remember their names. There were several fruit flavors, cherry and strawberry were two that come to mind and they could also be applied to a joint or to pot in a bowl or in a bag or in curing jars.
All, like Dinky Dew, went the way of the Dodo bird and the full service gas station. They were short lived gimmicks that died out because most people much preferred the taste of pot to what pot could be flavored to taste like.

The things we are attempting to discuss here involve a slow absorption of flavor and aroma over a period of time.

And that has been tried many times by many people over the decades, including using the flavored liquids and oils of the 70’s.
There is something I find to be very odd about the mentality of the average toker and that is often times they seem to believe they are the first to come up with some idea or another and cannot fathom that countless others came up with the very same ideas and tried the very same things years or even decades before they were born.
I find that to be rather amusing.

No one can tell anyone "best way to smoke weed", it is all a preference. If he cures his weed with truffles and he likes the outcome, you cannot say he hasn't discovered something for himself. You can give your opinion, but try to facilitate constructive conversation.

Constructive conversation seems to you to mean to be a cheerleader and or a blind supporter but that is not what true discussion entails. Have you ever heard of constructive criticism? It means comments serving to improve or advance; providing a helpful critical judgment expressed with knowledge. That includes mentioning if something has been tried and failed before so someone else does not bother to waste their time.

I have done a good amount of looking around for flavor curing techniques on this website, and think i have settled on one to try.

That is a good start but I have to ask if you have considered how many other sources of information exist that could also be researched? Not to knock this site but some people do tend to share information that is not the best information available so it is by no means the end all/say all when it comes to anything grow related.

I have a small plant that got nute burned, but survived so the bud doesnt look stellar. I was gonna dry out some orange peels and stick them to the top of the curing jars. I think the main thing to make sure when putting anything in with ur buds during cure is that it needs to be dry. you dont wanna increase the risk of mold. just mho

The mold part is most definitely valid and important to mention. You will only be about the five-millionth person or so to try orange peels to flavor with but by all means experiment. Just do not fool yourself into believing that you will be inventing the wheel though.
Again that has been my point all along and the reason that Old Willie’s writing came to mind, because there truly is nothing new under the sun and only a child or a lunatic would believe otherwise. (Of course not meaning you personally are either. It was only a general statement.)
Good god Andre Lenoge man i only got about 1/4 way through that. You sound very defensive, anyway there is no easy of knowing what has or hasent been tried. So you say that most of it has been tried and failed so i shouldnt try. Thats like saying every single type of story line has been written so people should stop writing books. You sound pretty pesimistic mon, hit da bong mon!
just try it, it sound like a good experiment. try it on a small portion of your harvest. what's the worst that could happen? a small portion of your bud doesn't smoke well, oh well. no real biggie. this process is nothing new, but just because not everyone does it, doesn't mean it won't enhance a person's smoking experience. some times you just have to mix it up when smoking. a breath of fresh air.
vanilla beans sound like they would work well and you could tell people its called ice cream! Ice cream weed does sound very good as well, im guessing you would just make canabutter or mix the canaoil with the cream.. you could get one of those ice cream carts and have both kinds reg vanilla and "special" vanilla or something:hump::hump:

I make a lot of ice cream. Off the top of my head I can give you my main recipie I'm probably wrong but close. I'd have to double check what I have written down as I like to do a lot of tweaking. If you want the full recipe with details just ask. I normally start with a custard. Milk (homo {3.25%} is great or half and half if you don't care is the best but supper bad for you) and heavy cream (whipping cream). I take 2 vanilla beans (depending where I get them they range from $10 for a dozen if I go through my bro's girl she works in a restarunt (tahitian variaty) to $8 for two which I normally get at the grocery store they are bigger and they are good. Take the bean cut it in half and scrape all the seeds out. Makes the ice cream look great with all those little black specks adds a bit of 'pop' while you eat and has alot of flavour. I bring that to a simmer for 20 - 30 min. I was thinking to add the weed to it and just simmer it for an hour. The lactic acid in the milk breaks down the tricromes faster than just water. Then strain it into my sugar/egg yoks to temper them before putting it back onto the heat to thicken. Then I usually wash the beans and add them to my sugar to get a second use out of them as the are pricey and still good. I was thinking to put the beans into a jar with some weed to let them flavour it instead of my sugar. Or put fresh beans in either or. I'd have to try it to find out. I think it should work really good. I've never added butter to ice cream but I could it would work.
wow that ice cream recipe sounds delicious!!Have you ever considered making a cana fudge topping or some sort of magic topping!

lol, I love this site. I never thought about that...wait for it...wait for it...okay this would be easy. cup of sugar add cup of water boil until water evaporates simple caramel recipe. To stop it when ready so it doesn't burn cana butter and cream. Voila!!! Cana butter scotch. Wow we should all get together and do a 'Pot' luck lol, I'll bring dessert. Brown sugar and Vanilla Ice cream infused with weed with a choice of a Cana Fudge topping of Canabutter Scotch topping. mmm..
Rollitup Annual Ice Cream Social!! haha this is why i want to go to amsterdam so bad, with weed being legal, It is available to everyone and when a lot of hungry people smoke weed and put their minds together the infusion of weed with recipes is endless! Ive heard of a lot of good canafood in their coffee shops and stores they all sound delicious!
Why stop at desert what about using stocks in a smoker to infuse meat with the smell or possibly maranating in hash oil we can replace normal herbs (ie:rosemary,tyme,parsley)with weed now were getting somewere
Why stop at desert what about using stocks in a smoker to infuse meat with the smell or possibly maranating in hash oil we can replace normal herbs (ie:rosemary,tyme,parsley)with weed now were getting somewere

I've made many dishes with it. When I go camping I usually wake up in the morning and make tea. (start with double the water you want to drink drop in about a gram per person [sometimes I add a little extra if it;s just me...I usually smoke a lot more than my friends I go with], boil for 20 min minimun usually about 30 to 45. After that I will add in the tea bag, just good old tetley's. I find adding it at the end it tastes a lot better. I tried adding it during the boiling and it tasted horrid to me. Strain add milk and sugar. Tastes like regular tea but 30 min to an hour later you'll know it wasn't. Brakefast out of the way, I just smoe until dinner. I've done pasta, just grind the herb (again one gram a person is usually more than good) and add it to the pasta sauce and simmer for 30 min. Works greak and an hour later it'll get you. Don't replace the thyme, rosemary, etc, just add it in and let them work together. I've done brownies, very common. I've done stuffed chicken. Again I gring one gram a person and make a stuffing and just add it in. Bake like I normally would and it's really good. I've also tried a bunch of other things too. I've had disasters and great out comes.

I've always got crazy high an hour later after the food starts to digest.
I've made many dishes with it. When I go camping I usually wake up in the morning and make tea. (start with double the water you want to drink drop in about a gram per person [sometimes I add a little extra if it;s just me...I usually smoke a lot more than my friends I go with], boil for 20 min minimun usually about 30 to 45. After that I will add in the tea bag, just good old tetley's. I find adding it at the end it tastes a lot better. I tried adding it during the boiling and it tasted horrid to me. Strain add milk and sugar. Tastes like regular tea but 30 min to an hour later you'll know it wasn't. Brakefast out of the way, I just smoe until dinner. I've done pasta, just grind the herb (again one gram a person is usually more than good) and add it to the pasta sauce and simmer for 30 min. Works greak and an hour later it'll get you. Don't replace the thyme, rosemary, etc, just add it in and let them work together. I've done brownies, very common. I've done stuffed chicken. Again I gring one gram a person and make a stuffing and just add it in. Bake like I normally would and it's really good. I've also tried a bunch of other things too. I've had disasters and great out comes.

I've always got crazy high an hour later after the food starts to digest.

damn defcon all of that sounds delicioussss. if you think about it, weed can be included with almost any dish! I think my next project is going to be rice crispies a pretty simple dish, and then i want to try my hand at canapeanutbutter. i bet i could just melt down the peanut butter in a pot and add some hash with a few other ingredients. peanut butter sandwich biatch!:hump:
kali-herb roasted seabass with alaskan ice and crab risotto, sativa & sauteed baby spinach served over cough bouilllion and fried baby dro shoots.

Hey Young Macdonald, I say go for it. If you want to make it I would say try using a double boiler (a pot or bowl on top of a bowl of boiling water) so it's a little more gentle on the peanut butter. Just makes everything a little easier to work with and you don't have to worrk about burning. Heat it up for about 30 min to an hour ( an hour is better). The only thing is make sure you gring it up good as I don't think you can strain it out like you can with butter. You might able to pass creamy peanut butter through a sive while warm as it does get pretty liquidy. Chunky would work but you can't strain out the bud. I don't mind it I leave bud in all the time.

And dimebagdan, only $49.99??? Hell, that might only just cover supplies. One dime $10, Sea bass, $5-$10 Crab $15-$25 (I love crab, yum). That could be $45 right there. I think you should charge more, lol. That does sound Good though. I'd give you $75 to make that for me. I could do it myself, but I think for $49.99 I'd rather hire you just provide me with a comfy chair 'cus I might just sit there and giggle away. lol.

You guys are making me really hungry. I'm gonna go eat now, thanks guys.
And dimebagdan, only $49.99??? Hell, that might only just cover supplies. One dime $10, Sea bass, $5-$10 Crab $15-$25 (I love crab, yum). That could be $45 right there. I think you should charge more, lol. That does sound Good though. I'd give you $75 to make that for me. I could do it myself, but I think for $49.99 I'd rather hire you just provide me with a comfy chair 'cus I might just sit there and giggle away. lol.

You guys are making me really hungry. I'm gonna go eat now, thanks guys.

this is what my buddy brouht me from the uk. absenthe, black summer truffles,porcini mushroom and white truffle pate. budda
