Angryblackman's 1st CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Yes it is quite yummy!

So far lessons learned here is that I was too ambitious and got too many plants going at one time. I also let them veg too long. I should have spaced them out. I was going for a larger yield but this isn't the way to do it. Less plants, more air circulation, better lighting solution, and topping will be key next time around. Since this is my first indoor grow I am not too disappointed in how it's turning out. :D

With the weather getting better I am more than likely going to be finishing the ladies that I have in there and work on making the cabinet better for next time. I rushed putting it together and did it with a friend in a couple of days.

Plans for this cabinet in the summer are going to be getting clones ready to go outside and for rooting cuttings for my friends that need the space.

I will keep you all posted on the flowering..


Well-Known Member
Thought that I would just post up the ladies that will no longer be in the CFL's. Tossed them out this weekend.

Here is the one that wasn't doing well inside. Found out that the drainage wasn't good enough in the party cup and the roots never went past half the cup.


Here are the ones that I just put out. The soil is crap and the weather is still kinda cold but it's bagseed! I have 2 others inside. :)

I haven't maintained the yard at all so it's easy to hide them for a bit... (That's my excuse and I am sticking to it!) :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
You know what I hate about growing? The Trim. Not an issue for small indoor yields, but come next fall/winter, I'm sure both my girl and I will have claw hands from days upon days of snip snip snip. You too snip


Well-Known Member
You know what I hate about growing? The Trim. Not an issue for small indoor yields, but come next fall/winter, I'm sure both my girl and I will have claw hands from days upon days of snip snip snip. You too snip
LOL Yeah I know what you are talking about. I got 7oz dry last season and was complaining about that! :D I know that this year I am going to need some help and I already told the wife to make sure and get some rest.

OMG outdoor plants!!!!!!!!! Lucky fucker! Got so excited I didnt write a name on ur rep..
I am just hoping that I can keep them alive during the next couple of storms. I couldn't wait and wanted to see what the bagseed would do in the ground. :)


Well-Known Member
I got me a crazy line up this year prob is I still need to find a spot, got three months tough...hopefully your updates will help my erge to get some outside!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I will probably be posting up an outdoor grow in the next week or so.. Just have to see what happens after this next storm we have rolling in. Luckily I remembered to plant them under a tree and they are getting sun from sun up to about 3PM now but the tree extends over the top of them and hopefully will create a natural rain cover.


Well-Known Member
Found another set of balls last night so I chopped it down. :(

But I did get what I thought was a cool shot of the Redwood Kush doing her thing. :)



Well-Known Member
ABM must have won big in vegas and said "F**K those plants and my thread im moving to Amsterdam" lol


Well-Known Member
Nope I wish! I had a buddy that was watching my plants while I was gone. I am about to clone the Green Crack and my clones are about 20 days from being done. I am going to start on molasses in a few days. I will get some pics up as soon as I can get a chance to go and tend to the ladies. :)


Well-Known Member
lol aww bro i was hoping you would hit the jackpot
long story short i got a grape ape x green crack clone but it turned out to actually be blueberry headband i made a new thread