Animated Suspension Clonal Storage

whew just realized im so high, heres a ramble

currently I have several species of cacti that Im attempting to propagate, with some success via tissue culture, but have been interested in applying it to more plants. Id love to have a cooler full of live, ready to donate host plants of everything at my disposal! haha thats obviously insane x100000. but I do really like plants they are fucking badass. Im so excited to finally be going back to school for some horticultural courses this fall.

and ive been getting into hanging onto tissue culture "vials" with agar substrate and mycelium in a "dormant" state to maintain a variety of mushroom strains without constant colonizing and cultivation of them thats more stable and guaranteed to stay viable than spore prints/syringes. sorta the same thing too.

I should adapt this to weed since i have a need for a abundant variety of strains and not that much grow space lmao. cheers man thanks, on a bit of a hiatus from music right now haha, focusing on buying a house soon!

this is from a run i did today/yesterday of some ghost train haze, yum yum yum
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I would like to see a link where any of this is available, and further details on how to do the process. If none are forthcoming, I'm a little skeptical.
I would like to see a link where any of this is available, and further details on how to do the process. If none are forthcoming, I'm a little skeptical.
Hey here the link you asked for hope you enjoy it was a great read very scientific!
Yours truly thelionsden