Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

haha... ya i love bongs man i dont know whats up wit my brothers from other mothers. i guess they think blunts are the cool thing to smoke, either that or they're lightweights and cant handle a good bong rip.
all my black friends refuse to hit the bong, they tell me that its white people shit and to roll up a blunt.

Went out on a date with a black girl and pulled out a pretty standard blown glass pipe and she freaked out. She thought I was trying to get her to smoke crack. She said she had never even seen someone smoke weed out of one. Couldn't figure out the carb. I thought that was incredible considering we lived in the same city within walking distance of each other.
I smoked so much, I had to switch to a vaporizer, wow what a difference!
I haven't hit a bong/joint/blunt since!

I do like cookies though!

P.S. I'm about a day or two away from getting a portable vaporizer for fishing/road trips!
my friend just picked up one of those portable ones i think it was made by iolite... works pretty good just seems a tad bit pricy for a piece of plastic. i believe he paid $150.
I smoked so much, I had to switch to a vaporizer, wow what a difference!
I haven't hit a bong/joint/blunt since!

I do like cookies though!

P.S. I'm about a day or two away from getting a portable vaporizer for fishing/road trips!

Vaps just don't taste right to me.
all my black friends refuse to hit the bong, they tell me that its white people shit and to roll up a blunt.

haha dude that sounds like me about 2 years ago ..cause my white friends would tell me to hit the bong and id id rip the hell out of that mutherf**ker and end up coughing for a minute straight while they laugh hystarically .. and id be like FUCK THAT THING ITS THE DEVIL lol until i actually learned the proper way of hitting a bong now i love them ..still dont mess with pipes tho

i actually just broke MY first and only bong last night R.I.P. :(
thats one of the advantages to blunts, they dont break when u drop them. and if they rip it was only a buck. my boy just broke his $300 triple perculated (dont know if i spelled that right) bong.
it was a bad day for glass everywhere yesterday i broke my chillum and my only one since my brother in law stole my other one
cant wait to see what she looks like after being dried for a couple days
how long do you plan on curing ABM ?
I usually dry for 5-7 days and cure for at least 2 weeks before sampling anything. Then I put them back in the jar to let them cure more. I usually go a month or longer before consuming in mass quantities. :D