Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

LOL Tell me about it!

Here are a couple shots from today. :)

Odor Control. LOL

New Piece (In Jars Jhod58vw's thx bro! Green Crack and Mango)

Panoramic shot from the iPhone.
Lookin good! Hey,are you on another forum,under the same name?The other forum is a totaly different topic than this one.Just wondering:mrgreen:
Hey, nice panorama shot...I'm fucking stoned dude...Some thread on here got me smoking with a magnifying glass first thing this morning and now I'm seeing spots...haha...I already don't wanna go to work tomorrow...
I forgot to snap a pic but I took 12 cuttings from the Redwood Kush this weekend and I have the Prophet's starting their bondage session. Hope everyone is staying cool and keeping it green! :)
Woooooot!!! I know one of those cuttings has Meta's name on it!! Glad shit is going well, brother. Trying to stay cool in SoCal in the summer without AC is difficult, but I'm going to work soon...Yay...Hot kitchen for 8 hours...maybe it'll be cooler when I get off tonight...
Woooooot!!! I know one of those cuttings has Meta's name on it!! Glad shit is going well, brother. Trying to stay cool in SoCal in the summer without AC is difficult, but I'm going to work soon...Yay...Hot kitchen for 8 hours...maybe it'll be cooler when I get off tonight...

If I could figure out a way to get it to you I would! I have no problem sharing any with you guys. It's just a matter of distance. :)
Are you having any White fly problems? I know your pretty close to me. This morning walking my dog there was whitle flys all over the damn place like a mini snow storm. The bastards have descend into my backyard from a neighbors fruit trees and im killing thousands a day. I spray spinosad every night since i dont know what else to do. Evrythign was goign so good until these white devils came down on me.
Nope I haven't have any problems with whiteflies yet. I did have some caterpillars but I think that I got them taken care of for the moment. I am using Sevin and I had some BT that I ran out of.
what it is abm! damn man<if i get something good ill let ya know! i got couple chemdawg cuttings rooting rt now,idk what to do with them.i onlt tokk them because i just failed with 7 clones,i had to try again.this time is better! ima read back thru your thread,i thot i was subd?hmmm.
Solar hits are simply lighting your meds with the sun. Most people were using magnifying glasses but I saw a few using jewelers loupes too. :)
hey do you have any better pics of your purple dragon plant cuz i cant find anything or any info or pics of it growing and i want to compare to mine
The only pics that I had were there. It got pulled in April due to the rains (was only about 6 weeks) and I didn't snap any more pics. Sorry man. If you have some pics of yours you want to share I can tell you how they look to me.. :)