wow.. there is a lot of bullshit in here. First and foremost, pcp is a pharmaceutical used in veterinary applications. It was replaced by ketamine due to its nature to cause hallucinations, although it is relatively similar to ketamine.
There are a lot of horror stories in here.. I know a lot of people who have done dust, and I know a lot of people who still do dust. I've never heard of any one of them doing anything violent or even really stupid while on pcp.
Yeah, in the wrong hands (someone with pre existing anger problems or maybe even depression problems) could lead to some of the more violent stories that you hear. But for a normal easy-going person without an insanely high dose will not be inclined to go out and act violent.
PCP is habit forming and will build tolerance, so becareful with it, especially if you have it for your first time.
By the way the guy who posted "It will make you black-out, hallucinate and you will lose ALL your inhibitions" is full of shit. Yes, it is a dissasociative anesthetic, but no, as long as the dosage is low you will not black out (otherwise, hence being an anesthetic, you'd be rendered unconscious).
If you would like to read a more educated view other than mine, go to erowid.