And wala......I think the problem autoflower plant is male at 2 weeks.

Another pic just because! :D he's looking proud right now....has not had any polled sacks open and drop though I've been picking them before that happens.

View attachment 3773161

Those should be fuckin HUGE by now at 3 weeks homie. You've got something wrong for sure.

Nah they only get 24 inches tall maybe alittle more....the male is about 12 inches and still stretching.Female should start stretching out this next week. Lights on 24/7 as well they will stay short. I fluffed up the first 1 inch of soil there are roots all the way to the edge and they are white...

Not understanding cal/mag and The Coco soil added might have slowed them some and under watering slightly.Overall I should have just treated em like I treated my tomatoes....but all these horror stories about overwatering on here......didn't help.

I will plant another one when I chop this male down and that should do better with knowing what I know now. I will start some normal 12/12's here this month sometime those should get bigger.
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@Big smo grew some autos taller than 5ft bro. Am I wrong to say these should be bigger Smo?

I have another strain of auto can get about 4 ft, but it takes 100+ days from seed. These are not super auto's

3 of the 4 I got get 24-32 inches. 70-80 days. I am looking into getting some of those bigger types.

Typical heights will be somewhere around 24-30”, Grows up to 32”, Grows 26-30”, heights of 43+(this is big one)
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Please stop saying vuah lah. It makes you look like such an ignorant fool.

The word you are looking for is voilà.

I have been ignoring your content for months, so sometimes threads read like this comic strip.

Which I prefer to reading your drivel.

In this case I decided to help. You're welcome Airwalker.
I'm surprised this asshole hasn't chimed in to be a dick to you about your thread title.
I'm surprised this asshole hasn't chimed in to be a dick to you about your thread title.

LOL! :fire:

a way of greeting or saluting your friends, which originated from Southern Africa. It can be used as a equivalent of 'wassup'.

SUUUUUUPPP!!!!!!!! 8)

Working on 5 starter pots for some normal plants I am going to fim and top etc. what ever females come from those. I figure by the time these are done I can just switch over to those. It will be crowded in there this winter....:bigjoint: xmas harvest?
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0) Maturity and THC

Although some growers are interested in fiber content, most people
consider the plant to be mature when the percentage of THC found in the
plant reaches its maximum. It is not practical for the average grower to
actually measure THC in a plant, as the chemistry is somewhat complex. In
a growing plant, each successive pair of leaves contains more THC than the
previous pair. The budding tips of the plant contain the most THC of all.
Both male and female plants contain THC. In fact, some research has shown
that in the early stages of growth the males actual ly contain more THC
than the females
(Frank and Rosenthal, Marijuana Grower's Guide, p. 66).
Even conniseurs believe it is worth cutting and sampling shoots before the
THC has reached its maximum. Clarke suggests that the best bioassy for
pot is to roll joints of several different strains, invite all your
friends over, and see which pile of joints disappears first (Marijuana
Botany, p. 94)

Just saying.....there are some studies.

In case you want these old books.
THC/CBD and CBN are not found in the plant material. They are found in the resin glands that form on the surface of the plant.
THC/CBD and CBN are not found in the plant material. They are found in the resin glands that form on the surface of the plant.

Always nice to see more conflicting info about growing weed. ;)

At any rate I am sure the government studies will help clear up a lot of things over the next 10 years or so.

"This section is added for the curious who don't know much about marijuana and how it is used. The entire plant contains the psychoactive ingredients which include Delta-9 THC and many cannabinoids that give each plant its own unique profile of properties and effects. However, not all parts contain them in the same concentrations."

see more conflicting stuff! :D

The flowers or Buds of the plant contain the highest concentrations of plant resin which in turn contains the highest concentration of active ingredients. The unpollinated flowers of the female plants are the part of the plant that is used by recreational users because they produce copius amounts of potent plant resin in order to try to catch pollen. Marijuana is one of the few plants today that actually is split by gender and has distinct separate male and female plants. Female plants do not pollinate themselves in the absence of males but do contain the genetic capability to produce male flowers and may do so under stress. There are also hermaphrodite plants that produce both male and female flowers. Male plants and male flowers are not very potent and are not used recreationally

Leaves are generally not used recreationally and will generally give you a headache rather than get you high. There are however ways to extract the active ingredients from leaves and the different types of leaves have different potencies.

Large Shade Leaves
These are the large classically shaped leaves on the plant and are the least potent. There are extraction methods that can be performed to get something useful out of these but the result won't be very pure and many growers just throw them away.

Grow Tips
These clusters of small tender leaves are the point on the plant where new growth sprouts from during vegetation. They are more potent than Shade leaves but less potent than trim leaves or bud.

Trim Leaves
These are the sugar coated leaves that are trimmed from around the buds during harvest. The sugar coating of trichomes can make these quite potent and they can be as potent as low quality flower

The stems are not really useful for psychoactive purposes but they are a great source of plant fiber for rope, paper, etc. You can also grind and make high cbd concentrate. I recycle every part of the plant and in some way consume it or turn into a topical lotion. Stems are more useful than you would think. Try to chew one next time you break a bud off and enjoy.

The seeds generally contain only trace amounts of psychoactive ingredients but they are one of the most nutritious foods currently known to man. They are one of only a handful of substances that man can sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all known amino acids.

Despite their minute size, it’s hard to miss the blanket of crystal resin on a cannabis bud. This resin (or “kief” when dry) is secreted through translucent, mushroom-shaped glands on the leaves, stems, and calyxes. Trichomes were originally developed to protect the plant against predators and the elements. These clear bulbous globes ooze aromatic oils called terpenes as well as therapeutic cannabinoids like THC and CBD. The basis of hash production depends on these trichomes and their potent sugar-like resin.

The purpose of the roots is served when the plant is harvested. They have no useful levels of psychoactive ingredients and aren't typically eaten or smoked. There is a rumor that roots have high CBD content but lab analysis has shown THC and CBD ratios similar to the rest of the plant but in dramatically lower concentrations. The source of the rumor appears to be an online news article.
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You are very misinformed Uberknot.

Seems to me you think you know it all..sorry to say most people on forums are not completely informed at all, But have tid bits of this or that knowledge which they sometimes mix up and pass off as fact or rumors.

Show me lab studies complete and I will believe you. Until then I will continue to read the vast myriad of mixed confused postings of people......and sometimes see a nice fact based lab with evidence study.
See my avatar? That's a cave drawing of cannabis leaves.from 1,000-12,000 B.C or later. in Japan.

"In support of this theory, a cave painting found in coastal Kyushuu depicts tall stalks and cannabis leaves. It too is from the Jomon period, and is one of the earliest Japanese artworks in existence.
Ancient pot graffiti: Korean traders bringing cannabis to Japan.The richly coloured painting depicts several somewhat strangely dressed people in baggy short-pants and tall curved hats. Horses and ocean waves are also clearly rendered.

The picture apparently depicts Korean traders bringing a plant by boat. Along the stem of the plant are small pairs of budding leaves or branches. The plants themselves are tall and at the top bear large, distinctive, seven-fingered cannabis leaves.

Surrounding the top of this cannabis plant figure is a sun-like aura, suggesting the continuing connection between the sun and cannabis in Shinto. This is strikingly similar to the hieroglyphic carvings from Mediterranean cultures, which show a similar sun/cannabis motif."

There you can learn something! :D
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Another possible risk of consuming THC comes in the form of impaired motor skills. Marijuana may impair driving or similar tasks for approximately three hours after consumption and it is the second-most common psychoactive substance found in drivers, after alcohol, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. People taking medical marijuana are instructed not to drive until it has been established that they can tolerate it and conduct motor tasks successfully.

haha, Sorry officer I was recklessly driving 10mph under the speed limit and thinking about my every action thrice before acting. I was been super cautious and I am very sorry. I only drove around the block four times because that 25ft parking space just didn't seem big enough.
Please take my drivers licence away as I am clearly a menace to society.
Maybe one day you will be lucky enough to smoke some real bud. So you can experience a real high.

Ya know I have yet to find anything that compares to what was around the 4 corners/tri-state area/cali in the 80's Overall it was better in taste, looks, and smell and yeah it got you high and you laughed a lot more too.............:eyesmoke:
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