An Obvious Question

According to merriam webster


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

You cannot prove there is not a god (s) you beleive via faith there isnt, it is very hard to prove a negative. In this case you no one can prove the affirmative either.

I cannot prove there is.... you cannot prove there is not, so we hold our beleifs via faith not proof.

i respect athiests deeply, i have no more disdain for them than people of any other religion thats not my own... which is zero. I love all our different perspectives on the world and life, I do not mean my statement as an insult in the least...
According to merriam webster


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

You cannot prove there is not a god (s) you beleive via faith there isnt, it is very hard to prove a negative. In this case you no one can prove the affirmative either.

I cannot prove there is.... you cannot prove there is not, so we hold our beleifs via faith not proof.

i respect athiests deeply, i have no more disdain for them than people of any other religion thats not my own... which is zero. I love all our different perspectives on the world and life, I do not mean my statement as an insult in the least...
There is no such thing as atheism. That word was created by the religious.

I don't see how being atheist fits your definition.

There is no proof that god exists. The universe is better explained without a god in it. Therefore there is no god.

It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence

W. K. Clifford (1879)

If people could live the way Clifford recommends, we wouldn't have Trump as prez., by the way.
I respectfully disagree. Religion in some form is part if the human experience through history..its part of being human to an extent... it seems to be the default of peoples througgout millenia. I myself see the inticracy of our world and the symbiotic relations in nature, the act of love and loving as very much a part of "circumstantial evidence" of the divine. But by no means does that dictate the dogma humans have made religion into.

Love to me is divine. To beleive it is nothing more than an evolutionary necessity makes the world cold and small...i get thats not proof, not saying that is, that statement is just pure person feelins on the matter.

I get a lot of "gods followers" are kinda really nasty dooshe bags, and they get most of the attention as to what a "beleiver" is... i just fully beleive there is something greater than us... i take no issue that you dont beleive...

Im a whatever gets u thru the night type guy to all
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I respectfully disagree. Religion in some form is part if the human experience through history..its part of being human to an extent... it seems to be the default of peoples througgout millenia.

I certainly get that it is not a religion in terms of meeting on a certain day and doing rituals. Lol. Im not saying that.

I don't understand how you can't understand what he is saying.
I respectfully disagree. Religion in some form is part if the human experience through history..its part of being human to an extent... it seems to be the default of peoples througgout millenia.

I certainly get that it is not a religion in terms of meeting on a certain day and doing rituals. Lol. Im not saying that.
Religion is effective at organizing people's behavior. How else to unify a group of people across a large area who aren't closely related to each other? It's perfectly understandable that cultures succeeded and therefore passed on their ideas with religious values if they had them. Over time religions were honed by competition and survival. For example, I think it's perfectly reasonable that societies practicing human sacrifice would not be as robust as a society that did not have this practice.

Judeo-Christian values such as, "don't murder your neighbor" are ones I can live by. However, I don't need a god to explain why we couldn't live in large groups if murder were common. On the other hand, there are so-called Christians who claim that God decrees women must carry children to term. This is something that makes no sense to me and therefore discard that idea.

I'm not disrespecting you either, I'm just answering your post in the interest of doing more than laughing at Trump supporters. I suggest, that just like me, you are rationally choosing which religious values make sense to you. I'm no different in that I too am picking and choosing among society's values and rules and not necessarily adopting all of them. The difference is I don't hold the beliefs of a religion when I evaluate the values of the society around me.

That said, religion has a strong hold on people and society. In my opinion this is because the rules set by, for example, Judeo-Christian values are how people can feel safe. Following them is how people succeed. Denying the justification for all those rules and values by denying there is a supernatural being draws fire because it jeopardizes people's status in society.

Religion really helps people deal with the circumstances of their lives. And so, I won't disrespect somebody's religious beliefs. I might disrespect the religious persons statements or demands that I do as they would because of a supernatural force.
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According to merriam webster


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

You cannot prove there is not a god (s) you beleive via faith there isnt, it is very hard to prove a negative. In this case you no one can prove the affirmative either.

I cannot prove there is.... you cannot prove there is not, so we hold our beleifs via faith not proof.

i respect athiests deeply, i have no more disdain for them than people of any other religion thats not my own... which is zero. I love all our different perspectives on the world and life, I do not mean my statement as an insult in the least...

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” -- Christopher Hitchens

Atheism does not assert that God does not exist, it simply asserts that there is no reason to believe that It does. It's not a faith, but an absence of faith.

"Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position." -- Bill Maher

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” -- Christopher Hitchens

Atheism does not assert that God does not exist, it simply asserts that there is no reason to believe that It does. It's not a faith, but an absence of faith.

"Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position." -- Bill Maher

The "ism" implies a system of beliefs and values in being atheist. Judaism, Buddhism, Zionism, even anarchism has a set of beliefs or behaviors. Do you think there is a set of beliefs associated with being atheist?
you guys are getting way off base here.

this thread was revived by a totally not anti-semitic person to discuss how i am a total FAKE JEW.
According to merriam webster


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

You cannot prove there is not a god (s) you beleive via faith there isnt, it is very hard to prove a negative. In this case you no one can prove the affirmative either.

I cannot prove there is.... you cannot prove there is not, so we hold our beleifs via faith not proof.

i respect athiests deeply, i have no more disdain for them than people of any other religion thats not my own... which is zero. I love all our different perspectives on the world and life, I do not mean my statement as an insult in the least...
Proof of something should be of the affirmative, without affirmative proof the default position should be negative.

So Atheism should be the default position with religion only to be believed in with proof (that doesn't exist).
Since President Obama has made it clear that he intends to run on his supposedly "gutsy call" in ordering the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, here is a simple and obvious question that I'd like him to answer:

Don't we hire a president for that precise reason: to make "gutsy calls?"

Related questions: Isn't making tough calls the first thing in the president's job description? We don't hire a president to vote "present" on the difficult things---although this one certainly did that as a state and then U.S. Senator. As Obama himself once said, by the time issues get to his desk, they are inherently difficult to resolve.

So why all of the preening? Why all of the handwringing about what a "gutsy call" it was? Could it be because he's never really had to make one before, so it's all brand-new to him? Could it be that because he's never been a chief executive, he has no clue what it involves? Could it be that he's a major-league narcissist who requires ego stroking at every turn? Could it be that he actually believes that he's the first president to have to make such a tough decision?

Could it be that it's all of the above?

Presidents must make tough calls. This is what they do. Real leaders don't whine about how tough those decisions were or luxuriate in their own courageousness. They pass the credit to others when things go well, take the blame when things go badly, and continue to make the "gutsy calls" without straining to remind everyone how "gutsy" they truly are.

That's what classy ones do too.

I'm so glad we got a classy one this time:


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It’s a little hard to make out what Trump says right as he opens up the folder containing the E.O. (and the White House transcriptleft those words out), but it sounded like, “We know what this is, space. That’s all it has to say, space.” Then, to Aldrin, he joked, “There’s a lot of room out there, right?”

Then, this happens.

Buzz Aldrin: Infinity and beyond. (Laughter)

Donald Trump: This is infinity here. It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something, but it could be infinity, right?

It starts around 10 minutes in, if you want to watch the latest reminder that this man is President of the United States for yourself.
It’s a little hard to make out what Trump says right as he opens up the folder containing the E.O. (and the White House transcriptleft those words out), but it sounded like, “We know what this is, space. That’s all it has to say, space.” Then, to Aldrin, he joked, “There’s a lot of room out there, right?”

Then, this happens.

Buzz Aldrin: Infinity and beyond. (Laughter)

Donald Trump: This is infinity here. It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something, but it could be infinity, right?

It starts around 10 minutes in, if you want to watch the latest reminder that this man is President of the United States for yourself.
What Buzz should have said