And this is why you don't tell everyone what yer doing ... idiot kid


Well-Known Member
You really think the government is right and people should go to jail for growing plants? You should go be a fucking cop then. What a hypocrite, you are breaking federal law so shouldn't you go to jail too?
I'm sorry, where did I say I think the government is right? Please, elaborate...


Well-Known Member
Any MMJ user that blatantly grows for profit and who is well above their allotted plant numbers deserves to be thrown in jail. Always has to be someone who takes advantage of their privelages...
Lame. So every other grower in here who DOESN'T have a card should go to jail......they are all above their allotted amount of ...... zero plants.

And who cares if a grower does it for profit. That's all I ever did it for. So I should go to jail?


Well-Known Member
Do any of you read english?

If you kids would like to discuss this further, please PM me, I'd be happy to clear this up word by word so you understand.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think we all know the rules. We don't like the rules... But it isn't in our power to simply ignore the rules.

So it is the responsibility of the rule breakers to not get caught. Cops have a job. They have macho personalities, but they do a job, and for the most part these guys got into the game for a secure paycheck and to keep their communities safe from meth-labs and gang violence. Raiding pot houses just happens to be a part of a much larger service they provide.

Don't give them a reason to knock on the fucking door in the first place and there will never be a problem. It is the responsibility of the grower to protect themselves not with guns and dogs... but with security and stealth. Everyone wants to come home to that Christmas fire and the 4th of July BBQ, even cops, and they never know when the day comes and the wrong kind of fucking arrogant, gun toting, cop killing asshole decides he is bigger than the law and blabs.

Then people die. And the song goes "I fought the Law, and the Law won." I don't care how "hard" you think you are with your AK. A stream of swat officers, most former Army and Marines, filling a house is not something anyone ever NEEDS in their life.

Keep your mouth shut. Cover every corner. If you're stupid enough to get caught know that it is your own fucking fault. Not the rules, not the cop, yours. Own up and don't be a coward.

For those that don't know, NE Portland is not the happiest place in America. Suburban sprawl with a SERIOUS gang problem. I live West of Portland because the Police presence there is hard core. We shoot people up here and it is really unnecessary. It is sad to have such voices in this community who would think otherwise. Just the result of a largely undereducated populous, especially philosophically.


Well-Known Member
Ya, we all know the rules. This instance was an example of greed though. Some states legalize it for medical use and this guy had his card, but got greedy. Oregon i think yer allowed 15 plants and 24 ounces of harvested weed. He was obviously selling it and makin money. So everyone saying you shouldn't get in trouble for growing a plant, maybe so, but i guarantee he was charged with intent to distribute and a shit load more charges. Thats the kicker, if you have 15 plants growing in yer closet i think it should be fine yes, but when yer clearly growing to sell it like that then yer being a greedy jackass that's bringing bad joo joo on us all. If you live in a state that says eff off to growing then i guess good luck on that, but i bet they have laws that distinguish the amount you have on you leading to jail time or a slap on the wrist, just don't get greedy.

I jsut thought it was a funny story and was a good lesson to just keep yer mouth shut. Even if it's just showing yer friends what yer doing. I know he was the type of kid that was all like "check me out, im so badass, i got guns, ill kill you fool" and he got effed in the ass for it lol.


Well-Known Member
I need to sit down with this kid and give him some old skool rap CDs.... They are all about cautionary tales in the life of a young adolescent male.. This is one of the reasons why I'm afraid to have kids, stupid shit like this, kids get access to anything nowadays and they will post anything on the internet just to get that instant gratification.. Patience, young one, patience...


New Member
Stupid kid will get a few years but the dad will face at least 10 years... this is bullshit there are killer an drug dealers selling crack an meth a way worse drug then a plant that God made for all humans to enjoy !


Well-Known Member
Stupid kid will get a few years but the dad will face at least 10 years... this is bullshit there are killer an drug dealers selling crack an meth a way worse drug then a plant that God made for all humans to enjoy !
OH SURE GIVE GOD all the credit........UH EXCUSE ME but think you are leaving someone out.............BOB MARLEY is the one we owe credit too on giveing us dare you ignore him........................hehehehehhehehhe

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
OH SURE GIVE GOD all the credit........UH EXCUSE ME but think you are leaving someone out.............BOB MARLEY is the one we owe credit too on giveing us dare you ignore him........................hehehehehhehehhe
Jesus totally beat him to it.



Well-Known Member
For those that don't know, NE Portland is not the happiest place in America. Suburban sprawl with a SERIOUS gang problem. I live West of Portland because the Police presence there is hard core. We shoot people up here and it is really unnecessary. It is sad to have such voices in this community who would think otherwise. Just the result of a largely undereducated populous, especially philosophically.
NE is shitty in a few certain parts, but not as bad as you describe. you can go to a few places around portland that are as bad as st johns, or downtown near chinatown.

and correct me if i am wrong, but not many people in portland are shooting people up. the worst story on the news most nights is that some homeless guy got mugged.

in any case, i live a happy little life on the far west side of portland metro, but this story made me worry...

...until i realized i am not a gun toting idiot who has his kid sling drugs for him.

and btw, go fuck yourself 2012. you fucking troll.:eyesmoke:

Dick Moser

Active Member
yo, to any fucking ass prick who thinks that "they got what they deserved" should mabye think about their veiws for a fucking second...what the fuck was that guy doing wrong??? IT WAS FUCKING FOR "PERSONAL CONSUMPTION" SOMEONE WAS GONNA CONSUME IT , DONT YEA THINK???? its some GOD DAMN green stuff, and we have to "discuss" how long hes gonna "rot" in jail, (although i will say fuck selling weed to kids or allowing access to any form of adult entertainment or personal medication) fuck that and fuck the people who arrsted them. name ONE other group of people excluding civilians (i.e. tax payer) who have been injured or killed during the war on drugs???? actors???? cops???? soldiers???? hard core drug dealers???? politicians???? old ladies who cant afford percocete????


can card holders grow togethe? Like a CO-OP?
Legally yes if you have the additional paperwork and fees its a care givers license and gives you vendor status meaning you can sell to other patients and to cannabis clubs but limits are set county to county (at least in cali) as to how many plants can be tied to one property. you could split up one property into seperate sub lots with alot of red tape and paperwork but if CAMP flies over and it looks like a larger scale op than personal consumption the chances for the feds to raid are increased. Even when charges are beaten you will not get your weed back.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
NE is shitty in a few certain parts, but not as bad as you describe. you can go to a few places around portland that are as bad as st johns, or downtown near chinatown.

and correct me if i am wrong, but not many people in portland are shooting people up. the worst story on the news most nights is that some homeless guy got mugged.

in any case, i live a happy little life on the far west side of portland metro, but this story made me worry...
I watch a lot of the news around here (terrible news casting btw) and compared to the news in the Bay Area where I originated it is worse up here. Every week it is a shooting in Gresham, or officer down somewhere off of 99w. December was was like 3 gang shootings and a Mosque bombing. I would say officer involved shootings where some dumb shit is wielding a knife or attacking the cop is probably 3 times as common up here.

The homeless problem aside (because the bums here aren't like the Hippy bums I'm used to in Santa Cruz and San Francisco) I still think that the crime in this city is consistently more aggressive than I've seen in California. I came up here and saw people with Viking BBQ's on their back porches, bikes not locked up, and the like and figured the amount of violent crimes would be less than I'd experienced in the Bay Area.

Not the case.

I'm not going to say that the entire east side is "ghetto" but what most of it is, is 1960's/70's cookie cutter single story homes. Lot of them with peeling paint and dead lawns. A lot of low income housing as well. Anywhere in the country you find these things AND a Martin Luther King Blvd... I dunno... Not a place I'd send my girlfriend alone to, not without mace and a knife.

North East, just west of the Airport is a little nicer, but it really depends on what block you are on. Where the NE Lombard house was is pretty iffy. The house on the west side is up in the hills, that's where the grow was, and I'd expect there are MANY houses in those hills who manage not to get caught up.

Oh, and this kid got hauled in for distributing. He hooked up his buddy. He also had $1,000 cash in his room (I had a bank account when I was 14...). This was not some personal stash grow. They got sloppy. They got caught. They weren't obeying the rules.
The teenager was booked into the Juvenile Detention Home on a charge of delivery of marijuana.
OMMP requires that you register the location of your legal grow with the number of plants you intend to maintain. If you do not do this you are not afforded the protection of being a medicinal grower. It is my understanding the address was not registered.

One of the many issues with the Med system up here if you ask me is the registration thing. I think that is why the whole collective thing is so popular. Get a few people together to all name a single location as the grow address and that helps protect the other people from registering their homes as medical grow houses.


Well-Known Member
Thanks amnbannert......I was thinking along the lines of just one site and everyone envolved gets there share no selling.........would make kinda since to have one person who knows how to grow well and have others just help with everyday care.........that way not one person has to do all the work and everyone benefits.......but I suppose thats probley just a dream on my part.


@ Stoned Pony Well the way it usually works is like you said but the percentage of the crop the "knowledgable" person gets is higher than the rest of the members and there are usually many scripts being grown with others scripts (withiout those people there)and those uninvolved scriptholders get a predestined amount of their script for their personal use while the coop uses the rest to recoup costs of growing with extra for their work.


Well-Known Member
@ Stoned Pony Well the way it usually works is like you said but the percentage of the crop the "knowledgable" person gets is higher than the rest of the members and there are usually many scripts being grown with others scripts (withiout those people there)and those uninvolved scriptholders get a predestined amount of their script for their personal use while the coop uses the rest to recoup costs of growing with extra for their work.
I gota sell my house and land and move to a MMJ state.....fuck. thanks for explaining that amnbannert