An update with the NooB! New..ish set up, babies thriving...I think...


So I/we took some of the advice given, did a little bit more researching; and have a bit of a different set up now.

First and biggest issue we felt we needed to tackle was light, on the advice of...well....pretty much everyone lol. More stretching of my poor lil' babies was something we didn't want. No one likes a floppy plant, lol.
HOWEVER, lol, another thing no one likes, is to spend an arm on a leg on something you could do yourself. (And im a HUGE diy'er.) So naturally, spending a bunch of money on a ballast was 100% out of the question.
But how to add MORE lights to the less than perfect set up we already have?
The Answer? Home Depot.
We got the following -
1 rubbermaid tub. 1 can of ultra pure bright white paint. 8 more CFL's. 3 extension cords. A second light timer (why he got that idk) And a big ole variety size thing of zip ties. End cost? $125 bucks.
Things we already had on hand were - drill/drill bits, paint brushes, computer fans, and a hole cutter drill bit attachment.
Ill spare you all of the long boring details, as its pretty self explanatory, but I will share pictures with you:) Lemme know what you guys think of it!

I also took the advice of PotPimp (which btw your username makes me giggle whenever i see it, lol) and added more soil to cover up more of those scrawny stalks. You think its high enough or would you go even more?
I also forgot to mention in my first initial post, that Ive been using the NaturalOrganics GoBox, and following the nute feeding sched. on the side. I'm only feeding on week 2 (the early growth stage) despite how long they've actually been alive, on waterdawg's comment on what age they look like they are...(also doing research on pot plants at diff. ages). Plus the nute levels are different for different stages so I dont wanna put biothrive bloom in it just yet lol

View attachment 2843298 sorry its sideways but im lazy lol just tilt your head lol
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these were all taken 2 days ago when the set up was first installed. Took the rubber maid container, painted it with the super white paint, installed extension cord to the top, 2 computer fans to the back, and 8 26W CFL's. And we ordered from amazon, an indoor thermometer/hydrometer/timer that records the days 'stats', if you will, and a soil test kit that contains tests for the following- pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels.
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These were all taken this morning. This is the baby in the pot by himself. If I had to guess...Id go with Indica...perhaps an indica/sativa mix?

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These were also taken this morning, and is of both in the same pot. The picture on the left the same plant as the scraggly small sad lookin' one you can see in the "set up" pictures. Idk why but i am IN LOOOOOVE with the leaves on it. And Id like to say that it is a sativa because of how thin the stalk on that one still is compared to the others..but its not very tall...its the smallest of all 3. but the leaves on it are idk what to think. I kind of want to say that its not getting enough light...but then why do the leaves look so good and continue growing new ones if theres not enough light?
And that guy there in the left picture on the left...well...i dont know what to think about him lol.

any thoughts and or constructive criticism comments are welcomed and appreciated!



Well-Known Member
So you spent $125 trying to make more light using cfl's ? I would say that was a waste. You should have went to amazon and got a 600 watt mh/hps light with everything you need ( both bulbs, timer, cooltube, and digital dimmable ballast) all for $160 shipped. If you would have went this route your plants would be a lot happier and in the end you would be much happier with the amount of bud you get