Angel of Crisis

My soul rises on the wings of the dawn; I am the Angel of Crisis…

I soar with the birds… I rise and fall; the ebb and flow of life… I greet the Sun as he rises over this weary world, and I welcome him with a sigh of relief; I have made it through one more night, I am intact, I am whole, I am alive, I am indeed grateful and in love…

My heart is where it should be…

I ride the currents of the wind, surfing through light upon light… upon light; interwoven together, such a fine tapestry, constantly searching for and clinging to every new shade of light, for each one is more precious than the last…

I circle my thoughts and energy in some areas for varying reasons, absolute focus always to keep my heart and thoughts grounded and trained in love and gratitude; trusting… always trusting… Just as the birds do when they rely daily on sustenance and shelter from the darkness that binds and swallows… they ride those currents of wind with such grace, beauty and confidence that it seems as if they help to lift the sun up from the fathomless depths of the sea where he had been grieving, so he can smile brightly once again, warming your face and brightening your world once more…

If you could but rest and relax daily; knowing there will always be a rise and fall to everything in this world, be it an emotion or a nation; an ebb and flow… A conditioning and cleansing of the spirit, heart and soul… the days will be like the birds, trusting every need will be met in the moment it arrives, and learning to live in just that moment, your heart will truly soar… The heights you will rise to, will surmount anything you have or could ever climb to before, and you will find hope and purpose for your soul.

This is a time of New Beginnings in this world, referred to as a cosmic “pressure cooker” that we have been placed in, we are in a new spiritual journey that will take us leaps and bounds further then we have yet to know or witness… a time when hope is at its easiest to attain, yet also at its most difficult too, because we realize we are the ONLY ones standing in our own way… And it tends to change things when we realize it is our own demons we have to face from the deepest, darkest, foulest, and smelliest places of our soul, in order to make it to the summit alive and well, but face them you must, there is no shadow box anymore, the light is pouring in and will only continue to do so…

Some of us weren’t even aware we were there in the shadows, and the grounds will tremble as they tend to do before any awakening or birthing. The foundations of your soul will shake and tremble like a woman in the throes of labor pains… what is it you hold onto? What is your talisman, and will it come to you when you need help? If not, I suggest you change your course, set your sails in another direction, perhaps consult the lovely lady who alone knows your truest course on this earth; your heart will certainly be your truest compass if you but ask her… for it is through her that the Divine/God speaks, she is our translator and the languages are difficult and fierce to decipher, and it is a sad, sad day when you realize the key to finding God was in your heart all along, and what did you do to the beautiful lady who wanted to gladly usher you into His great presence? Is she bound and mute, off in a corner somewhere? Because this is not going to look good for you when the light pours in, let alone feel good, it will indeed hurt like a bitch… for we have always, ALWAYS reaped what we sow…

The aching pain that fills Mother Earth to the brim with grief… FULL ON, never stopping, only starting with the gnashing of tiny little teeth, and continuing with the grinding of human flesh and bones into her soil/flesh, as she opens her nauseated mouth once more to swallow the vile, disgust and greed that has been poured out once more, in blood, her blood; OUR BLOOD…. Daily this world suffers, daily she opens her nauseated mouth to swallow more murder… jealousy… greed… hatred… such dark corruption that she weeps and wails for the victimized…

Mother asks that we change our course… It is so simple really, yet I bet not many will really understand the solution, because of the blinders we have placed on our eyes; from every perception you have misjudged; heart you have failed; wound you have inflicted through knife stabbing words of jealousy and hatred; and every wrong doing towards yourself you have not released, will certainly only color your world… Is your world rosy?!?
Her ears ache, her head pounds and swims in deliria from the screams and cries of those she can’t help… The blood she is forced to swallow every second from the murderers and thieves taking lives; flesh and blood, and pouring them out into her soil in an offering of all consuming hatred… it turns her stomach to acid, churning and twisting; forever eating away at her own belly, stripping her of her nutrients so she is no longer able to absorb the goodness of the rich foods she used to be able to pour out over every table top during harvest in great, unabashed abundance; cleansing away our impurities on her own… but it is to no avail, we are unsatisfied lovers, looking in yet another cistern to find hope for our own…

We have forgotten our love for our dear, sweet Mother Earth… what has to happen for us to remember?!?

We change our course as a nation by beginning to love first ourselves, and then one another; by remembering we are all connected and one… that EVERY SINGLE STRUGGLE on this planet is indeed our struggle… When did we become so foolish and vain to believe that our life was only ours, or that our path in this world would not constantly intersect with other paths and other superbly wonderful human beings and horribly hateful human beings that are all in process too? Indeed we are ALL in process on this earth together. You may NOT judge another for their progress and they may NOT judge you for your progress or how you process your progress…. It is your divine right… Do you claim it?

Why are we always assuming someone else has the answers or that they are farther along in life to be behaving in a better manner towards us? Here is an idea, step out of yourself for just a second and realize that the person who just pissed you off royally by cutting you off in traffic, is actually headed to the ER and needs your grace… Just stop for a minute and think, stop and think… STOP… and THINK…. If you have anger or angst in your heart towards someone, it is YOUR fault, not theirs. It really doesn’t matter what they did to you, or how they did it, most of the time other people’s behavior has absolutely NOTHING to do with us and we are just too vain to know any better, to look outside of ourselves with a compassionate heart and reach out to someone in need… When was the last time you held the hand of a desolate man who was sitting in his car weeping because he felt he had finally reached the end of his rope, and you watched and felt the pain he endured and you reached out to help and he reached out desperately and clutched to your hand, clinging for life, for something to believe in at his darkest moment, were you there? Could you be there?

The only way to reach her heart and soften the pain that she seethes and bring healing to her core, is to begin by loving yourself… You can’t love someone else truly and have compassion for another when you won’t even give it to yourself first. If you don’t think you deserve it and that you are not a worthy and valuable contribution to this world, who else can convince you that they are worthy of this sacred love you carry? This sacred love we hold in our hearts, but never experience and unfold to look at in the light…

You must learn to listen to Mother, tune your ears to hear her voice; she calls ever so softly, ever so sweetly. She wants you to waltz with her once again in her forests full of the softest and sweetest grasses and the air alive with the symphony of chirpings and humming’s, like when you were young… She wants to seek out the most dazzling butterflies together with you in the deepest shades of the Summer days. To chase the tiny patch of sunshine peeking out over the farthest ridge where the rain is temporarily abated, and really run with all your heart for joy, chasing that sunshine, certain you could catch it before the clouds tucked him back in for another crying spell… She longs to hold you in her valleys…comfort you with her mountains; surround you in soft protection… Meet her in the middle of the field of wild flowers, she longs to place a crown of her most beautiful flowers upon your head and claim that you are indeed the loveliest thing she ever did see… She needs your love, just as much as you need hers... Do you remember? Can you remember what it was like to experience that true, rippling up and bubbling over joy that as a child made you laugh until you were crying? I think it is time to remember. Time to remember what we can be… time to remember who we were… and time to step into this moment and feel her unconditional love once more… Time to Remember…. Time to love now…