An Important Harm Reduction Message

You can have clear crystals that aren't pure.
that looks like someone tried to rerock it but didn't melt it all the way. Weird.
I know who knows the source long time, I never use the test I know they not have the 100℅, that's one the reason I'm here to learn and possible find the quality, I just wanna check if this color is been around,if I test I know I'll be desapointed, we know that is safe because the source,he told us is DA. But not sure because bk is easy to fake in this days
I'm surprised you weren't running into tolerance issues Rory. Everything I've read seems to indicate it takes about two weeks for NBOMe tolerance to reset compared to the week or less for other psychedelics. And tolerance to them can really fuck up other psychedelic experiences for many users.
i didnt notice at all. n fact,was saying to myself,this is great, i dont have to take 3 the next time i trip in 3 days..
I know who knows the source long time, I never use the test I know they not have the 100℅, that's one the reason I'm here to learn and possible find the quality, I just wanna check if this color is been around,if I test I know I'll be desapointed, we know that is safe because the source,he told us is DA. But not sure because bk is easy to fake in this days
clear,yellow,purple,white,hazy,chunky,powdery,sparkly,hard,soft,clean,dirty,burns,no comedown,blah blah blah.....
This may sound dumb... im drunk.. but what would be the order of testing for all 3 reagents to get a decent idea of what you are testing?
I have no kit test,I'm about to get tomorrow ,right now the situation only give this choice anyone know dark brown MDMA not bk specific I told MDMA no metylone I'm about to take 0.5 now
I'm pretty sure that its
*Good viber
*I love my enemies Bs
*I get incredible hard like iron or rock
*Rolling up and down
Also whole night I'm not crazy I took 4 times 0.2gr let's say every 2 or 3 one quarter of a gr if you know what I'm saying 1 gr 8 hours
Redoing that many times makes the crash so much worse. I know it can be hard but only redose once and it's so much easier on your body. Also .25 is still a hefty dose unless you roll a lot.
That just put a huge smile on my face bro.
I believe we are really selling psychedelic drugs short by using them irresponsibly. Theycan be so much more than a fun time. Not that they should never be taken strictly for enjoyment. But finding balance is one of the keys to all things in life IME.