

Active Member
I seriously need to get caught up in both bleach and naruto
i think bleack might take longer cause im watching the anime
but im going to just read the naruto chapters to close the gap faster


Well-Known Member
How far into bleach are you?I dont want to spoil it for you so if your one of those people who doesnt like spoilers or anything i would stop reading this post, but anyway it kinda sucks in a way that the arrancar/espada end up being absolutely meaningless after all the time they went on about how strong they are and all that, i was really disappointed how little they ended up mattering.


Active Member
im like just verging on a hundred
but the great thing is spoilers are only relevent if i know the people
and even then if i don't know the names already i will forget the spoiler lol
i have all the episodes upto like 240
how far ahead is the manga?


Well-Known Member
have you gotten through the chapters where they dont have a number like normal yet when they tell the vizards and aizen and urahara's story that happened 100 yrs b4 the start of bleach? they were called turn back the pendelum and didnt get numbered in the same way. if you dont count them its at 414, with them counted its somewhere around 430-440 chapters long so far. It's getting close to the end i think, i dont see it going more than 100-150 more chapters max.


Well-Known Member
Hellsing is the shit so is
Full Metel Alchemist
Full Metal Panic
Trinity Blood
Afro Samuri


Active Member
Thats not even the truth for bleach though
the creator hasn't even figured out how hes going to end the series yet
he said he will just end it when he feels like it
hopefully he won't drag it out to far
once i get caught up on the naruto manga
im going to read the bleach manga and watch the anime at a slower pace
i find manga is alot easier to read than anime with subtitles


Well-Known Member
i know, but he cant have the story go on forever and alot of the plot points that have been hinted have been done, right now all the captains cept for kenpachi byakuya unohana and mayuri have been defeated, and who beside unohana are in hueco mundo. The vizards have all been defeated, old man yama has been killed, aizen merged with the hogyoku and is in the soul society after he invaded karakura town, which soul society replaced with a decoy where he and the captains could have their last battle to keep the town safe, aizen has revealed the fact they switched it will make it much easier for him to make the kings key by sacrificing karakura town while its in the soul society and he knew the one was a fake all along and after defeating all the captains and the vizards and ichigo, uruhara, yorouchi and isshin (old man yama too) after reaching his limit against ishin and merging with the hogyoku is now in soul society, gin just tried to betray him and revealed he knows aizens biggest secret, the only way to overcome aizens sword is just like tosens bankai, if you grab the blade it doesnt work and that was his goal all along. he destroyed aizens body pretty much and stole the hogyoku but merging with it gave aizen control no matter who has it physically right now and his body kind of reforms and he's in the process of killing gin and taking it back is where we are at right now. The captains all seem pretty well totally defeated, we also find out isshin is just as strong as we all hoped when he hops right back up uninjured and tells ichigo its time to go and that the only way to beat aizen is for ichigo to learn the final getsuga tensho. lol, sorry, i got into talking about it so much cuz its getting so good and their are so many great things that have happened.


Well-Known Member
I seriously need to get caught up in both bleach and naruto
i think bleack might take longer cause im watching the anime
but im going to just read the naruto chapters to close the gap faster
The Naruto Manga is kicking ass right now...though I think its closing up...Love that shit, don't want to give spoilers, but yea...most updated is on mangastream, same for bleach, which stays fucked up....but in a good way... also, Deathnote is pretty badass if you've ever have the time...


Well-Known Member
**spoiler, youve been warned**

I think naruto might be kind of shitty this week, I'm fairly sure they are gonna do some guy vs. kisame re-match for a few chapters. looks likeTite kubo is going to make us wait to see ichigos training in his inner world and what happened for a while still. it appears he emerges from his 3 months training in the passage between earth and soul society this chapter. you seen the spoilers yet ravenmochi? what do you think of them? I think bleach is alot closer to ending than naruto, the big final battle between aizen and ichigo looks to be fairly close. It would be cool if their was another villian after aizens defeat, but i dont think thats gonna happen sadly.


Well-Known Member
**spoiler, youve been warned**

I think naruto might be kind of shitty this week, I'm fairly sure they are gonna do some guy vs. kisame re-match for a few chapters. looks likeTite kubo is going to make us wait to see ichigos training in his inner world and what happened for a while still. it appears he emerges from his 3 months training in the passage between earth and soul society this chapter. you seen the spoilers yet ravenmochi? what do you think of them? I think bleach is alot closer to ending than naruto, the big final battle between aizen and ichigo looks to be fairly close. It would be cool if their was another villian after aizens defeat, but i dont think thats gonna happen sadly.
I was disappointed as hell in both the bleach and manga chapters, especially bleach. We already knew Gin died last week, it was a complete waste of time, both for me reading it, and him writing it, not to mention it was short. And yea, with naruto it was Guy vs Kisame...AGAIN... I love how they made naruto this powerful, and for the first time in the whole of the fucking series he sprains his ankle...WTF?!! before he ever learned to control kyuubi even a little kyuubi would heal him quick, he now has complete control and what? a FUCKING SPLINT?! then add last week there was nothing, DOUBLE FAIL for naurto and bleach this week, one double for each of them... >:|

I think your right about bleach ending sooner though, Its almost stupid because it originally just seemed like it was going to be another ark, but with them having built up Aizen the way they have, really no point in having another villian. Although, they could go Dragonball Z and just keep inventing something stronger and stronger, but I dont see them doing that...


Well-Known Member
I liked bleach sort of, nothing much happened action wise, but aizen revealing he too had made a hogyoku himself before uruhara made his and that aizen basically fed uruharas hogyoku to his i thought was a pretty interesting revelation that will have larger reprucussions down the road. I think it will be a huge factor in aizens defeat. Uruhara had 100+ yrs with his hogyoku before he sealed it in rukia and he's been a major player in every little thing as aizen opponent(like pulling the strings behind just about every event in the story, especially when it comes to ichigo and his development). man, im kinda worried now though, it looks like this may be the final fight with aizen, it almost seems way too soon for it all to end.

I was actually a little curious about the inner gates way earlier in the manga/story and thought they were pretty cool. To my surprise it wasnt as bad of a chapter as i thought. I was expecting the whole naruto not showing us any of his new moves and shit do to something like guy telling naruto "no! my fight!" or something the twisted ankle was meant to illustrate his clumsiness still i think, but i thought it was kind of lame. i would of liked guy to just tell naruto to back off, but oh well, at least guy was acting all super stupid like normal. lol. he's gotta be my least favorite character on naruto.


Well-Known Member
what the hell is full metal alchemist about. it keeps confusin me or i turn from it.
thats a complicated thing to answer, effectively alchemy, but also the attempt to bring people back to life, natures had a lot of fucked up underlying theme's....loved that anime...havn't kept up to well with brotherhood though, had the original series, loved the way it ended.

Effectively they are in a parallel universe where instead of technology taking off, they made advancements in alchemy. So when they end up in this universe they don't have alchemy and have to learn to use science, but both worlds have a little of the other....
lol havent read all teh other posts man but wanted to tell you i love anime watching it and drawing it
but for the most part i just draw chibis ;D since they are so cute

I know im a girl but i love animes with girls with big boobies.

some of my favs are
-Shugi Chara
-All the dragonball series

thats all i can think of right now XD

Just started watching clannad since it was on netflix....


Well-Known Member
oh man, that reminds me of this awesome manga i was into, it was this guy who goes to a school for monsters and this hot ass vampire chick falls for him. yokai academy? damn, this is gonna drive me nuts till i can remember the name.
oh man, that reminds me of this awesome manga i was into, it was this guy who goes to a school for monsters and this hot ass vampire chick falls for him. yokai academy? damn, this is gonna drive me nuts till i can remember the name.
I think your talking about Rosario+vampire. I watched alot of it online. but only the older episodes... i thought it ended the first seaon or two... i know i was it in 2008 but i cant remember pretty much anything about...
