Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

What's up guys.. Been super busy and not really able to get on here and update my thread. My wife somehow hurt her back and has been out of work all week as well as grieving for a friend that she lost 2 weeks ago. Not sure when I will be back around but I will be taking pics and posting when I have the time.

The green Crack and Purple Dragon have also been harvested. I didn't want to risk it in the rain so I chopped them a little early. I will have some pics of them drying up for you tonight after I get done with the honey do list. Hope all you guys are rocking the grows and keeping the girls dry and warm!
What's up guys.. Been super busy and not really able to get on here and update my thread. My wife somehow hurt her back and has been out of work all week as well as grieving for a friend that she lost 2 weeks ago. Not sure when I will be back around but I will be taking pics and posting when I have the time.

The green Crack and Purple Dragon have also been harvested. I didn't want to risk it in the rain so I chopped them a little early. I will have some pics of them drying up for you tonight after I get done with the honey do list. Hope all you guys are rocking the grows and keeping the girls dry and warm!

Aww, well, I hope wifey feels better soon, and I'm sorry for her loss. I understand being too busy to update, a lot of the time it feels that way for me as well. I don't even try anymore when I have work that day, at least not with the outdoor grow. Anyway, congrats on the other harvests, looking forward to some pics, and keep thos thumbs green, my friend!
Thanks man... Still getting through some crap here and HOPEFULLY I will be back on track by the end of the weekend. On top of everything going on my wifes clutch took a crap so... When does it end!!!!!!!!
Oh, it never ends, bro...Haha, you know that! ;) All we can do is catch glimpses of harmony every now and then between life shitting on ya!
What's going on my green thumbed brothas! Whew what a crazy few weeks I have been having but hopefully I will be able to get back in here and update you guys more regularly. I got a few pics up and with this 3 day weekend coming I will be able to spend some quality time out in the yard and get some stuff cleaned up. :)

I have a video that I am working on uploading now. :)

Here's my vid.. Hopefully you guys can see it...

Picks look good bro, but you've made the video 'private' so I can't view it

Keep up the good work

My best 'healing thoughts' are coming your way



Thanks for stopping by again! :D

That's one angry grow !

Don't forget UGLY!!! :D

Looks like your gonna have some big ones!:mrgreen:Lookin good

I will settle for a few big ones. :D Thanks!

is that a smart pot with handles??

Yes sir it is! It's called a Grow Pot and I picked it up at the local hydro shop. It was $2.00 less than the smartpot. :)

Yo ABM did you dig up and air the soil in your patch? Just looks a bit compacted round there?

Nice none the less!!

Thanks! No I didn't till or anything. I just dug the holes and replaced the dirt with Supersoil and Kellogs Patio Plus. This is one of the reasons I am calling it an ugly grow as I did very little to actually prep the area. :)

nice update ABM!! i like the vid, and the plants are looking great, loving that sun! +rep!

Thanks sir.. Glad you guys are all still tuned in. :D