And you thought the regular 'ole flat earther was dumb...

In 2017, a group of Hawaiians completed a circumnavigation in a traditional polynesian sailing vessel using only ancestral navigation techniques (stars, birds, wave patterns, etc.) and no modern instruments. Too bad modern flat earth morons dont know how to do proper research to save themselves from embarassment.
Wait what?

They missed the End of the Earth sign? Dude it's floating about 100 yards before the great chasm into nothingness. I almost fell in but a giant eagle picked me up and dropped me off at Mount Doom. It was there I flung the evil ring into the river of lava. So my story ended :eyesmoke:
BGR: Flat Earthers tried to sail to the edge of the world… and you can totally guess how it went.
Thank God they didn't go the right way. If they would have fallen off the edge of the world, it would have been a great loss for humanity.
Each time I think that there's nothing to surprise me in this world, I come across a thread or blog post about flat earthers. Only these narrow-minded people can make me smile on a gray day. Even though I'm not an aerospace engineer, my life is connected with the space exploration industry. And it's soo hurt when such people don't respect you and your efforts...